Despicable Me: Minion Rush - More Ways to Get Loads of Bananas Posted: Bananas are the main form of currency and are earned mostly through the runs, read on to find out even more ways to get more bananas  |
Dragon Nest KR Assassin Costumes, Weapons and In-game Screenshots Preview Posted: Dragon Nest KR will release new class Assassin on August 15th. Here let's take a preview at Assassin's costumes, weapons and in-game screenshots  |
Amateur Surgeon 3 - Get More Free Surgeon Points, Stars and Bloodpacks Posted: In Amateur Surgeon 3, Surgeon Points, Stars, Bloodparcks are all important. Read on to find out how to get more of all three  |
Black Desert Theme 3 Brings Lots of New Concept Arts Posted: Theme 3 Update for Black Desert is just released by DAUM and Pearl Abyss, lots of concept arts have been unveiled at the teaser page, but there's no new trailer in this week. You can check out the concept art below or head for the official website.  |
WoW Patch 5.4: Kill Your Own Faction for Rewards! Posted: Patch 5.4 introduces a new zone called Timeless Isle, where you kill rares, open chests and finish quests for rewards. The best thing about this zone is that you are no longer forced to complete daily quests to get reputation and items. The pace to progress is individual and you will definitely be heading there if you are looking to finish your legendary cloak quest line.  |
Battle Run Tips and Tricks Posted: Battle Run is a new real time multiplayer running game similar to Fun Run, read on for tips and tricks for the game - iOS and Android  |
Top Five Weird Games Made in Japan Posted: Japanese will never be bored with weird games, which change the ordinary things in life into "Evil Style" and it has become their trump card. The games subvert original shapes, and make them strange or hateful. However, we have to admit that these elements add fun to the games. The list is going to introduce some weird games from Japan. Check it out.  |
Guild Wars 2: Gold Farming Summer 2013 Posted: I wanted to get this information out to you guys while it's valid. Because it may not be here forever or even be valid after this month.  |
Tree of Savior (Project R1) To Start Closed Beta This Year Posted: Known as Project R1, the game run by NHN Games finally got an official name: Tree of Savior (Korean Name). The upcoming 2.5D fantasy MMO was first announced at Hangame EX 2011 and deemed as a sequel of Ragnarok Online.  |
LoL Patch 3.11 PBE: Forecast Janna, Dominion/TT Changes, Master Yi Nerfed Posted: League of Legends Patch 3.11 PBE has been updated, including Janna's new legendary skin Forecast Janna, Dominion/TT changes and some balance changes.  |
A True Cross-Platform Sandbox MMO: Albion Online Posted: Albion Online has been flying under the radar but Stefan Wiezorek is ready to reveal more about this cross-platform sandbox MMO. scored an exclusive interview to introduce this medieval themed sandbox MMO.  |
Grand Theft Auto Online's Gameplay Video and Press Previews Coming on Thursday Posted: It's really a great news that Rockstar will reveal Grand Theft Auto Online's gameplay video and first press previews this Thursday, August 15th. What do you expect to see in the video? And what kinds of info you want to get from the preview? It makes me excited now. Stay tuned and wait for the coming of Thurday!  |
English Version of Fantasy Frontier - Aura Kingdom Announced Posted: The highly anticipated Taiwanese 3D fantasy MMORPG Fantasy Frontier today finally got its English version by Aeria Games -- Aura Kingdom. The same fantasy world, same animated characters and same fast-paced combat, excited? Check out the trailer below first.  |
WWE Releases Street Racing Game: John Cena's Fast Lane Posted: WWE Presents: John Cena's Fast Lane just popped up on our radar, and it's available to download now for the generous price of free. In the game, you'll be tasked with racing down various strips, fighting against opponents for the best times.  |
League of Legends Free Champion Rotation (Season Three: Week 28) Posted: This week's, Season 3 Week 28, free to play champion rotation includes Amumu, Blitzcrank, Darius, Miss Fortune, Orianna, Quinn, Tryndamere, Vi, Ziggs, Zilean.These champions will be available for free play starting tomorrow!  |
MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [8.12] Posted: Hi there, MMOsite Morning Call is waking you up! Here you can check out the weekly cosplay highlight to greet your brand new Monday! Enjoy the show~  |
4 Pics 1 Song Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 18 to 30 Posted: 4 Pics 1 Song gives you the pictures, you guess the song! This post will show you how to pass the all level in the game: Level 1 to 30  |
Yoshinori Ono's Interview: Talks Monster Hunter Online Posted: Yoshinori Ono is famous for producing many classic games, like Street Fighter series, Monster Hunter Frontier Online etc. Currently he is busy with the development of Monster Hunter Online with Chinese developer Tencent Games. Yoshinori Ono and Kazunori Sugiura, who is also working at Capcom, just had an interview with a game media, Famitsu, talking something about this upcoming game - Monster Hunter Online.  |
PlanetSide 2 Hacking Issues and the New Continent Hossin Posted: Hey MMO Site Fans the Triksterr here and welcome to another one of my blog post's. In the video above I go over some of the issues in the Free To Play MMOFPS PlanetSide 2 as well as some of the up and coming content.  |
Age of Wushu: Mount Hua Expansion Details and Thoughts Posted: Ok the new expansion to AoW is here. It has good great news and some bad. I'll do bad because it's major bad news. Most life skills are now subject to VIP scrutiny.  |