Have Traditional MMOs Had Their Time? Posted: In a recent editorial at Eurogamer, several top MMO developers chime in on the fate of our beloved genre. "I don't see the traditional MMO having much of a chance in the future, but games that bring tons of people together -- they're definitely going to exist," says Ragnar Tornquist who recently left Funcom to concentrate on a continuation of his The Longest Journey game series that was successfully Kickstarterted in March.  |
Is Epic Hiring Devs for A Gears of War MMO? Posted: GamesRadar reports that Epic has posted a job listing related to "an unannounced competitive online action game." Senior Systems Designer is the official position title, and it apparently requires someone with "a passion for building and/or playing shooters, MMOs, RPGs, or RTS games."  |
Mabinogi Heroes Gets New Summer Update Posted: While the new character, Hurk, is the first part of Season 2 Episode 3′s content update, Action Shock I is aimed at introducing a new area as well as some changes to combat.  |
MMOsite This Week: June 29 - July 5 Posted: Another week of "MMOsite This Week" kicks off! Here we list weekly hot news for you. Check them out and I am sure there must be something you are interested in.  |
League of Legends New Champion Aatrox Review Posted: Aatrox is classified as a melee fighter but can also be quite tanky due to his passive and built-in life regeneration abilities. Aatrox is hard to kill and when his passive is up, you will have to kill him twice.  |
Top Ten Games to Enrich Your Summer Vacation Posted: Summer vacation is now! As a gamer, what plan do you have? In the world of MMO, you may want to join the League of Legend to get the first blood and the final victory, while what we are going to talk about are the games for mobile phones. Speaking of mobile games, what games are in the list for your summer vacation? You are welcome to share your games in the comment.  |
Icarus Online New Snow Area Unveiled Posted: WeMade Entertainment has released a new set of Icarus Online screenshots showing off some of the new areas. I wrote a two page Icarus Online Review about two months ago, I suggest checking it out if you're interested in learning more about this title. I remember I had a lot of fun in the beta because you can fly very high and tame all kinds of monsters.  |
3D Animated MMORPG Fantasy Frontier To Enter Beta Test on July 11 Posted: Taiwanese developer X-Legend today unveils the latest world view trailer for their 3D fantasy MMORPG Fantasy Frontier with scene screenshots. The game will enter beta test on July 11 and beta keys will be available in the official website and facebook page, interested gamers can give it a shot!  |