MMO Updates |
- Some Assembly Required: Tramell Isaac talks Player Studio for PlanetSide 2
- Party hearty at Lord of the Rings Online's summer festival
- World of Warcraft down to 7.7 million subscribers
- Meet the Star Trek Online devs in Las Vegas
- The Daily Grind: What MMO should be made into a movie?
- Activision Blizzard goes indie after CEO Kotick buys back the company
- The Summoner's Guidebook: Wealth and power in League of Legends
- The Guild Counsel: How to share power (and live to talk about it)
- Owner of eSports team charged with participation in massive hacking operation
- Aeria to publish F.E.A.R. Online
- TERA introduces tasty new weapon skins
- You'll want to watch the new ArcheAge intro video
- Guild Wars celebrates Wintersday in July
- RuneFest rents out London's Tobacco Dock
- PAX Australia 2013: Psykopig remix edition
- Firefall's open beta trailer highlights dynamic events
Some Assembly Required: Tramell Isaac talks Player Studio for PlanetSide 2 Posted: 26 Jul 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Economy, Interviews, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-Play, MMOFPS, Some Assembly Required, PlanetSide 2, Player-Generated Content Ya'll might remember a little reveal last year at SOE Live -- the one about Player Studio. It basically took player-created content up a notch, giving players the chance to put items they design into the games they love and actually make money off of their creativity. Initially, that ability to create content for cash only applied to EverQuest and EverQuest II, but Free Realms was added soon after. Though also slated to join in the Player Studio party, Vanguard, and PlanetSide 2 have remained noticeably absent. Cue PS2's big entrance.That's right folks: The MMOFPS is finally getting in on the fun. On Monday, July 29th, PlanetSide 2 will officially launch into the realm of Player Studio. Keen-eyed players may even notice that the groundwork has already been laid; the necessary information has been soft-launched on the official website for potential creators to peruse. So what does this all mean for a game that is decidedly different from the fantasy settings of its SOE siblings? I sat down with Senior Art Director Tramell Isaac to discuss how this new tool fits into the war effort. Continue reading Some Assembly Required: Tramell Isaac talks Player Studio for PlanetSide 2
Party hearty at Lord of the Rings Online's summer festival Posted: 26 Jul 2013 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Culture, Events (In-Game), News Items, Free-to-Play It's that time of year again, when the Men, Hobbits, Dwarves, and Elves of Middle-earth come together to celebrate the summer with -- you guessed it -- the summer festival! This annual Lord of the Rings Online event runs from July 24th through August 6th, giving revelers two weeks to get down and party it up.Festivities include horse races, fishing challenges, scavenger hunts, and more. Players can guess which Hobbit can eat the most the fastest in the Taste of Hobbiton competitions as well as which Dwarf can navigate the keg races while inebriated. Want to cut the rug but don't know how? Learn a jaunty step or two from the dance masters. And, as always, gain reputation with either the Inn League or the Ale Association as the rivals vie for top dog status. Participation in the various events nets a player festival tokens, which can then be turned in for rewards like cloaks, robes, and new steeds.
World of Warcraft down to 7.7 million subscribers Posted: 26 Jul 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, MMO Industry, News Items, Subscription Back in May, we were told that World of Warcraft subscriptions had fallen to 8.3 million. Now there are reports that the MMO has lost even more subscribers, dropping to 7.7 million subscribers worldwide. Those of you keeping score at home will probably recognize that the game hasn't fallen below 8 million since before the game's first expansion launched some six years ago.On the one hand, World of Warcraft is obviously nowhere near failure, considering that it's still far and away the game with the largest number of subscribers on the market. On the other hand, that margin is slowly shrinking, and the game continues to have a slow decline of subscriptions over the past several months. It's unsure when the game will be getting its next expansion, but we know that changes are coming to the game's business model, so it's quite possible that Blizzard still has some tricks up its sleeves.
