MMO Updates |
- Ask Massively: The best and worst of E3
- Aion 4.0 slated for August launch in Europe
- Vindictus shows off new character Hurk the Berzerker
- The Perfect Ten: Why game holidays rock
- Darkfall introduces new Broadherne dungeon with recent patch
- Guild Wars 2 novel Sea of Sorrows releases on June 25
- Guild Wars 2 brings out big changes with the Sky Pirates of Tyria
- The Daily Grind: What's motivating your return to RIFT?
- Free for All: How free-to-play affected how I feel about RIFT
- The Art of Wushu: The truth about mind games and timing
- Final Fantasy XIV launches beta version of the Lodestone
- Blade & Soul Korea getting major update next week
- The War Z now known as Infestation: Survivor Stories
- Vindictus spreads the joy of Season 2 Episode 2
- DDO: Shadowfell Conspiracy shows the beauty of Stormhorn mountains
- The Secret World is 50% off today on Steam
- Call your buddies: Defiance launches recruit-a-friend
- Rhode Island set to pay 38 Studios bonds. Probably.
- Leaderboard: Is an MMO's title important to you?
- RIFT grants compensation for Icewatch and Akala shard transfers
- Choose My Adventure: Earning my Firefall rocket boots
Ask Massively: The best and worst of E3 Posted: 20 Jun 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: MMO Industry, Opinion, Massively Meta, Ask Massively, Events (Massively's Coverage), Miscellaneous Massively is finally recovered from E3, whose MMO reveals surprised even the most jaded gamers among us. Now that we've had time to process the entirety of the event and our coverage of it, we think it's time to deliver our overall impressions of the show -- the most surprising reveal, the most disappointing offering, and of course, the best MMO in show.The ground rules for our discussion?
Continue reading Ask Massively: The best and worst of E3
Aion 4.0 slated for August launch in Europe Posted: 20 Jun 2013 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Aion, Expansions, PvP, News Items, PvE, Free-to-Play While Daevas in North America are looking forward to Aion's 4.0 launch next week, those in Europe have to wait longer due to the extra localization involved with multiple languages. But that wait won't be long: Gameforge has announced that the latest expansion is planned to launch this summer. Volker Boenigk, Executive Product Director for Aion at Gameforge, stated, "The necessary work towards this for 4.0 is progressing well and I'm confident that the update will be available on the European servers in August."Eager to storm the lands of Katalam or try your hand at the new Engineer or Artist classes (called Gunner and Songweaver in NA, respectively)? if so, your time will soon be at hand. [Source: Gameforge press release]
Vindictus shows off new character Hurk the Berzerker Posted: 20 Jun 2013 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Classes, Patches, Previews, Free-to-Play, Vindictus The short video shows Hurk wielding a giant greatsword against an equally giant boss, and is labeled as the first teaser of hopefully several more. You can check out the full video after the jump. Continue reading Vindictus shows off new character Hurk the Berzerker
The Perfect Ten: Why game holidays rock Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: Events (In-Game), Humor, Perfect Ten, Miscellaneous It's as inevitable as the tides, political scandals, and new flavors of Pepsi. Whenever an MMO announces that it's introducing new holiday content into its game, the grumpies come out. "Wah!" they cry. "Why are developers wasting time on this! It's useless! Pointless! Just the mere notion of it makes baby kittens die worldwide!"What my poetic license is trying to say is that some folks are displeased and they make themselves well-heard because of it. I like to think that after posting angry comments, they then go around the rest of the day slamming doors, flipping chairs, and sulking noisily so that someone will ask them why they're in such a foul mood. The answer, if truthful, would be endlessly entertaining. Then again, I used to throw snit fits when I got sent to jail in Monopoly. If you haven't figured it out yet, I love in-game holidays. Love. Them. Beyond the novelty of what they do, there are plenty of reasons that even the most jaded holiday-hater should simmer down around this topic. I think I'll list 10 of them. Continue reading The Perfect Ten: Why game holidays rock
Darkfall introduces new Broadherne dungeon with recent patch Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Darkfall, Patches In addition to the regular bug fixes, this patch also brings with it the new Broadherne dungeon, new monsters, cooking mastery, party harvesting, and much more. A new utility ship -- called the Fishing Trawler -- has also been added. This boat opens up new cooking mastery fish and new harvesting loot tables that give more substantial rewards when fishing in dangerous areas. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]
Guild Wars 2 novel Sea of Sorrows releases on June 25 Posted: 20 Jun 2013 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, Events (Real-World), Events (In-Game), Lore, Previews, Guild Wars 2, MMORPG, Buy-to-Play Tyrian lore fanatics have reasons to be excited as the third Guild Wars 2 novel is set to release on June 25th. Sea of Sorrows is written by none other than ArenaNet's Narrative Designer, Ree Soesbee, and takes place roughly 150 years before the events in the game. This time period lines up with the rising of Orr from the murky depths along with the elder dragon, Zhaitan, and his hordes of undead risen. Readers will get to experience how this cataclysmic event shaped the lives of many Tyrians and led to the destruction and rebuilding of Lion's Arch. The novel follows the life of a young sailor named Cobiah Marriner, who heads for the sea when his life in Lion's Arch takes a tragic turn. Cobiah's grandson is the current commodore of Lion's Arch, but other Easter eggs have been recently added to the game as well. A new statue of Cobiah has been added to Lion's Arch with an engraved book on it. Marriner's plaques have been scattered around the city for an unannounced upcoming activity, and ArenaNet has told us to expect more references and living story updates that will directly tie into the events in the book. Are you going to be picking up Sea of Sorrows next Tuesday? Let us know if you've got the sea legs for it in the comments below!
