MMO Updates |
- Earn your wings at World of Warplanes flight school
- Infinite Crisis video showcases Batman
- Second Life's Linden Lab expands with digital distribution service
- The Elder Scrolls Online sends out more beta invites
- WildStar's newest video takes aim at... well, aiming
- The Daily Grind: Did you save your last cash shop bonus, or did you spend it immediately?
- Free for All: One Walking Dead MMO, please
- Star Citizen's Roberts: 'Every day I'm just thinking about how to make this game awesome'
- SOE highlights acts of EverQuest II player kindness
- Elite: Dangerous studio Frontier Developments set to go public
- Star Trek Online encourages fleets to pretty up their mines
- Leaderboard: How do you like your player-generated content?
- SWTOR's Scum and Villainy operation charges up nightmare mode
- Dota 2 no longer in beta; Valve implements new player queue
- WildStar beta testers compete for coolest house
- SMITE's new deity Chronos is a timely addition
- Take a tour through the new daily hub of Star Wars: The Old Republic
Earn your wings at World of Warplanes flight school Posted: 11 Jul 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Historical, Video, PvP, War, Free-to-Play, World of Warplanes If you've been interested in jumping into World of Warplanes now that it's in open beta but didn't want to take off into battle unprepared, we've got just the thing for you. Wargaming is offering a video training series to help new pilots get familiar with the game. In this first installment, players get an overview of all aspects of the game, from training missions to upgrades to research and development. Post-battle statistics and performance tracking are also highlighted.While the first lesson is broad in scope, future ones will delve into more complex strategies to immerse players even more. Watch this first tutorial after the break. [Source: press release] Continue reading Earn your wings at World of Warplanes flight school
Infinite Crisis video showcases Batman Posted: 11 Jul 2013 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Super-hero, Video, New Titles, MOBA, Infinite Crisis The newest video offering from Turbine's Infinite Crisis shows off the Dark Knight himself as we see footage of Batman's special skills.Watching, Waiting is a skill that grants a bonus to attack and power armor. Entering stealth doubles that bonus while also healing the Caped Crusader over time. Battarang is a skill that throws a single blade at an enemy, dealing damage and marking the target for a short time. Martial Arts allows Batman to leap to his target, dealing attack damage and activating the stun of Battarang. To see these skills -- as well as Batman's ultimate skill and some helpful tips for playing Batman effectively -- check out the full video just after the cut. And if you'd like to get your hands on Infinite Crisis yourself, the beta sign-ups are still open. [Source: Turbine press release] Continue reading Infinite Crisis video showcases Batman
Second Life's Linden Lab expands with digital distribution service Posted: 11 Jul 2013 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: MMO Industry, Second Life, Free-to-Play, Miscellaneous Second Life's Linden Lab has announced this week that it has acquired the digital distribution service Desura.What's Desura? Think of it as a lesser-known version of Steam, yet without the DRM headaches and more focused on player mods. So, not really like Steam. Linden Lab's CEO, Rod Humble, is optimistic about Desura's offering to the 14-year-old virtual world company: "This acquisition gives us a global platform for serving creative developers of all kinds, and we're looking forward to growing both Desura's global community of gamers and its fantastic portfolio of thousands of games, mods, and other content. Our aim is to invest and support the Desura team in making it the most open and developer-friendly platform in the world."
The Elder Scrolls Online sends out more beta invites Posted: 11 Jul 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls Online Today might just be the day. It might be the day that you wake up, check your email, and discover that -- glory of glories! -- you are now part of The Elder Scrolls Online's beta.The official site is reporting that a wave of invites have gone out to potential testers for the next beta phase. So you know the drill: Check your email, check your spam folder, and sacrifice your favorite action figure on an altar in the hope that it will make a difference. "We're looking forward to the next beta session and can't wait for more of you to see the game," ZeniMax said. The studio assured players that the beta "continues to grow" and that more invites will be forthcoming.
WildStar's newest video takes aim at... well, aiming Posted: 11 Jul 2013 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Video, Game Mechanics, News Items, WildStar There's an element of fire-and-forget in a large number of MMOs, a sense that all of the hard work of targeting is done for you by the game. You click on your target, you activate your ability, and that's all the thought you need to put into aiming. But WildStar is looking to change that, as outlined in the newest Dev Speak video. Aiming your abilities correctly is a big part of playing the game, and failing to do so means missing your target about all of the time.Lead class designer Hugh Shelton and lead combat systems designer Chris Lynch took the time to talk a little more about the particulars of aiming with several media outlets because this is something that takes a large amount of consideration. So head past the cut not only for the video, but also for more valuable details on the art of making abilities go where you want. Continue reading WildStar's newest video takes aim at... well, aiming
The Daily Grind: Did you save your last cash shop bonus, or did you spend it immediately? Posted: 11 Jul 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Business Models, MMO Industry, Opinion, Free-to-Play, The Daily Grind, Star Wars: The Old Republic I got an email from BioWare the other day announcing the arrival of my monthly allotment of cartel coins. That's nice, I thought, and promptly sent the mail on its way to the trash folder. Later, upon logging into Star Wars: The Old Republic, I failed to see anything in the cash shop that I couldn't live without, so I kept the 500 coins stashed away for another day.This is unusual for me, as typically I'll blow the freebie currency on some outfit or other in both SWTOR and The Secret World, so next month maybe I'll splurge on something that's twice as expensive. Who knows. Anyhow, there's a Daily Grind question in here somewhere. Ah, here it is. Did you save your last monthly cash shop bonus, or did you spend it immediately?