Meet the Star Trek Online devs in Las Vegas Posted: 26 Jul 2013 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Culture, Events (Real-World), Opinion, Star Trek Online, Free-to-Play, Captain's Log, Promotions There are just over two weeks left until Creation Entertainment's official Star Trek Convention kicks off at the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas! Once again, Massively and Trek Radio are co-hosting the Star Trek Online Discussion with the Devs event as part of the series of formal panels. The Discussion with the Devs panel is tentatively set for 12:00 p.m. EDT (9 a.m. PDT) on Saturday, August 10th, in the DeForest Kelley Theater.We're also very happy to announce that Massively, along with Trek Radio, STOked Radio and Priority One Podcast, is once again rounding up attending Cryptic developers for a casual get-together we call Hangin' with the Devs! If you will be in the Las Vegas area and would like to spend a couple of hours talking with some of the developers behind Star Trek Online, you can join us at iBar in the Rio Hotel and Casino on Saturday, August 10th, from 8 to 10 p.m. EDT (5 to 7 p.m. PDT). Attendees of the Hangin' with the Devs event must be 21 years of age or older and will be responsible for their own food and beverages. Attendees of the Discussion with the Devs panel can be any age but must have tickets to attend the official convention for that day. If you have any questions about either of the Star Trek Online events at the convention, feel free to contact Massively's STO guru,
The Daily Grind: What MMO should be made into a movie? Posted: 26 Jul 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Culture, MMO Industry, Opinion, Miscellaneous, Defiance As MMO gamers, we're far more accustomed to seeing our favorite movie franchises become games than the other way around, but the upcoming World of Warcraft movie might just reverse the trend. Of course, if the Massively commenters are any judge, the WoW movie will be a trainwreck of epic proportions, either because of the source material or because showrunners often prove more likely to misunderstand, insult, bore, or mock geeks rather than dive into geek favorites earnestly. (MMO TV commercials don't inspire us with much confidence, either.)But surely there's some MMO franchise out there that could be done and done right as a movie. MMOs have come to TV in a big way in the form of Defiance, which might not be the best sci-fi of all time but has at least made it to a second season. Shouldn't we embrace our hobby's arrival on the big screen? And if not WoW, what MMO setting would be better for the Hollywood treatment?
Activision Blizzard goes indie after CEO Kotick buys back the company Posted: 26 Jul 2013 05:30 AM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Economy, MMO Industry, Legal, Miscellaneous, Diablo III, Subscription Activision Blizzard is set to split from parent company Vivendi after a deal has been made to buy back the company for just over $8 billion. Led by CEO Bobby Kotick and Chairman Brian Kelly, the split will see 439 shares (worth $5.83 billion) bought by Activision Blizzard itself, while an investment group led by Kotick and Kelly will purchase 172 million shares (worth $2.32 billion). Vivendi will still retain 83 million shares, or about 12 percent of the company.This puts Activision Blizzard in the "independent" category, which is an interesting label for one of the largest game publishers of our day. "We should emerge even stronger -- an independent company with a best-in-class franchise portfolio and the focus and flexibility to drive long-term shareholder value and expand our leadership position as one of the world's most important entertainment companies." Kotick said. "The transactions announced today will allow us to take advantage of attractive financing markets while still retaining more than $3 billion cash on hand to preserve financial stability."
The Summoner's Guidebook: Wealth and power in League of Legends Posted: 25 Jul 2013 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Opinion, Free-to-Play, Guides, MOBA, League of Legends, The Summoner's Guidebook Although it's nothing unusual to see commenters complain about something I wrote in the Summoner's Guidebook, last week I noticed a trend. A lot of people explained things like "Karthus is good with a Tear," which led me to believe that there were some bad assumptions that were held by some of you.Sometimes we take certain things we know for granted. It's why people say League of Legends is an easy game when it's actually very difficult and complex. In the same way, I mostly assumed that people understood the basic idea of using wealth to get you ahead in the game. However, it seems like for the most part people do not. Everyone understands the idea that getting gold gets you items and items make you stronger. However, it doesn't seem to be widely understood that because you can turn wealth into power, you want to turn it into as much power as you can right now and leverage it to put you ahead. Power now is always better than power later. Continue reading The Summoner's Guidebook: Wealth and power in League of Legends
The Guild Counsel: How to share power (and live to talk about it) Posted: 25 Jul 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Guilds, Opinion, The Guild Counsel, Miscellaneous Many guilds rely on a set structure of leadership, with a chain of command composed of officers and a guild leader at the top. But it's no easy task for one person to handle all of the responsibilities of management, and sometimes, a guild will instead use a system of co-leadership to make things work.It's a delicate balance, but having more than one person as a leader can be an effective way of running a successful guild. Let's look at what enables this unorthodox leadership structure to work well in this week's Guild Counsel. Continue reading The Guild Counsel: How to share power (and live to talk about it)
Owner of eSports team charged with participation in massive hacking operation Posted: 25 Jul 2013 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Culture, MMO Industry, News Items What do League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counterstrike have in common? If you answered "all three games were played by eSports team Moscow 5," you are remarkably well-informed and also correct. And if you're that well-informed, you also probably know that the team owner, Dmitry Smilianets, was arrested a year ago as part of an investigation by the FBI. What you might not be aware of is that Smilianets has now been officially charged with taking part in a massive hacking network along with five other Russian and Ukranian nationals.According to a statement by U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, this represents the largest such case tried in the US, as Smilianets and his accomplices are charged with stealing at least 160 million debit and credit card numbers. Smilianets is in custody, as he was arrested while sightseeing in the United States, and is expected to be in federal court next week.
