MMO Updates |
- Free for All: An intro to basic combat in MUDs
- Marvel Heroes offers one final open beta weekend and Thor trailer
- Prepping for patch day in WoW
- UFO Online lands in open beta today
- Infinite Crisis celebrates closed beta with The Joker
- Fallen Earth recruiting for high-level arena testing
- Star Citizen lifetime insurance clarified
- The Daily Grind: Should MMOs keep the gore on the down-low?
- Drinking and fighting are encouraged in Age of Wushu
- Look behind the living world in Guild Wars 2
- Free-to-play model more than doubled the revenue of Star Wars: The Old Republic
- City of Steam opens up beta to all on May 10th
- The Soapbox: Your MMO is going to die, and that's OK
- Hyperspace Beacon: The SWTOR F2P experiment, group leveling
- MechWarrior Online introduces the Misery with Update 15
- DCUO's Origin Crisis to release on May 14th
- Watch the backstory of LotRO's Wildermore zone
- Face of Mankind looks to kickstart a better MMO
- BioWare dates SWTOR's Game Update 2.1 and 2.2
- Flameseeker Chronicles: Thoughts about Guild Wars 2's living story
Free for All: An intro to basic combat in MUDs Posted: 08 May 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Screenshots, Business Models, Culture, Game Mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Hands-On, Roleplaying, Free for All, Miscellaneous Welcome back to the second installment of MUD May! Almost any time I write an article, I try to keep new players in mind. It's fun to see the reaction from readers when I talk about MUDs or other "classic" MMO models and how these games can pull in fresh blood. Many people seem to forget that there are new players coming into MMO gaming all the time, and MUDs should be no different. Over the next few columns, I will be pulling examples from five games: Gemstone IV, Dragonrealms, Threshold RPG, BatMUD, and Achaea to explain how some basic MUD systems work.With that in mind, I'd like to use this week's installment to explain -- in a very simple way -- how combat might feel in a MUD. One of the biggest hurdles for a new MUD player is often the massive amount of information that is built from decades of development. MUD players often sneer at the thought of simplifying the entry for new players. To be fair, this unwelcoming attitude is common in gaming in general. I feel differently, however, and want to explain some of the basics of these fantastic MMOs -- simply -- in a way that illustrates just how cool MUDs can be. Continue reading Free for All: An intro to basic combat in MUDs
Marvel Heroes offers one final open beta weekend and Thor trailer Posted: 08 May 2013 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Super-hero, Trailers, Video, New Titles, News Items, Free-to-Play, Marvel Heroes If you missed last weekend's open beta for Marvel Heroes, you've got one more chance to get in and get your super hero on before the June 4th launch. Gazillion Entertainment has announced the last open beta weekend will take place from Friday, May 10th at 8:00 p.m. EDT to Monday May 13th at 1:00 p.m. EDT. For this round, players will get to choose from their favorite Avengers: Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Black Widow. To get in on the action, just register on the official site.To celebrate the Avenger-themed final weekend, the studio also released a new trailer highlighting Thor. Check out the Asgardian action after the break. [Source: Gazillion Entertainment press release] Continue reading Marvel Heroes offers one final open beta weekend and Thor trailer
Posted: 08 May 2013 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Patches, PvP, News Items, PvE Are you anticipating World of Warcraft's 5.3 patch that's on the horizon? If so, Blizzard offers a handy preparation guide to help you get ready for it. Among the proffered hints is one to keep ahold of some of the currencies earned throughout patch 5.2 as the gear-upgrading Void Binders are returning. The guide offers a breakdown of associated costs for various gear and the different currencies. Also revealed is an 33% reduction in the XP needed to level from 85 to 90.The guide continues with suggestions for item level requirements for various scenarios and dungeons, information on changes to lesser charms of good fortune, and an update on PvP Season 13. And if you haven't played in a while but intend to after the patch, save some time by making sure your game is up-to-date as well as any UI add-ons.
