NAT Games Recruiting for Next Blockbuster MMORPG Posted: Park Yonghyeon, the developer of Lineage 2 and Tera Online started a new company called NAT Games. They are hoping to create the next Blockbuster MMORPG title and recently opened up a temporary webpage to recruit staff members.  |
Elsword Reveals Latest Class Dimension Witch Posted: Kill3rCombo has introduced the latest class "Dimension Witch" to Elsword, she is not only capable of controlling time, but who could also augment the space around her as well. Talk about a winning combination.  |
TERA (CN) Heads for Debut Test Phase, Competes with BnS? Posted: China online games publisher and developer, Kalends has announced that TERA China will be heading for its debut test phase in October. Below you can watch the new teaser trailer.  |
CABAL Online Debuts On Steam Greenlight Posted: More and more games are heading for Steam to reach a wider range of players, so is the classical action MMORPG Cabal Online. ESTsoft has announced the start of their campaign for CABAL Online on Valve's Steam Greenlight program.  |
Daily Recommendation: Say Hello to Tiny Thief Posted: In a world of greed, corruption and injustice, one little guy decides to stand up for the little guy! Say hello to Tiny Thief, an unconventional hero who uses cunning and trickery to out-smart his opponents across six epic medieval adventures. But beware! He faces fearsome foes, like the Dark Knight, rogue pirates and even a giant robot!  |
Age of Thrones - iOS/Android - Coming Soon Posted: Age of Thrones is a medieval-fantasy tower defense game like no other by Nexrage, the game plans to release on iOS and Android Devices and the release date is scheduled for July 2013  |
Guild Wars 2 Cutthroat Politics Update Will Be Live on July 23 Posted: Cutthroat Politics, the latest Guild Wars 2 content update, will be live July 23, this update features the permanent changes to the world based on player votes. Cutthroat Politics is the second since ArenaNet officially confirmed its move to a two-week update cadence earlier this month.  |
Fruit Ninja Developer Halfbrick Teases New Project Posted: New game incoming. Buckle into the excitement stations, and set Hype Engines to one billion percent. Fruit Ninja creator Halfbrick is teasing a brand new project in the video we've embedded below.  |
Brave Guardian Coming August 2013 Posted: Brave Guardians is an epic 3D action fantasy defense game that narrates the story of four heroes - each with extraordinary abilities, which will touch App Store's and Google Plays' doors in less than two month  |
WildStar Teases A New Mysterious Poster Posted: A new mysterious WildStar image has been released on the official site. The poster comes with a July 19th, 2013 date and the message "Some wish you could forget."  |
Candy Crush Saga Updates with Two New Episodes Posted: Which level have you reached in Candy Crush Saga? Whatever levels you now at; you have new levels to conquer. Candy Crush Saga has got new content update with two new episodes: Licorice Towers and Pudding Pagoda, which has brought the game's level count to 395 levels.  |
Age of Storm Unveiled New Hero "Yuria" Based on Cosplay Goddess Posted: Korean game company Pmang and developer Dragonfly today have announced a brand new female hero "Yuria" for their AOS MMO Age of Storm: Kingdom Under Fire Online.  |
Aion Useful Tool - 4.0 Region Maps by Posted: has nearly finished the newest project ---- the 4.0 region maps! You can display the new instances, forts, camps and animas. You can also check the Idian Depths for World Bossess. Teleport paths are coming soon. Great Job! It would be very helpful ot us players!  |
Bring Your Infinite Crisis Character to Life to DC Multiverse Cosplay Contest Posted: As the step of Comic Con is coming closer, lots of attenders are preparing for their show now. Warner Bros is teaming up with the Nerdist Channel to give cosplayers a chance to bring their favorite Infinite Crisis inspired character to life in the Infinite Crisis DC Multiverse Cosplay Contest.  |
Neverwinter: Fury of the Feywild Goes live August 22nd Posted: Perfect World and Cryptic Studios announced that Fury of the Feywild, Neverwinter's first content expansion, will be live on August 22, 2013. Just a month away! Players by then will get the new adventure zone of Sharandar and new game features like the Campaign System, new Professions, new loot, and much more.  |
League of Legends Free Champion Rotation (Season Three: Week 24) Posted: This week's, Season 3 Week 24, free to play champion rotation includes Corki, Graves, Jayce, Karthus, Malphite, Malzahar, Olaf, Soraka, Volibear, and Zed. These champions will be available for free play starting tomorrow!  |
WoW: New Transmog Items and TCG Coming to Blizzstore Posted: It's disappointing to see the quality of Tier sets going downhill since Tier 6. From now on, if you'd like to have a decent looking set, it looks like you will have to pay for it. Three animated head slot items will be added to the store in the near future. They have no restriction and can be applied regardless of class/race. They are account-wide and can be sent to alts.  |
ArcheAge (JP) Will Be Officially Launched on July 23 Posted: After several months of events and test phases, publisher GameOn announced that ArcheAge Japan will be launching on 23rd July 2013. Developer XLGAMES' founder, Mr Jake Song, was at the announcement ceremony earlier yesterday.  |
Riot Games Scores High in Tech Employer Survey Posted: Riot Games is the fourth best technology company to work for beating out such tech heavyweights as Google according to a survey conducted by recruitment company Glassdoor and Business Insider.  |
Closing Date for Current CBT in Blade and Soul China Server Posted: Two months have passed since the start of 3rd Close Beta Testing of Blade and Soul China. The current Close Beta Test will officially come to a close by 21st of July 12am GMT+8 . All characters within the account will be deleted, so for current CBT players please take some time to say farewell to your characters.  |