QuakeCon 2013: The Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay Posted: Watch a 20 minute gameplay demo of the Elder Scrolls Online presented at QuakeCon 2013.  |
Pandora Adds Blizzard Soundtracks to Its Library Posted: Whether or not you're currently a fan of World of Warcraft, odds are good you've played it and can still recognize some of the music. Blizzard Entertainment has always paired its games with some impressive soundtracks, after all.  |
China's Army Defends 'Sovereign Territory' from Japanese in Game Posted: "Glorious Mission Online" was developed by Giant Interactive Group, a Chinese developer and publisher, in collaboration with the PLA for use in training simulations.  |
SOE Live 2013: All Trailers of Everquest Next Posted: SOE have released lots of trailers and videos for Everquest Next at SOE Live. They have revealed something in the videos and the video below compiles all the videos back to back.  |
Cash Shop's Necessity ---- To Support the Game You Love Posted: Blade and Soul KR server recentely added a new outfit, swimsuits, into the cash shop, which costs about 45 USD. I find many players complained a lot about it. We dislike cash shop. Why it exists?  |
[Review] Customer Support of F2P Publishers (Round 2) Posted: Because of some people naming bad customer support as a reason why US/globally released games fail (besides p2w design, lack of content, generic gameplay etc.) I decide to test support on a simple question that doesn't even need digging in Databases or GM player interaction ingame, but a simple precise answer.  |
Final Fantasy XIV Launches Benchmark Software and Character Creation Posted: Following the system requirement released days ago, Square Enix launched a new Benchmark software for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn by using actual maps and characters to assign a score to your PC and rate its performance.  |
WoW: Patch 5.4: Taking Down a Warchief! Posted: Yesterday, Garrosh Hellscream, the final boss in Siege of Orgrimmar was made accessible for testing on 10M normal difficulty. I made some screenshots so you can see how the throne room where you will be fighting him actually looks like.  |
First Look at WoW In-game Store! Posted: The latest Build of Patch 5.4 finally added the in-game store. At the moment you can buy things ifree of charge to test it out on the test realms. The only thing available to buy is currently the Experience Elixir. I have made several photos of its User Interface. I will not be writing about the store itself as you can read up about that in my older articles.  |
Natural Cosplay of Caitlyn and Lux Posted: I believe you have seen many League of Legends' cosplay, what kinds of cosplay do you think is good? Some professional cosplay team would spend a lot of time and money on clothes making, makeup and photoshop to create a better effect. However, it makes them look too fake at most of time. Today, we will see something different. The following cosplay of Caitlyn and Lux is very natural and great in my opinion. What do you say?  |
Kingdom Under Fire OL Female Hero Elyuin Cosplay by Spiral Cats Posted: Korean AOS MMO Age of Storm: Kingdom under Fire Online recently unveiled a series of cosplay for their new female hero Elyuin. The charming melee warrior's cosplay is performed by Tasha from the famous Korean cosplay group Spiral Cats. Now enjoy the show!  |