Yulgang Online Heading for Europe Posted: Yesterday we just reported that Yulgang 2's first English server announced at Southeast Asia. Today the news goes with its classical prequel Yulgang Online coming to European market. The game was based on the artial comic of the same name and brought to Thiland, China, NA and Japan.  |
League of Legends Wallpaper: Who Are You? Posted: Welterz, a talented League of Legends fan, recently design some amazing wallpapers for each role in the game. Including Solo Top, Jungle, Solo Mid, ADC and Support, these particular works only show the silhouette of champions. Sounds mysterious? Now take a look at wallpapers below and guess who they are!  |
Queen's Blade Mobile Game is Available In Google Play Posted: The mobile game of the official Queen's Blade, as known as Scarlet Blade, has been available in South Korea. Besides, the download link for both Google Play and iTunes version is available right now. I am sure you guys will take your Scarlet Blade experience to the next level: play at work, in your bed and on the go.  |
Trading Card MMO HEX: Shards of Fate Kickstarter Ends in Huge Success Posted: The Kickstarter campaign for the trading card game HEX: Shards of Fate began on May 8th with the modest goal of raising $300,000 to develop the TCG/MMO. As the campaign came to a close today, the pledged funding had exceeded that amount by over 700% with $2,278,255 pledged by the end.  |
96 Percent of EVE Online Players Are Male Posted: According to David Reid, CCP Games' chief marketing officer, 96 percent of the people subscribing to his company's flagship MMO EVE Online are male.  |
What Role Will You Play If Join A Competition Game? Posted: You may still remember the fierce moments in League of Legends ALLSTAR2013 as I do. I wonder if you ever joined a competition game? What role will you play in a team?  |
Amazon Launches Indie Games Store Posted: Amazon.com on Thursday launched the Indie Games Store to help game buyers discover the work of emerging game makers.  |
Crescent Moon Games Shows Off 3D TD Game Siegecraft TD Posted: It has been difficult for Crescent Moon Games to be on time in releasing Android games, while one of their opcoming games is officially named Siegecraft TD, which is technically a sequel to a game already out on iOS.  |
Ragnarok Online Celebrates 10 Years With Big Update Posted: Ragnarok Online is celebrating 10 years of service with a major new update entitled 14.2 Eclage. This update brings new maps, new dungeons, new foes, new equipment and an engaging quest line that picks up where 14.1 left off.  |
Game Development Dream Team Announced ChronoBlade for Android Posted: Dave Jones, one of the creators of Grand Theft Auto, Tony Harman, former president of Realtime Worlds, and Stieg Hedlund, the designer of legendary dungeon-crawler Diablo 2 are certainlu a game development dream team, and they have announced their new title: ChronoBlade  |
Your Opinion on Private Servers! Posted: With the rise of the F2P mmorpgs that are called P2W and many games being shut down, the amount of private servers increases. Have you even played on a pserver? Why (not)? What made you decide to start playing a pserver?  |
Arcane Saga Level 1-31 First Look Posted: Arcane Saga is a reboot of Prius Online. Some don't like this reboot however, they got rid of liked and dislike aspects of the game. I did a review on the first 31 levels of the game.  |
Join Firefall for the Final Beta Weekend Posted: Red 5 Studio is inviting you to join thousands of other players to explore New Eden and take the fight to the Chosen in this final Firefall Beta Weekend before the game enters Open Beta July 9th! If you haven't given Firefall a shot before, here is your chance.  |
Wildstar Dev: We Can Fill the World of Warcraft Void Posted: The team behind NCsoft's new MMO Wildstar says it will win back gamers who have abandoned World of Warcraft.  |
Ran Online Gets Publishing Deal for Europe Posted: Ran Online, after an 8-year run in Asia, is heading to Europe. Games-Masters.com today announced the deal with Min Communications to publish Ran Online in Europe.  |
MMOsite This Week: June 3-June 7 Posted: During this week, lots of news and information of MMOs have been released. Here we round up the weekly hot news for you to check out conveniently. Enjoy your weekend, enjoy your game!  |
Fifteen Things You Need to Know About Deus Ex: The Fall Posted: This week, Square Enix announced Deus Ex: The Fall, a new mobile-only entry in its cyberpunk shooter franchise. It's a full-on first-person shooter, and contains all of the same central tenets of the main series, i.e. action, stealth, dialogue, exploration, choice, consequence, and lots of vents.  |
ArcheAge Elf Cosplay from Jetset Paws Posted: Korean fantasy MMORPG ArcheAge is quite popular in Korea for its various systems and abundant social skills. Another feature is the beautiful characters you can customize in the game, remember the pretty girls in ArcheAge, don't you? Today we bring you a cosplay show of the female elf in ArcheAge, purple dress and cute smile seems to take you into the mysterious land of the story.  |