Free for All: One Walking Dead MMO, please Posted: 10 Jul 2013 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Real-Life, Screenshots, Culture, Opinion, Free for All, Post-Apocalyptic, Miscellaneous, Sandbox One of the best gaming experiences I've had in recent memory has got to be the time I've spent in The Walking Dead series by Telltale games. OK, OK, so you might not agree that the titles are a series of "games;" they're more like a choose-your-own-adventure that is peppered with the occasional quick-time event, so let me clear the record in order to move on: I don't care what we call them. They are simply a fun experience. I can't believe that there are people who want to argue this point, but then again I had to witness people actually fight about games being art or not.So however you feel about the The Walking Dead, uhm, experiences, you cannot deny their popularity. The series took the market by storm and showed just what a powerful medium gaming can be. Not only that, but Telltale received deserving praise not only for the gameplay and story but for the fact that it produced something that could run on almost any device or setup. (Well, except Android.) How would The Walking Dead translate to an MMO, though? Could it be done? Don't worry; I am going to do my best to avoid any spoilers. So are my readers. Right, readers? Continue reading Free for All: One Walking Dead MMO, please
Star Citizen's Roberts: 'Every day I'm just thinking about how to make this game awesome' Posted: 10 Jul 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Video, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Star Citizen, Buy-to-Play Can't get enough Star Citizen news? We can't either, so we're passing along this nine-minute video documentary recently released by Stage 5 TV. It's called Rise of the Indies, and it offers a newbie's look at Cloud Imperium's upcoming space sim.The filmmakers interview Chris Roberts and environmental artist Dave O'Preska, both of whom show off a few behind-the-scenes work-in-progress tidbits. Roberts also offers up a smidgeon of commentary illustrating the benefits of crowdfunding vs. traditional publisher-funded development. "[With publishers], you're still in these meetings with marketing, you're still in the meetings with sales, and you've got people who are like 'well, demographically we need to appeal here,' so there's a lot of extra stuff that gets in there," Roberts explains. "They're writing the check, so you try to have as much of your stuff as possible but you also have to do some stuff for them, and I always think that kind of compromises stuff. In [Star Citizen's] case I don't deal with any of that. Every day I'm just thinking about how do I make this game awesome." Quotables aside, there's nothing really new here if you're already on the bandwagon. That said, it's the perfect introduction for that SC virgin on your friends list. Check it out after the cut!
SOE highlights acts of EverQuest II player kindness Posted: 10 Jul 2013 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Events (In-Game), MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play Surly MMO commenters got you down? Check out the latest round of EverQuest II player events and restore a little bit of your faith in gamer humanity. First up is Pay it Forward, which starts Sunday, July 14th, at 8:00 p.m. EDT. What is Pay it Forward? "It's a day when adventurers and crafters come together to donate crafted goods, items rotting away in their bank, plat, rares, masters -- you name it -- to young adventurers." The event happens on the Antonia Bayle server.Next up is the annual Give Back Days event on the Everfrost shard. It runs from 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. EDT on July 14th and 15th. Festivities include love duels, food fights, and random prizes for people who show up dressed to the nines. More info on both events is available on SOE's EQII website.
Elite: Dangerous studio Frontier Developments set to go public Posted: 10 Jul 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, News Items, Crowdfunding, Elite: Dangerous Frontier Developments, known around these parts as the studio behind crowdfunding success story Elite: Dangerous, is about to enter a different brave new world: that of the London Stock Exchange. The company is set to launch its IPO on July 15th with around £4 million ($5.9 million) in shares.Elite: Dangerous's Kickstarter campaign raised £1.6 million and Frontier snagged an additional £2.8 in provate funding. The studio has about £7.2 million in the bank. A statement from founder and studio head David Braben accompanied the announcement, outlining his excitement to list Frontier at "a time of such strong momentum in the business and the sector." He also noted that the IPO "gives us the necessary financial impetus to continue operating at the forefront of the continually evolving and expanding global games market."
Star Trek Online encourages fleets to pretty up their mines Posted: 10 Jul 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, News Items, Star Trek Online, Free-to-Play Captains of Star Trek Online, we ask you -- is your fleet's Dilithium Mine nice and pretty? Of course not; it's a mine. You're digging up valuable minerals, not holding a nice dinner party. But you could still opt for a foyer that's at least a little more welcoming, put up some nice viewports... you get the idea. In fact, the next special fleet project will allow you to do just that, turning your entryway into something... not beautiful, but less miserable!As with other special projects, this project must be started during the designated event period (between July 11th and July 25th), but it can be continued even after the event ends. Completion removes some floor space for a nicer view, allows extra space to display environmental suits, and generally makes your mine's entryway less drab. So yes, the captain still needs to toil away at mining, but at least the path to mining can feel somewhat swanky.