UFO Online lands in open beta today Posted: 08 May 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items It's been a little while since we've heard about about UFO Online; the last time we checked in, open beta was slated for August 2012. But whatever hurdles Gamigo's alien-invasion title faced to get to the open beta point have apparently been surmounted as the doors are being thrown open today for all to join in. Launch is expected to follow shortly.During the extended course of closed beta testing, the studio reworked and added quite a bit. On top of a comprehensive tutorial to introduce the game, UFO Online has new task and mission systems, expanded research and upgrade systems, an improved UI, and improved effects graphics. The turn-based game also offers more tactical depth to giving hit zones varying degrees of armor. To jump in on the open-beta fun, just visit the official site (but be sure to have Google translator ready!). [Source: Gamigo press release]
Infinite Crisis celebrates closed beta with The Joker Posted: 08 May 2013 07:45 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Video, New Titles, MOBA, Infinite Crisis Turbine's Infinite Crisis is launching into closed beta today, and to help celebrate, the team has released a new Champion Profile to spotlight The Joker's involvement in the highly anticipated DC Comics-based MOBA.We've seen everyone from Cesar Romero to Heath Ledger play the part of The Joker, but that evil grin is always there to remind us of just how warped this character really is. In the game, The Joker is equipped with explosive dolls and boxing glove-adorned rocket launchers to keep you on your toes. Be sure to check out the highlight video featuring The Joker just after the jump, and sign up for closed beta if you haven't already. [Source: Warner Brothers press release] Continue reading Infinite Crisis celebrates closed beta with The Joker
Fallen Earth recruiting for high-level arena testing Posted: 08 May 2013 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Fallen Earth, Events (In-Game), MMO Industry, Free-to-Play, Post-Apocalyptic Calling all high-level Fallen Earth players! GamersFirst is looking for some level 55 wastelanders to help alpha-test the new Dome arena. The Dome is a PvE challenge that was previewed in the March State of the Game, and it's now ready for the next step of development with your help.If you're interested, send your forum name, typical hours of play, build, and PvE vs. PvP ratio to for review. Take note that involvement in this test doesn't mean you're in the elite Decon testing team, as this is more of a one-off event. Check out the Fallen Earth May State of the Game for more details.
Star Citizen lifetime insurance clarified Posted: 08 May 2013 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, New Titles, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Star Citizen, Buy-to-Play After a thank-you post on the Star Citizen site earlier this week clarified how lifetime insurance would work in the highly anticipated space MMO, a follow-up post was needed to further answer many of the fan questions.With the helpful use of graphs and bullet points, CEO Chris Roberts clarifies that LTI will apply to three different groups: Original backers who pledged before November 26, 2012; Veteran backers who pledged between November 26, 2012 and the launch of the new website; and regular ole backers who will have pledged after the new site launches. Be sure to check out the entire post by Roberts on his website for more information. [Thanks to Jon for the tip!]
The Daily Grind: Should MMOs keep the gore on the down-low? Posted: 08 May 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous If there's one staple that MMOs share with other video games, it's that fighting tends to be a mostly bloodless and gore-free affair. Sure, sometimes a daring game might throw in blood fireworks that erupt in the air to signify that you're doing some damage, but you and your enemy will appear in model health until one of you keels over from invisible wounds.Of course, as time progresses and technology gives us terrific marvels, there's the potential for games to start showing more and more wounds on our characters. It kind of reminds me how there used to be action figures with the main selling point that you could transform them into disfigured, gory versions as they took "battle damage." What do you think? Should MMOs continue to keep combat gore on the down-low or have you had enough of these abstract, bloodless brawls?
