


Black Gold: Optimal Time-Based File Save Model Introduced

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 06:56 PM PDT

Optimal Time-Based File Save Model Introduced

Snail Games (China) has released new information about the upcoming revenue model for Black Gold. Called "Optimal Time-Based File Save Model", players are given the opportunity to save their game progress through the use of in-game gold purchased with real world cash.

Neverwinter: Balance & Gameplay Update Posted

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 02:19 AM PDT

Balance & Gameplay Update Posted

Cryptic Studios has updated the Neverwinter site with information about how gameplay and balance will be addressed in Module 1: Fury of the Feywild. Among several things, Astral Diamond prices for some services will be reduced, class balance changes are incoming, and much more.

Age of Conan: Unchained: Coils of Ubah Kan Dungeon Opens

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 02:31 PM PDT

Coils of Ubah Kan Dungeon Opens

Age of Conan's Dragon's Spine has a new dungeon in which players can challenge themselves to some of the game's most dangerous monsters. Called the Coils of Ubah Kan, the dungeon is the home city of a race of Serpent men.

Destiny: Red Death - A Heavy Metal Weapon

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 02:22 PM PDT

Red Death - A Heavy Metal Weapon

Destiny's site has been updated with a preview of a weapon that players will have access to in the game. Called "Red Death", the gun is an 'exotic', a weapon forged in the past that only certain players will be able to access.

World of Warcraft: Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer Released

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 12:28 PM PDT

Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer Released

Blizzard is getting ready for the final release of the World of Warcraft patch v5.4, Siege of Orgrimmar. To get players ready to participate in the epic battle, the team has released a brand new trailer. Check it out!

War Thunder: Now on Steam

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 12:26 PM PDT

Now on Steam

War Thunder is now available for download via Steam. The game underwent the 'Green Light' campaign and was selected as a game for inclusion via Steam.

General: Musical Gaming

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 06:38 PM PDT

Musical Gaming

Music is an integral part of our daily lives, both in the 'real' world and in our virtual worlds. In her latest column, Genese Davis takes a look at gaming music and its importance in the industry. Read on and then tell us your favorite in-game music title in the comments.

General: Trion to Close England Location

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 10:27 AM PDT

Trion to Close England Location

According to an article at GamesIndustry.biz, Trion Worlds has confirmed that it will be closing the Guildford, England branch of the company. This confirmation comes on the heels of the news released last week that the San Diego studio would be closing.

General: Stylized Graphics

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 06:29 PM PDT

Stylized Graphics

Welcome back to another edition of Player Versus Player. This is the column where MMORPG.com writers come to square off on the issues you care about, even playing the devil's advocate to make sure each side is represented. It's an arena battle of wits and words where only you can decide the victor.

Continent of the Ninth Seal: The Sixth Continent of Raebin Introduced

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 05:18 PM PDT

The Sixth Continent of Raebin Introduced

The Continent of the Ninth Seal has been updated with new information about the newest zone to be added to the game, the Sixth Continent of Raebin. Players will be able to battle through twenty new levels and three new dungeons.

Elder Scrolls Online: Racial & Guild Skills

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 06:20 PM PDT

Racial & Guild Skills

Bethesda was on hand recently at QuakeCon. Among other things, the team presented a terrific new video from Elder Scrolls Online. We took a close look at the video and found out some pretty awesome information about how players will level up both racial and guild skills in the game. See what we discovered before heading to the comments to chat.

Mabinogi: The Saga: Iria Episode Seven – Heroic Path: The Choice

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 05:37 PM PDT

The Saga: Iria Episode Seven – Heroic Path: The Choice

Nexon has released the latest Mabinogi video in the ongoing series of anime-inspired videos. Called The Saga: Iria Episode Seven - Heroic Path: The Choice, the story continues with Millia meets Ruairi at the oasis, and they bond over their mutual desire for revenge. The player escapes from the Giants and Elves and is reunited with Akule.

SMITE: Conquest Map Overhauled

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 05:09 PM PDT

Conquest Map Overhauled

The SMITE team has sent out a new video featuring a terrific look at the Conquest map overhaul. The graphics have been updated and improved in amazing ways. See for yourself!

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Warzone Arenas Coming in Patch v2.4

Posted: 13 Aug 2013 06:04 PM PDT

Warzone Arenas Coming in Patch v2.4

The Star Wars: The Old Republic site has been updated with new information about a forthcoming addition to the game with the next patch. Called "Warzone Arenas", the new content will give PvPers a chance at free-for-all fun in a "Last Team Standing" bloodfest.

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