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The Perfect Ten: Obnoxious studio buzz words

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 10:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Opinion, Humor, Perfect Ten, Miscellaneous

The Perfect Ten Obnoxious studio buzz words
So say that you write for Massively. Or say that you work for another news site while wistfully refreshing Massively's front page hoping to see a "we're hiring!" notice pop up. Or say that you're a two-headed frog that has a respectable blog that one head writes for while the other one eats flies. The important thing for this example is to imagine that you write news.

Because you write news, a good chunk of your day is spent prowling for stories. Some of them you find while browsing. Some of them are sent to your email. Once in a great while your cell phone registers a call from California and a way-too-peppy voice tries to sell you on the notion of writing a 2000-word feature on a game that only the mole people have heard of. In all of this, you are exposed to a great amount of PR-speak. You see the same phrases pop up, again and again. You understand how words can be hollow shells wrapped around a complete lack of meaning. You start to go mad until your other head tells you to snap out of it and eat some more flies.

So today you're going to join me here on this side of the news desk as we look at 10 of the most obnoxious buzz words or phrases that studio PR and devs like to toss our way. You could get really cynical reading this list, but I suggest that you make a bingo sheet instead to turn this into a fun game that never, ever ends!

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MassivelyThe Perfect Ten: Obnoxious studio buzz words originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Infinite Crisis announces the new Founders program

    Posted: 01 Aug 2013 09:00 AM PDT

    Filed under: Betas, Super-hero, Trailers, Video, News Items, Free-to-Play, MOBA, Infinite Crisis

    Still holding out for Red Son incarnations.
    Some people aren't necessarily instantly on board with the idea of a MOBA featuring DC Comics characters. But if Infinite Crisis had you hooked right from the premise, you can go ahead and put your money where your mouth is as of today. The game has just launched its Founders program, a chance for future players to buy now and enjoy the benefits later... like many other free-to-play titles have done recently.

    Three packages are available for purchase now, with all three unlocking immediate beta access, early access to Coast City, and an exclusive icon for use in-game and on the forums. The $20 package also includes 800 Crisis Coins (in-game microtransaction money) and 3 Champion unlocks. $50 gets you 3200 Crisis Coins, 6 unlocks, and an exclusive Gaslight Batman costume. And $100 gets you 8600 Crisis Coins, 12 unlocks, an exclusive costume for both Gaslight Batman and regular Batman, and early access to the next map addition. To help up the hype, the game has also released a trailer detailing the Coast City map, which is embedded just past the break.

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    MassivelyInfinite Crisis announces the new Founders program originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Take a gander at Black Desert's combat in a new trailer

    Posted: 01 Aug 2013 08:30 AM PDT

    Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Game Mechanics, Previews, News Items, Sandbox, Black Desert

    This guy seems trustworthy.  Ask him to join the party.
    It's been about a month since the upcoming sandbox title Black Desert talked about its approach to melding action combat with a sandbox environment. At the time, all anyone could do was speculate on how that would look in action, but as of today you can catch a glimpse of it in full force. Embedded just past the cut is a minute-long trailer showcasing several individuals and monsters locked in vicious combat.

    It's important to keep in mind that this is only an early trailer and may not be indicative of the final game, nor is there yet any word on the game being released in the US. That having been said, the trailer certainly looks like quite a ride, with plenty of dodging, rolling, and flying projectiles all about. Even if you haven't been interested in the game up until now, you might want to take a look.

    [Thanks to Tor for the tip!]

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    MassivelyTake a gander at Black Desert's combat in a new trailer originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Character creation benchmark now available for Final Fantasy XIV

    Posted: 01 Aug 2013 08:00 AM PDT

    Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, News Items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV

    It's a world of man-cats.
    You don't know when the next (and final) beta test is starting for Final Fantasy XIV. That's a bad thing, because it means you're going through a fair bit of withdrawal. And while nothing can really fix the fact that you want to be playing but can't, being able to play around with the character creator might at least help take the edge off. Which you can do today, as the newest benchmark and character creator is now available on the official site.

    Aside from offering another chance to test your computer's performance against the game, the new benchmark will allow you to create a new character. It also allows you to save the appearance data from that new character, which can be loaded up again in the launch version or the benchmark for further tweaking. So you could have your character ready to go the moment the game goes live later this month.

    [Thanks to Brandon for the tip!]

    MassivelyCharacter creation benchmark now available for Final Fantasy XIV originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Pathfinder Online asks what's in your backpack

    Posted: 01 Aug 2013 07:30 AM PDT

    Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, Previews, News Items, Sandbox, Pathfinder Online

    Is it goblins?  It's goblins, isn't it.  You're keeping goblins in your backpack.
    Are you the sort of player whose inventory is forever overflowing with items of indeterminate source? You'll want to break that habit before Pathfinder Online is released, because you'll have more to worry about than just the upper limit on items in your inventory. The latest development blog on the official site explains the Encumbrance system, another limit on how many items you can carry due to a combination of size and weight. Hauling around a lot of large and awkward items is going to mean less ability to carry everything else, while lots of little things like herbs will be more easily carried up to the inventory limit.