Guild Wars 2 brings out big changes with the Sky Pirates of Tyria Posted: 20 Jun 2013 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, Patches, News Items, Guild Wars 2, Buy-to-Play It's all fun and games at Guild Wars 2's dragon bash until someone turns up murdered in Lion's Arch. That's what sets the stage for the newest game update, Sky Pirates of Tyria. Launching on June 25th, the update will see players thrown into a murder investigation headed by Inspector Ellen Kiel, forcing everyone to take part in several events to track down the perpetrator. If you're thinking it's going to have something to do with the eponymous pirates, well, that's a reasonable guess.This update sees the addition of a new dungeon, the Aetherblade Retreat, which pits players against pirates of a decidedly aerial nature. It also features a wide-scale revamp of traits and skills for every profession to promote a wider range of playable builds, a variety of new rewards including miniatures and monocles, and an all-new event tying into the upcoming novel Sea of Sorrows. Custom Arenas and Spectator Mode for PvP are also leaving beta, giving players more ways to enjoy a spirited battle with friends and enemies. Our own Richie Procopio will be taking part in a press preview this weekend, so tune in before launch for a closer look at the details. [Source: ArenaNet press release]
The Daily Grind: What's motivating your return to RIFT? Posted: 20 Jun 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Business Models, MMO Industry, Opinion, Free-to-Play, The Daily Grind, RIFT RIFT went free-to-play recently, and judging by the server queues and the number of people who tipped Massively about Trion's response to all the shenanigans, it seems like the business model switcheroo had the desired effect of bringing people back in droves.As an outsider, I can't really wrap my brain around the phenomenon. If the game was good before, my inner cynic says, surely it was worth paying for, no? I can understand the excitement if you've never played RIFT (and if financials were the reason why), but I've seen a few commenters and even a blogger or two who seem to be coming back because they're afraid of missing a deal rather than because they really dig the game. I could be wrong, though, so that's why I'm throwing today's Daily Grind out there. Assuming you're returning to RIFT, are you doing so because you love the game or is it because you don't want to miss out on a perceived good deal? In short, what's motivating your return to RIFT?