Drinking and fighting are encouraged in Age of Wushu Posted: 07 May 2013 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Game Mechanics, Previews, News Items, Free-to-Play, Humor, Age of Wushu Sobriety is overrated. Sure, a lot of games give players the options to get characters plastered, but Age of Wushu takes it one step further by incorporating the pop culture notion of drunken fighting into the game. A character with a high alcohol tolerance won't just be able to fight after tipping back a few drinks; he'll actually be able to fight better due to an Evade buff granted after imbibing. Characters with lower tolerance, meanwhile, will just stagger and find themselves unable to react appropriately.That's not the limit of what you can do with liquor in a fight, though. You can also spray your opponent with spirits in mid-battle, hopefully intoxicating and disorienting the other fighter. Of course, if you attempt to use this technique on someone with a predilection for potables, you might find that you've just handed your nemesis a major advantage. Take a look at some plastered punching in the preview video just past the break. Continue reading Drinking and fighting are encouraged in Age of Wushu
Look behind the living world in Guild Wars 2 Posted: 07 May 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Lore, News Items, Guild Wars 2, Buy-to-Play Have you been out of the loop in Guild Wars 2? There's been big stuff going on with the game's narrative, sure, but it's easy to lose the thread if you're not playing the game on a regular basis. The latest developer video from ArenaNet is meant to address this, with narrative designers Angel McCoy and Scott McGough talking about the events of the Flame and Frost storyline and how the game's previous stories are leading into future developments.The crux of Flame and Frost is the allegiance between the Dredge and the Flame Legion, with the former lacking in magical artillery and the latter being cut off from traditional Charr machinery. That alliance led to the capture of civilians, which in turn led to a push by two young heroes to free former prisoners... which in turn has led to a population move to an unexpected place. Watch the full video for a glimpse at how the story elements lead into one another and to get hints about what's around the bend. Continue reading Look behind the living world in Guild Wars 2
Free-to-play model more than doubled the revenue of Star Wars: The Old Republic Posted: 07 May 2013 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Business Models, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic Following the free-to-play announcement, many gamers were quick to mark Star Wars: The Old Republic as a broken shell of a game, with its business model conversion serving as the last gasp of a game in danger of imminent shutdown. The facts do not support that particular viewpoint. According to the most recent Electronic Arts earning call, the game has more than doubled its revenue since the conversion in November of last year.EA president Frank Gibeau stated in the most recent earnings call that the game's subscriber numbers have remained stable, with more than 1.7 million new players joining the game via the free option. He also restated that the game is aiming to keep up a content delivery schedule around every six weeks. So if you were getting a bit nervous about the long-term viability of SWTOR, it looks like you can rest a bit more easily.
City of Steam opens up beta to all on May 10th Posted: 07 May 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Free-to-Play, City of Steam, Steampunk You know the special beta keys that you needed to access the upcoming City of Steam test? Yeah, well, you don't need them any longer. Mechanist Games has decided to drop the key concept in order to open up the beta to everyone. So starting on May 10th, anyone who has an interest in checking out this steampunk MMO may do so with no hassle.The upcoming beta test will be continuous and will feature an improved tutorial, events, wiliderness levels, and the Massively-approved technique of jumping. The team also removed the old faction system and teased the possibility of a MOBA-like addition to the game. [Source: Mechanist Games press release]
The Soapbox: Your MMO is going to die, and that's OK Posted: 07 May 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Opinion, The Soapbox, Miscellaneous, Sandbox, Sunsets, MMORPG There is no question about it: Bringing games online has fundamentally changed the way we play and interact with one another. Thanks to the web, we can share games with our friends from thousands of miles away. We can hang out with people who live in other countries and learn about human beings who exist in completely different realities. Playing MMOs is an incredible, unique experience that gives players an honest chance at turning their favorite personal hobby into a full-on social engagement.For any of these experiences to be possible, a game must be connected to the web. Without a server humming away in someone's basement or the cold, dark corridors of an MMO developer's hushed office, the games we talk about here on Massively simply wouldn't exist. The side effect of this online requirement is that every online game, no matter how popular it may be at the moment, has a finite lifespan. Eventually, your favorite game is going to die. This is a good thing. Here's why. Continue reading The Soapbox: Your MMO is going to die, and that's OK
Hyperspace Beacon: The SWTOR F2P experiment, group leveling Posted: 07 May 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Business Models, Economy, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon With the last bit of Update 2.1: Customization revealed yesterday, I can talk about an item that will change the free-to-play side of Star Wars: The Old Republic. After the next update, F2P players can withdraw credits from escrow with Cartel Coins. Although I will not have a way to find out whether this will actually affect the prices on the Galactic Trade Market until it goes live, I think it's safe to say that prices will initially go up.Let's talk about this and group leveling in this week's SWTOR free-to-play experiment. Continue reading Hyperspace Beacon: The SWTOR F2P experiment, group leveling