    The blog also has more details on what happens to your inventory when you die -- some of your items are instantly destroyed, and only those items specifically bound to you will be exempt from looting. The game is also implementing an item decay system, ensuring that nothing you have is all that permanent, although with the encumbrance system in place that might be something of a blessing in disguise at times.

    MassivelyPathfinder Online asks what's in your backpack originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    World of Warplanes flight school takes you through plane types

    Posted: 01 Aug 2013 07:00 AM PDT

    Filed under: Betas, Historical, Video, Classes, War, Free-to-Play, World of Warplanes, MOBA

    World of Warplanes flight school takes you through plane types
    Welcome back to flight school, flyboys and flygirls! World of Warplanes has released its second tutorial video walking players through the ins and outs of becoming a skilled ace. Today's lesson is focused on the types of planes in the game and their role in a group.

    World of Warplane's arsenal is divided up between attack, light, heavy, and carrier planes. Light fighters are the speedsters of the sky with high maneuverability and reduced combat power. Attack fighters boast strong armor and weapons (including a rear gunner) but are primarily used for strafing ground targets. Heavy fighters are tougher than light ones and able to dogfight while also capable of carrying bombs and rockets. Carrier fighters have traits of both light and heavy fighters and offer a flexible playstyle.

    Head to class with the video after the break!

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    MassivelyWorld of Warplanes flight school takes you through plane types originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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      The Daily Grind: Are you a mount collector?

      Posted: 01 Aug 2013 06:00 AM PDT

      Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Free-to-Play, The Daily Grind

      The Daily Grind Are you a mount collector
      I started dabbling in Lord of the Rings Online again this week, and one of the first things I rediscovered about my character is that he's a mount fiend. I've got seven horses and a goat in my mount window, and while that sounds like more than any one character needs, it's barely a fraction of the number available in LotRO thanks to festivals, quests, and regular ol' vendors.

      What about you? Are you a mount collector in any games of note? How many do you have and which ones are your favorite?

      Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

      MassivelyThe Daily Grind: Are you a mount collector? originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        The Art of Wushu: Being a master or an apprentice

        Posted: 31 Jul 2013 05:00 PM PDT

        Filed under: Historical, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Guides, Age of Wushu, The Art of Wushu, MMORPG

        The Art of Wushu Being a master or an apprentice
        Fun facts for fans of the Art of Wushu: I wrote three articles about Age of Wushu for this week. I started off writing something lame, but I scrapped it because I didn't like the topic. The second is one about reaction times, perception, and brain chemistry. However, I realized somewhere in the middle of writing it that I used terms about "skill levels" that I have never really defined, and I figured it would be a good thing to do that before I went any further.

        So this time, we're going to talk about skill levels and what they mean. All of them are fairly discrete, and they are pretty universal, whether you practice swordsmanship or carpentry (or do either in a video game). I have probably used the term "expert player" over 9000 times while writing for Massively, and I've held an opinion on what an intermediate player is since long before I was blogging. This is a good way to identify where you and others stand, which is how you'll know what kind of advice you need to get to the next level.

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        MassivelyThe Art of Wushu: Being a master or an apprentice originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          Free for All: RuneScape 3's UI changes would be welcome in any MMO

          Posted: 31 Jul 2013 04:00 PM PDT

          Filed under: Events (In-Game), Expansions, Game Mechanics, Patches, Opinion, Hands-On, Free for All

          RuneScape 3 screenshot
          Jagex just keeps surprising me with its flagship title, RuneScape. Almost every time I sit down to get some time in the world of Gielinor, I find something new. This time around, I want to talk about how the newest version of the game brings not only a fantastic world event and tweaks to all sorts of systems but offers options to the UI that are surprising and wonderfully innovative. The first thing I thought when I played around with the new UI options was, "Wow, why isn't this happening in more MMOs?"

          Another thought occurred to me as I slid, snapped and joined parts of my UI: This feels suspiciously like a tablet-friendly change. Jagex has mentioned the possibility of a tablet version of RuneScape, thanks to the new HTML5 client (which is still in beta), so could this new UI be the first of many steps to playing on our portable computers?

          I'll wait and see what happens with that, but in the meanwhile I wanted to show you the most impressive parts of the UI redesign.