Free for All: How free-to-play affected how I feel about RIFT Posted: 19 Jun 2013 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Business Models, Culture, Game Mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Casual, RIFT, Free for All Back in April of 2011, I asked myself whether I would play RIFT if it were a free game. I know that I was impressed with its build quality but not so much with its lack of spirit. It seemed like a hollow game, one that used gimmicks to take the place of true adventure. At the same time, I didn't want to downplay how well it was made. I still agree with this sentiment; the game is great and has only improved over time, but I still wish it had a little something more.Did the recent switch to free-to-play change how I felt about the game? Why would a payment model affect how I felt while playing the game? After all, I champion the idea that a payment model does not define a game, but I still have to recognize how a payment model affects people. Including me. Continue reading Free for All: How free-to-play affected how I feel about RIFT
The Art of Wushu: The truth about mind games and timing Posted: 19 Jun 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Historical, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Guides, Age of Wushu, The Art of Wushu, MMORPG Once upon a time, I was teaching a friend how to duel in Age of Wushu. She was easily frustrated by things, and she expressed to me that she felt as if everyone had superhuman reflexes compared to her. Because she was a beginner, I couldn't just convey all the complexity of mind games to her. Explaining all the different options (beyond the basics), weighting them, and explaining the opportunity costs of each was not really an option. She was having trouble even with slightly advanced stuff (which is totally normal), but she also lacked some of the natural "killer instinct" that allows some of my other friends to duel.At the same time, I had been fighting Zyden, one of the most skilled duelists in English-speaking Age of Wushu. He actually does have near-superhuman reflexes. Earlier that day, though, I had hit him with a very slow-animating feint that he normally interrupts with a stun. Normally, his reactions are superhuman, but there are some times when they aren't. It's not a matter of "off day," either. He just wasn't prepared for me to do what I did right at that moment. I told my friend, "Outside of a moment, you can only react." Immediately afterwards, I realized just how important those words were. Continue reading The Art of Wushu: The truth about mind games and timing
Final Fantasy XIV launches beta version of the Lodestone Posted: 19 Jun 2013 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Culture, News Items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV Alongside the third phase of beta testing, Square-Enix is also testing another aspect of Final Fantasy XIV's relaunch -- the new and improved Lodestone. The original Lodestone served as a combination community site and data aggregator, but it had some system issues and deserved a revamp along with everything else connected to the game. Players are encouraged to log in to the site now and try out its improved functionality, as well as explore the things that can be done from the site with and without fully logging in.The new site features all of the functionality of the original incarnation, including character blogs and a surfeit of information about your character even when logged off. It also allows players to search for characters, linkshells, and free companies freely. And it features a mobile version for times that you want to check your character data while you're on the road. Anyone in the game's test (which includes all former players of the first incarnation) are invited to test out the improvements for themselves.
Blade & Soul Korea getting major update next week Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Blade & Soul Blade & Soul's biggest update yet is coming on June 26th according to The site reports that new skill revisions, an upgrading system, new dungeons, an increased level cap, new story chapters, new instanced dungeons, and new PvP areas are on the way.Whew! Yes, that's a lot of new, and Steparu has also posted a handful of gorgeous new Blade & Soul posters for your viewing enjoyment. Have a look via the link below.
The War Z now known as Infestation: Survivor Stories Posted: 19 Jun 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Horror, MMO Industry, News Items, Sandbox, Buy-to-Play Remember The War Z? Hammerpoint Interactive is hoping that you don't, at least when it comes to the game's checkered development and customer service history that includes being temporarily pulled from Steam and suffering a major security breach.At any rate, the firm is looking for a fresh start and has changed the zombie MMO's name to Infestation: Survivor Stories. The War Z's original URL now automatically redirects users to a rebranded website. [Thanks Paul!]
Vindictus spreads the joy of Season 2 Episode 2 Posted: 19 Jun 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, Free-to-Play, Vindictus It's update day for Vindictus, as players will have the fun of exploring the Season 2 Episode 2 patch after the download is complete. The update is a hearty helping of content that includes dungeons, battles, and character revamps.Nine new battles are now available in the Twilight Desert, and players might have to cut their way through the addition of Grim Reapers and Guardians to get to them. The update implements a time progression feature, which is important since it determines which of the patch's 14 dungeons are open or closed for business. There's also a new expertise to level up in called Gathering, although it's accessible only in the Season 2 zones. [Source: Nexon press release]
DDO: Shadowfell Conspiracy shows the beauty of Stormhorn mountains Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Expansions, Free-to-Play Dungeons and Dragons Online: Shadowfell Conspiracy is exactly two months away today, so there's still some time to work up excitement over this Forgotten Realms-centric expansion to the game world. We've expanded our screenshot gallery to include 10 new vistas of the Stormhorn mountains, a wilderness area that will feature large in players' adventures. You can check out all of the beauty below:
The Secret World is 50% off today on Steam Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Horror, Real-Life, News Items, The Secret World, Promotions, Buy-to-Play What's better than a buy-to-play game that has no subscription fee? How about one that's 50% off! Make that game The Secret World and you've got one sweet deal. If you or anyone you know has been putting off purchasing a copy of the horror and conspiracy-themed game in hopes of a good deal, today is your day.For 24 hours, TSW is a cool $14.99 (or 14.99 euros) on Steam. Got that? Only 24 hours... and already counting down. So if you want to take advantage of this deal and get full access to everything up through Issue #4, there's no time for hemming or hawing about this deal; it goes the way of the dodo at 1:00 p.m. EDT tomorrow, June 20th. [Thanks to Balsbigbrother1 for the tip!]
