Epic Privacy Browser Makes Surfing Ultra-Discreet Posted: 15 Sep 2013 11:27 AM PDT Keep your tracks hidden with Epic Privacy Browser If privacy while you're browsing the web is important to you, the new Epic Privacy Browser from Hidden Reflex could be the answer for all your discreet surfing needs. It's free, proxies all search queries, and also offers a proxy feature that can cloak source IP addresses for all other internet browsing activity. The Epic Privacy Browser, via PC World, will not accept third-party cookies and will block trackers. Referrer data that's normally sent to search engines will be blocked as well. Of course, while a small percentage of the data will not be blocked, there's enough wiped away here to make Epic Privacy Browser worth your while. After you close your browser, none of your traffic passes through the Hidden Reflex servers. Auto-fill and other information is handled locally, and Epic eliminates any stored data when the browser closes. You may not have automatic login privileges, but your data is going to be a lot safer than with any old random browser. If you're interested, check out the official website here. We wish you happy (and private) browsing! |
Tablet Sales Projected To Pass PCs, Laptops In Late 2013 Posted: 14 Sep 2013 10:17 PM PDT Tablet sales on the rise, demonstrated by IDC How keen are you on your tablet? Do you tend to use it more often than your PC or are you more of a hardcore desktop/laptop fan? If the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Smart Connected Device Tracker is to be believed, tablet shipments are set to surpass PC shipments in the fourth quarter of 2013. Tablets are selling like hotcakes. According to the study, tablets will contribute 16.5 percent to the device market by 2017, while total PC sales are projected to drop to 13 percent. It's not as though there's any revenue to be lost here, though, as the "global smart connected device" (which ranges from PCs to tablets to smartphones) is a projected $622.4 billion, with $423.1 billion stemming from tablets and phones alone. It's an ever-changing landscape as the rise of portable tech keeps going up and up. Desktops and laptops may be kings of productivity, but pocket tech is obviously wildly popular as well. |
Valve Offering Steam Distribution Deal To IGF Finalists Posted: 14 Sep 2013 09:47 PM PDT IGF finalists given chance to distribute games through Steam Valve is offering a deal that Independent Games Festival (IGF) nominees can't refuse. The sixteenth annual IGF competition finalists will be given the chance to distribute their very own games on Steam, as announced yesterday via CVG. This bombshell comes right after the introduction of Steam Sharing, a handy new service we reported just a few days ago. The festival takes place March 17-21 in San Francisco, and the finalists that will be showcased will be announced in January. Previous titles to have come from the popular festival include FTL and Fez. More recently, the cult hits Gone Home, Cart Life, and Kentucky Route Zero found places on Steam thanks to the partnership between Valve and the IGF. Are you looking forward to the IGF and seeing which finalists made the cut? |
Facebook Testing Auto-Play Ads on Mobile Feeds Posted: 14 Sep 2013 08:48 PM PDT Videos on your mobile Facebook feed will now auto-play Last month, we reported Facebook's plans to bring auto-play ads to your social networking experience. Now, TechSpot reports, Facebook is currently testing a new mobile feature that auto-plays videos on your feed. While this feature is being touted as a simpler way to view video content on your mobile devices, it's heralding the video ads we caught wind of previously.  Like the recent trending topics test run, this feature is only being rolled out for certain users. Right now, auto-play videos will only begin playing on your friends' pages, as well as musicians and bands. That's all well and good for now, but better brace yourselves -- it looks like the ads are upon us. How long until PC advertisements? We're sure they're probably on their way too. |