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          MassivelyFree for All: RuneScape 3's UI changes would be welcome in any MMO originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            Wargaming.net celebrates 15 years with World of Tanks XP boosts and sales

            Posted: 31 Jul 2013 03:00 PM PDT

            Filed under: Real-Life, Events (In-Game), PvP, News Items, War, Free-to-Play, World of Tanks, Anniversaries

            World of Tanks
            Wargaming.net has been around for 15 years, and the World of Tanks creator is marking this milestone anniversary by throwing a slew of offers at tank captains across the globe.

            From August 2nd to August 5th, players will receive a 15% credit discount on Tier X vehicles, triple crew experience for every fight, and discounts on premium ammo, crew training, garage slots, barracks, and camo skins. Special anniversary tank and gold bundles will also be available over the three-day period.

            August also brings an anniversary garage theme to all players, one free tank in the form of the Soviet LTP tier II light tank, and new repeatable missions.

            MassivelyWargaming.net celebrates 15 years with World of Tanks XP boosts and sales originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            Mountain hiking in DDO: Shadowfell Conspiracy's Stormhorns

            Posted: 31 Jul 2013 02:30 PM PDT

            Filed under: Fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Expansions, Lore, Previews, Free-to-Play

            Mountain hiking in DDO Shadowfell Conspiracy's Stormhorns
            Dungeons and Dragons Online: Shadowfell Conspiracy, the game's second expansion, isn't just mucking about in a trashed prison city with your new premium classes. Turbine is taking us beyond Forgotten Realm's civilization to the Stormhorns, a mountain region that comprises DDO's first mountain wilderness area.

            For our third tour through Shadowfell Conspiracy's new content, we put on our hiking boots and headed out for some fresh mountain air. Will this region bring out the beauty of Faerûn or show the creaky underpinnings of this aging title? And why are we going out there to begin with?

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            MassivelyMountain hiking in DDO: Shadowfell Conspiracy's Stormhorns originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 16:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Bungie talks Destiny's connected play, Far Cry and Borderlands influence

              Posted: 31 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT

              Filed under: Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, PvE, Consoles, MMOFPS, Miscellaneous, Destiny

              Destiny Multiplayer
              In an interview with Edge Magazine, Destiny creative director Joe Staten took a moment to acknowledge the contributions of other open world shooters to the Destiny development process. Staten noted that the dev team analyzes titles like Borderlands and Far Cry and looks at "the things they're doing well and also at opportunities they might have missed that we can capitalize on."

              One big missed opportunity according to Staten? Encountering other players in the wild:
              You can party up with a group of people and then go around with that group, but never in Borderlands are you going to collide with a group of other people doing it too. We don't just do that once or twice in the game, we do that all the time, everywhere. You see other people on the horizon, hear gunfire over a hill and see space magic flying behind some trees, and you know...there are other people out here, that [changes everything].
              Colliding with other people is sort of the core component of most MMOs, though Destiny may be the first big console-specific shooter to rely on such mechanics to fill out its game world. Staten also confirmed that Destiny will offer a leveling system complete with talent points -- another feature fans of MMOs will likely find quite familiar.

              MassivelyBungie talks Destiny's connected play, Far Cry and Borderlands influence originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              SEGA releases three new PSO2 videos and a roadmap for the future

              Posted: 31 Jul 2013 01:30 PM PDT

              Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, News Items, Free-to-Play, MMORPG

              Phantasy Star Online 2
              It seems like just last week that SEGA launched Phantasy Star Online 2's Episode 2, Chapter 1, and that's because it was literally just last week. Expansion continues at a breakneck pace, with Episode 2, Part 2 receiving a reveal trailer today outlining the new costumes, maps, and gear to be added when that update goes live August 7th.

              But that's not all. Episode 2, Part 3 is already in the works, with an expected launch window of December 2013. SEGA also released two new commercials for Phantasy Star Online 2, one for the regular game and one for the Vita version. Both are weird.

              Check out the new trailer and commercials after the break.

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              MassivelySEGA releases three new PSO2 videos and a roadmap for the future originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Champions Online previews upcoming Carrier Wave mission

              Posted: 31 Jul 2013 01:00 PM PDT

              Filed under: Super-hero, Patches, Previews, News Items, Free-to-Play, Champions Online

              You can, apparently, stop the signal.  With guns.
              Champions Online's heroes were instrumental in stopping an attempted hacking, but they're needed again once the source of the hacking attempt is discovered. The second mission in the game's current Fatal Error arc will be available on Thursday, and it sends players straight to the source: Cyberlord's carrier in Canada. Players are tasked with getting on the ship and stopping Cyberlord before he tries again, since that's much easier than just stopping his hacking attempts every single time for another few years.

              Needless to say, the mission will involve bashing through robots on the decks down to the core of the ship, with new perks and titles available for anyone who defeats enough robots. Players can also earn new Cybernetic Boots for taking part in the operation to prevent another hack attack. For more information on in-game action figures obtainable through this mission, take a look at the official preview, and be sure to finish the first part of the arc before the second comes out tomorrow.