Call your buddies: Defiance launches recruit-a-friend Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, News Items, MMOFPS, Post-Apocalyptic, Defiance, Buy-to-Play Are you tired of bombing around the post-apocalyptic wastelands of the Bay Area, shooting hellbugs in the face and popping wheelies on your four-wheeler, with none of your friends around to watch/high-five? Trion Worlds feels your pain.The studio has just announced a recruit-a-friend system for its video game/television experiment, Defiance. If you have a copy of the game on any platform and a valid Trion Worlds account, you can hop over to the Defiance Ark Hunter recruitment site and shoot your besties some email invitations. Also available: a recruitment link for social media. As is customary, bringing friends to Defiance comes with special rewards. Your first friend lands you a Tier I lock box, your first five get you a unique title, and your first ten give you two additional inventory slots. If one of those friends actually buys the game, you'll get a new outfit. Five purchases gets you a flame-emblazoned truck, and every purchase after that results in a Tier III lock box.
Rhode Island set to pay 38 Studios bonds. Probably. Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: MMO Industry, News Items, Legal, Miscellaneous 38 Studios collapsed upon itself in a heap of flaming disaster last year, and Rhode Island taxpayers ended up stuck with the bill. The state used a $75 million loan, acquired through the sale of taxable bonds, to convince 38 to operate within its borders, and RI is now on the hook for around $89 million after the studio declared bankruptcy.Some state lawmakers in Rhode Island flirted with the idea of "walking away" from the debt, which is apparently a privilege afforded to a government and not its citizens. However, the state's House Finance Committee has approved a budget that includes, at the very least, making an interest payment of $2.5 million on the debt in May 2014. If Rhode Island is running off the plan it talked about last month, this first payment will be followed by yearly payments of $12.5 million until the debt is repaid. The budget hasn't passed; it still needs to get through the state's House and Senate. Future interest payments will also have to be approved by the state legislature.
Leaderboard: Is an MMO's title important to you? Posted: 19 Jun 2013 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO Industry, New Titles, Opinion, EverQuest Next, Sandbox, Leaderboard So, EverQuest Next is officially called EverQuest Next. At least until SOE comes to its senses. OK, OK, I'm only half kidding. It's not the worst name ever, but for a game that's already carrying the burden of substantial expectation before it's even been publicly unveiled, EQN seems a little bit vanilla to me.Titles can be important, too, particularly in terms of first impressions and roping in those yummy casuals. So, how about it Massively readers? Is an MMO's title important to you? Vote after the cut! Continue reading Leaderboard: Is an MMO's title important to you?
RIFT grants compensation for Icewatch and Akala shard transfers Posted: 19 Jun 2013 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, RIFT, Family The switch to free-to-play has caused such a population explosion in RIFT that Trion is converting some shards to trial shards and opening new ones to host new and transferred players alike. But the studio understands that relocating is never easy. So to players who had to pack their bags and leave their beloved homes on EU's Icewatch and Akala shards, Trion is offering "a few small tokens of [their] appreciation for all your contributions to RIFT's success over the past two years."Within the next few weeks, all former players from these two communities will receive special gifts on all of their characters. These gifts are a title ("of Icewatch" or "of Akala"), a shard-specific Icewatch or Akala regalia wardrobe set, and +1000 bonus loyalty.
Choose My Adventure: Earning my Firefall rocket boots Posted: 19 Jun 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Polls, Video, PvP, PvE, Free-to-Play, MMOFPS, Choose My Adventure, Post-Apocalyptic, Firefall, MMORPG The votes are in. The people have spoken. Now, it's time to play. Last week's Choose My Adventure column, the first one centered on Firefall, presented a couple of choices related to the very basics of creating our character and giving him or her reason to fight. Voters enthusiastically chose a beaten-down man with one hope for redemption -- and unwittingly fulfilled my personal fantasy to create a game hero based on Nicolas Cage's character in Con Air.Voters also chose from among Firefall's five battleframes, with the jack-of-all-trades Assault frame beating out the smash-it-in-the-face Dreadnaught frame by just 26 votes. So, to recap: We have created a character who's an ex-con with no reason to live, handed him an assault rifle, and dropped him into a violent world where pretty much anything goes. This is getting good. Continue reading Choose My Adventure: Earning my Firefall rocket boots
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