MechWarrior Online introduces the Misery with Update 15 Posted: 07 May 2013 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Video, Patches, Free-to-Play, MechWarrior Online, MOBA Misery loves company, they say (look it up), but will people actually go seeking it? Piranha Games hopes players will, as it has introduced the Misery 85-ton 'mech into MechWarrior Online. The metal beast has an armament that includes plenty of lasers, a Gauss rifle, and an SRM-6 (again, look it up).The new update goes beyond the debut of the Misery. There are four additional trial 'mechs to test out, color customization for Hero 'mechs, and a crazy Buccaneer premium pattern. Read up on our preview of Update 15 and don't miss out on the video showing off the Misery in action after the jump! Continue reading MechWarrior Online introduces the Misery with Update 15
DCUO's Origin Crisis to release on May 14th Posted: 07 May 2013 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Patches, Free-to-Play, Crime, DC Universe Online For you DC Universe Online fans out there, SOE has announced earlier today that the superhero MMO's upcoming DLC, Origin Crisis, will officially launch on Tuesday, May 14th.If that's not enough, SOE is rewarding all Legendary Members with early access on May 8th (tomorrow!). You can read more about what Origin Crisis has to offer in our coverage of the DLC since it was announced at SOE Live last October. [Source: SOE press release]
Watch the backstory of LotRO's Wildermore zone Posted: 07 May 2013 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Lord of the Rings Online, Patches, Free-to-Play, Dev Diaries When Lord of the Rings Online's Update 11 drops next week, it will open the paths to a brand-new zone: Wildermore. While it's part of the Wold, Wildermore is definitely unlike anything seen in Riders of Rohan; for starters, the area is inexplicably covered in snow and jagged ice crystals.So what's up with this area? Turbine's developers have put together a video to introduce the zone and explain the main storyhook behind it. It appears that Saruman has fused an ancient relic with a giant, creating a nasty foe that will be the main antagonist as players travel through Wildermore. Don't fret, as there are good guys as well attempting to fight the snow powers that be. Check out the dev tour after the jump, and if you use the LotRO forums regularly, you may want to read up on the forum consolidation that's about to take place. Continue reading Watch the backstory of LotRO's Wildermore zone
Face of Mankind looks to kickstart a better MMO Posted: 07 May 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, PvP, Crowdfunding Nexeon Technologies is looking to expand its four-year-old MMO Face of Mankind with a $50,000 Kickstarter campaign this month. Face of Mankind: Fall of the Dominion is said to go beyond what the game has always offered -- "a game built around the concept of player interaction and freedom, owing its limitless potential to the imaginations and passions of the players" -- to offer a more hardcore experience for players.With this Kickstarter campaign, the team hopes to introduce new mechanics such as a real way for characters to have an impact on the game and no more easy safety net against open PvP. The open-loot, player-created-faction game is focusing on a true rags-to-riches story, where players start with nothing and need to work hard to earn everything. "This may seem unusual in an era polluted by games that spoon feed content," Nexeon says, "turning you into a god of your own little world, but we think it is what will make a truly amazing experience. " Check out what Face of Mankind is proposing with this round of crowdfunding and be sure to watch the Kickstarter video just after the jump. [Source: Nexeon Technologies press release] Continue reading Face of Mankind looks to kickstart a better MMO
BioWare dates SWTOR's Game Update 2.1 and 2.2 Posted: 07 May 2013 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Patches, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Buy-to-Play In a post on the official forums, Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Manager Eric Musco addresses some concerns about the release of Game Update 2.1 and what it will bring to the table. More importantly, though, Musco gives a tentative release date for both GU 2.1 (May 14) and GU 2.2 (June 11), which is said to be the actual content-heavy update.So even though we don't know exactly what that GU 2.2 content is yet, we're reassured that this 8-week update cycle will continue, and those worried about the customization focus coming with GU 2.1 just need to wait a bit longer for more shinies.
Flameseeker Chronicles: Thoughts about Guild Wars 2's living story Posted: 07 May 2013 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, Events (In-Game), Game Mechanics, PvE, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles, Dungeons With Guild Wars 2's first multi-month living story arc drawing to a close, I thought this might be a good time to do a little bit of reflection on how the living story is treating Guild Wars 2 so far. Sure, what we've seen so far isn't necessarily indicative of the way things are always going to be, but it's a good starting point. (In fact, it's our only starting point. Unless, of course, you like rampant and foundless speculation as a starting point. This is, after all, the internet.) To expand the conversation a bit, I think we're including holiday updates as part of the living story. It's seasonal, but it also fits into the grander scheme of providing changing content to keep the world moving and to keep players engaged. That means that what we've seen to date includes all of Flame and Frost, Wintersday, Halloween, and the Lost Shores event. Also, I guess the Super Adventure Box? I mean, it's returning and it had a lore tie-in and stuff. Maybe? I'm not sold. Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: Thoughts about Guild Wars 2's living story
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