Aeria to publish F.E.A.R. Online Posted: 25 Jul 2013 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Horror, Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Free-to-Play Quick, which F2P company do you think is publishing an online version of the much-loved psychological horror-thriller-first-person-shooter F.E.A.R. franchise? If you said Aeria, the firm that brought us Eden Eternal and Lime Odyssey, well, you get a gold star.Anyway, yes, Aeria is publishing F.E.A.R. Online, which appears to be a continuation of the story of Alma Wade who has served as the series' primary mystery and antagonist since the original 2005 Monolith title. Aeria's press release mentions a co-op mode and several competitive team modes, with the new title's story supposedly running parallel to that of 2009's F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. Though Aeria is publishing the game in the west, it is actually being developed in Korea by Inplay Interactive. You can sign up for a beta slot on the title's official website. [Source: Aeria press release]
TERA introduces tasty new weapon skins Posted: 25 Jul 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, News Items, Free-to-Play, TERA TERA fans, have you ever been squaring off against a big-ass monster and found yourself thinking, "Man, it sure would be great if I could beat the stuffing out of this guy with a plate of salmon nigiri?" If so, you're either crazy hungry or just plain crazy, but that's fine because the folks at En Masse Entertainment have you covered. That's right, the latest addition to TERA's cash shop is a new set of weapon skins themed around a variety of delightful epicurean treats. The weapon skins range from the barely logical, such as a swordfish that replaces the Slayer's greatsword, to the completely absurd, like the Archer's new bow which has been haphazardly constructed with some bananas and a slice of watermelon. If you wanna check out all the ridiculous new offerings for yourself, just head on over to the game's official site. But take our advice and don't do it on an empty stomach.
You'll want to watch the new ArcheAge intro video Posted: 25 Jul 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, ArcheAge, Sandbox Hey ArcheAge fans and the mildly curious, you're going to want to watch the latest XLGAMES trailer!According to Steparu, this is the new login movie for the Korean version of the game. It's also quite a nifty marketing tool and may even sway a few of you fence-sitters since it shows off just about everything that sets ArcheAge apart from other MMORPGs. Whether you're into sieging, player weddings, car races, underwater exploration, hang-gliding, bikinis, sailing ships, or dragons, there's plenty of that and more contained in the clip's three-a-half-minute running time. See for yourself after the cut. Continue reading You'll want to watch the new ArcheAge intro video
Guild Wars celebrates Wintersday in July Posted: 25 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Events (In-Game), Buy-to-Play What is this? A winter celebration in the middle of summer? Guild Wars, you're so crazy! We love you, though.The classic Guild Wars is taking a break from reminding us that it still exists and is quite fun too by throwing an encore of its Wintersday celebration. Wintersday in July began yesterday and will continue until July 31st. There are plenty of activities to enjoy, including the snowball arena. The game will also drop plenty of cool rewards like fruitcake. OK, the game will also drop plenty of cool rewards except for fruitcake, which is nasty and evil to its sticky core. So egg nog it up with your fellow Tyrians for the next week because the hot weather is coming back!
RuneFest rents out London's Tobacco Dock Posted: 25 Jul 2013 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, Events (Real-World), RuneScape, Free-to-Play Get ready to party with the best of RuneScape's fans at RuneFest this fall! Jagex has announced that the fan convention will take place on November 2nd at the Tobacco Dock in London with a RuneScape gods theme. The team chose the Tobacco Dock for its unique look and central location.RuneFest is a one-day convention where fans will get to meet each other and the developers. Jagex has yet to announce the ticket price and schedule, although the studio said it is planning "some extra-special surprises" for the event. The official RuneFest page is back up and running.
PAX Australia 2013: Psykopig remix edition Posted: 25 Jul 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Video, Events (Real-World), MMO Industry, Events (Massively's Coverage) Massively's David "Psykopig" Desi has just returned from PAX Australia 2013. There was a lot of excitement and even more people at the con, and to give you an idea of what it was like, we've put together a series of videos detailing Piggy's adventures.The first of three clips can be found past the break. It's filled with plenty of Pig dancing and plenty of cosplay, some of it awkward and some of it amazing. Stick around to the end to see a special appearance from one of Star Wars' most infamous characters! Continue reading PAX Australia 2013: Psykopig remix edition
Firefall's open beta trailer highlights dynamic events Posted: 25 Jul 2013 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, Patches, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, Firefall If you happen to be in Cologne, Germany next month, you can stop by Firefall's booth at Gamescom to check out the inbound improvements and new content because Red 5 Studios announced that it is returning to the convention this year. James Macauley, Vice President of Development, invited players to drop in: "There are plenty more upcoming additions and features to talk about at Gamescom, so come and visit us on the show floor!" The studio will discuss the dynamic events, three new melding pockets, the upcoming Gamescom milestone, and more.Firefall fans, however, don't have to wait until Gamescom to see some of the new content coming to the PvP game. A newly released official open beta trailer, shown after the break, showcases these dynamic events, combat rewards, unlocking the world, and more. To join open beta, sign up on the site. [Source: Red 5 Studios press release] Continue reading Firefall's open beta trailer highlights dynamic events
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