Icarus Online Closed Beta Gameplay Preview Posted: Korean WeMade's latest fantasy MMORPG "Icarus Online" has entered its closed beta, the highly anticipated game developed by CryEngine 3 is so hot that the servers have been exploded. Icarus Online was called Ned when it made its debut last year. Five playable races in Icarus Online are: Beserker; Guardian; Priest; Assassin; and Wizard.  |
The Elder Scrolls Online To Be Playable at Gamescom This August Posted: Are you going to attend this year's gamescom in Cologne, Germany? If you do, you will get a chance to get your hands on a playable demo of The Elder Scrolls Online. Zenimax Online Studios has auuounced that they are headed to this year's gamescom and that TESO will be available for attendees to try at the Zenimax booth.  |
Why I'm Excited For Neverwinter! Posted: When Neverwinter Online was originally announced in late 2010, I was indeed a skeptic. Not because of the universe, but how Cryptic would execute it without another cookie cutter MMO being released.  |
GAMEVIL Launches Mobile Dungeon Crawler, Dark Avenger Posted: Leading mobile games publisher and developer, GAMEVIL, announced the release of their latest title, Dark Avenger, on App Store today. Dark Avenger is a third party title developed by BOOLEAN GAMES and published by GAMEVIL through their $10M Partner Fund. The game brings the popular dungeon crawler genre to mobile with smooth, intuitive controls and brilliant HD graphics.  |
Minecraft - Pocket Edition Surpasses 10 Million Sales Mark Posted: Swedish independent game developer Mojang today announced that Minecraft - Pocket Edition surpassed the 10 million sales mark as of yesterday.  |
Age of Wushu: Fighting Hunger in Jianghu Posted: There are many different opponents in Age of Wushu that a player will come into contact with over their journey to being a master of Kung Fu from beasts to bandits. There is one that a player must always be on the lookout for and can creep up if you are not aware, the empty stomach. Food is life in Jianghu, and those that control the spatula can control the world.  |
Dragon Nest Mysterious Character Revealed Posted: Dragon Nest mysterious character revealed. It is said that this mysterious character has something to do with the new character Assassin.  |
PlanetSide 2 Deploys Largest Game Update Since Launch Posted: PlanetSide 2 has been updated with the largest patch since launch. Sony Online Entertainment has released a new vehicle that may turn the tides in the Auraxian War - The Harasser Assault Buggy.  |
Elsword Unveiled New Class Shelling Guardian Posted: Kill3rCombo has announced that the newest class in its Elsword Transformation series has been added to the game. With the explosive new Shelling Guardian class, Chung becomes the ultimate demolitions expert, decimating enemies with tactical mortar strikes and mastering long range combat.  |
WildStar: Previews of Stormtalon's Lair Posted: This week Carbine delves deep into WildStar's Stormtalon's Lair, a cave located deep within the heart of Galeras. As with any exploratory mission in MMORPGs goes, a team of red shirt...er researchers were sent to explore the mystery of the cave and its connection to the Eldan legend. As you might expect, things went south from there.  |
Panzar - First Look Posted: Panzar is a unique hybrid action game with role-playing elements. The crux of the gameplay is team battles in various arenas, for which players are awarded experience and money. During the breaks between battles, players can improve their characters by learning new skills or buying and upgrading their gear.  |
WoW Patch 5.2: Burning Seeds Added Posted: During the Patch 5.2 PTR, players noticed that Burning Seed had been datamined, which would allow players to "harness the essence of Fire granted to the Druids of the Flame." The buff given, Burning Essence, explicitly stated that players turn into a Druid of the Flame while in Cat Form.  |
Defiance Eclipses One Million Registered Accounts Posted: Trion Worlds announced today that more than one million Defiance accounts have been created since the launch of the open world shooter one month ago today. Fans of both the game and show have truly immersed themselves into the futuristic world of Defiance, with gamers eclipsing major milestones in game, while TV viewers are tuning in at record cable numbers for the first two episodes.  |
The Secret World's Golden Weekend Event Coming This Friday Posted: It usually needs a reason to hold a celebration, but Funcom just don't need any reason as they are giving a golden weekend in The Secret World. The Golden Weekend event starts on Friday, May 3rd and will continue through Sunday, May 5th. During the event, players can earn double ability points and catch a 30% bonus to any purchase of Funcom Points.  |
WoW Patch 5.3 Scenario Preview Posted: Patch 5.3 introduces four new Scenarios and Heroic modes for six Scenarios including two previously released encounters. Whether you're Horde or Alliance, you'll be able to get in on the action with the use of the Dungeon Finder or by queuing (in the case of Heroics) with two of your friends.  |
Navy Field 2 Is Now Live Posted: NEXON Europe is pleased to announce the official launch of the Navy Field 2 and is throwing a massive NX cash event to celebrate.  |
Dungeon Striker (KR) Enters Open Beta on May 15 with New Class Unveiled Posted: The long anticipated cute version Dragon Nest -- Dungeon Striker has finally got some latest movement, the Diablo 3 style MMORPG developed by Eyedentity will kick off open beta on May 15. NHN Hangame also released the brand new open beta trailer for Dungeon Striker along with the four new classes.  |