Leaderboard: How do you like your player-generated content? Posted: 10 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, ArcheAge, Sandbox, Leaderboard, Player-Generated Content I'm a big fan of player-generated content. User-authored stuff, when done right, is usually more interesting to me than dev-authored stuff, and my ideal MMO features toolsets built by devs and content built by players. The key phrase is "when done right," though, because to some people, player-generated content means "let me exploit this dungeon maker tool to get to max level as fast as I can, lulz!" And sometimes it means "I think I'll build a Starbucks in the middle of a steampunk fantasy world, lulz!"These are extreme cases, though, as I've played plenty of player-generated dungeons and missions that were designed purely for fun. That's how PGC should be, in my opinion, but this is Leaderboard, and Leaderboard is about your opinion. So, let's hear it! Vote on the usefulness of player-generated content after the cut! Continue reading Leaderboard: How do you like your player-generated content?
SWTOR's Scum and Villainy operation charges up nightmare mode Posted: 10 Jul 2013 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Patches, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dungeons One thing we know about Star Wars: Villains like saying "So be it!" One thing we know about Star Wars: The Old Republic: Players chew up operations, spit them out, and keep asking for tougher ones. BioWare's hoping that today's Update 2.2.2 will give even the most ambitious team a tough go at it, as the studio has patched in the nightmare mode for Operation: Legions of Scum and Villainy.Where there are new challenges, there are new rewards, of course. For players who can survive the carnage, there is the elite Kell Dragon armor set and the cool Titan 6 Containment Mode mount to snag. If operations aren't your bag, then there are always Ewok companions, Czerka dailies, and bounty hunting contracts on the horizon.
Dota 2 no longer in beta; Valve implements new player queue Posted: 10 Jul 2013 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Launches, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, MOBA Dota 2 has been in beta for around two years. In that time it became effectively the biggest game on Steam, with a monthly playerbase of over three million and a maximum concurrency of 300,000 players. There's even a $2 million tournament coming up in August centered on this game that's lived for so long behind somewhat closed doors.Every beta must end, of course, and Dota 2's is no different. Valve has announced that starting today, Dota 2 is officially out of beta and that all Steam users can now download the free-to-play game at their leisure. There's just one small catch: Thanks to what Valve is anticipating will be a sudden crush of new players, a launch queue has been established that will bring people to Dota 2 in controlled waves. To get into the launch queue, all you need to do is download Dota 2 on Steam. The first wave of new players should gain access to the game sometime this week. In the meantime, players can (and really, really should) play the game's single-player tutorial missions.
WildStar beta testers compete for coolest house Posted: 10 Jul 2013 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Contests, WildStar, Housing If being a fan of player housing while still being shut out of the WildStar beta describes you perfectly, then you're going to probably hate everything about this post. As a way to show off the flexibility and potential for WildStar's housing, Carbine Studios challenged closed beta testers to come up with the coolest, wackiest, or most creative pad.The winners of this contest are up on the site now. If you can push aside your jealousy at being left out, there's a lot to be gleaned from the amazing pictures on display here. There is a house-within-a-house, an upside-down house, a bedroom bar, and a stand-up comedy platform, among others. The winners of the beta contest received a trophy that will carry over with them to the launched game.
SMITE's new deity Chronos is a timely addition Posted: 10 Jul 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, News Items, MOBA It's easy to feel that there aren't enough hours in the day to experience all of SMITE's gods in play. Still, the newest patch for the game adds a figure whose moment has come at last: Chronos, Keeper of Time. If you'd like to give him a spin, you'll find that he's made with a tightly wound arsenal of tricks, keeping his enemies on their back feet while he ticks ever closer to victory.Chronos' passive is the ever-spinning wheel of time, which stops when Chronos uses Accelerate to move faster and buff his attacks. He can also drop an area damage spell and slow his enemies to earn valuable seconds of safety. And if the situation turns dire and his hour has come at last, he can simply activate his ultimate ability to rewind time, giving him a chance to recover his abilities and take a second shot at victory. [Thanks to Don for the tip!] Continue reading SMITE's new deity Chronos is a timely addition
Take a tour through the new daily hub of Star Wars: The Old Republic Posted: 10 Jul 2013 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Patches, Previews, News Items, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic The Czerka Corporation in Star Wars: The Old Republic isn't evil, just amoral and motivated by ill-considered greed. And sometimes, yes, that does mean that a facility goes completely rogue and outside help needs to be called in to try and salvage the situation. That's what happened on CZ-198, and if you're wondering what sort of daily tasks will be necessary to retake the facility, you can take a gander at the full rundown of the daily quests for the zone right now.The zone has four daily quests as well as a weekly component that includes both of the new flashpoints run on any difficulty. If the promise of earning credits isn't enough to get you into the daily routine, you've also got the requisite selection of rewards, including two new sets of adaptive armor and a new customization for HK-51. Even when its facilities get overrun and require large-scale intervention by paramilitary strike teams, Czerka Corporation makes your life better.
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