              MassivelyChampions Online previews upcoming Carrier Wave mission originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Project Snowstorm raises cash for scalable cloud MMO

              Posted: 31 Jul 2013 12:30 PM PDT

              Filed under: Fantasy, New Titles, Mobile, Crowdfunding

              Project Snowstorm
              If you've been struggling to find and love a mobile MMO, SnowFury Studios is right there with you. Founder William Diehl is disappointed with the failure of most mobile titles to draw players into virtual worlds, promising that his company will be forging the way with Project Snowstorm: "I'm so excited about the opportunity to craft an epic storyline for Project Snowstorm, one that incorporates input and feedback from backers and fellow gamers."

              Diehl said that Snowstorm will be an MMO featuring eight 3-D zones, a storyline that changes based on player actions, a real-time battle system, customizable pets, and a rated PvP system. Interestingly enough, there's a turn-based combat option for players who want to go back-and-forth over a period of days or weeks. The studio will be leveraging cloud computing to make this game look and play a lot more like a standard computer or console title and less like a mobile game.

              SnowFury's team of 40 developers is poised to make this game happen for iOS and Android devices, although raising a half-million dollars in funding would be somewhat helpful. The studio has launched a Kickstarter campaign to pull in $500,000 by the end of August. Backers will be invited behind-the-scenes to watch the development in progress without an NDA. If all goes well, Project Snowstorm will land in our laps in late 2014.

              MassivelyProject Snowstorm raises cash for scalable cloud MMO originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              See World of Warcraft's item store in action

              Posted: 31 Jul 2013 12:00 PM PDT

              Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Video, Business Models, Patches, Previews, Subscription

              See World of Warcraft's item store in action
              World of Warcraft's new item store is currently on the test server in preparation for its release with Patch 5.4. Instead of waiting until the store goes live in the game to check it out, you can get a sneak peek at the store now courtesy of AdriaCraft.

              The following video shows the store interface in action as a player opens it up to purchase an XP potion (or two or three or four). The prices are just for the test server, so it's no guarantee that it will be the same when it's pushed to live.

              The item store and its contents are the subject of much speculation these days after Blizzard posted an article teasing pets, seesaws, and cosmetic goodies. You can check out the store preview video after the jump.

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              MassivelySee World of Warcraft's item store in action originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Blade & Soul introduces swimsuits with a hefty price tag

              Posted: 31 Jul 2013 11:00 AM PDT

              Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Culture, Previews, News Items, Blade & Soul

              The men look okay.  The women are... another story.
              How much are you willing to pay for a new swimsuit? How about if that swimsuit is only available for your character in a video game? Blade & Soul has introduced a line of summer swimwear for characters in the Korean version, available either via the game's cash shop or through item trading, but the system for obtaining these suits from inside the game is a bit problematic.

              During the summer event, players can obtain a watermelon slice by clearing a daily dungeon. These slices are used as tokens to unlock these outfits. The problem is that it can be difficult to actually obtain enough slices through play unless you focus on running dungeons with a single-minded devotion, which forces you toward the cash shop option, which values the suits at $45. Still no word on when the game is being localized, but you can check out the suit trailers past the cut for a peek at what you probably aren't dropping $45 on.

              [Thanks to bnssswimwear for the tip!]

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              MassivelyBlade & Soul introduces swimsuits with a hefty price tag originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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                Player-designed weapons arrive in Aion

                Posted: 31 Jul 2013 10:00 AM PDT

                Filed under: Fantasy, Aion, Contests, Events (Real-World), News Items, Free-to-Play, Player-Generated Content

                Playerdesigned weapons launch into Aion
                Remember way back when (namely late 2012) when we learned of a couple of contests to design weapons for the new classes in Aion 4.0? Well those contests have run their course, and a winning design was selected for each class. And now, those weapon skins are finally available to players!

                Originally called the Mookie Gun, the winning Gunslinger weapon was designed by Liiga Smilshkalne, (a.k.a. Rakesh from the Israphel server). Now named Kippie's Nightmare, the final concept for the pistol "came naturally in the wee hours of the morning with the aid of a large cup of coffee," according to Smilshkalne.

                The winning harp design, created by Sergio Kishino (a.k.a Seey on the Tiamat server) was born from the loss of Internet. Without the game, Kishino drew an "outfit inspired by Guardian Commander and Kahrun, with a blue butterfly and golden details." Flutterlight Sonata, as the instrument is now called, completed that ensemble.

                As an exclusive reward, both creators received five of their winning designs. Others can get their own copies in the Black Cloud Marketplace. Be sure to check out the four new pieces of artwork in the gallery below.

                [Source: NCsoft press release]

                MassivelyPlayer-designed weapons arrive in Aion originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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