MMO Updates |
- Ask Massively: You can't cover WoW because of reasons
- Rhode Island explores ditching 38 Studios debt
- The Think Tank: The best MMO of 2013... so far
- Anarchy in the APB
- The Daily Grind: What obscure fluff feature would you like to see in other games?
- Free for All: Interviewing Achaea's Matt Mihaly for MUD May
- Shadowrun Online devs explain F2P model
- EVE Online lays down Alliance Tournament rules
- Nerd Kingdom details TUG's death mechanics
- Snail Games to show off Black Gold, Age of Wushu expansion at E3
- Spacetime Studios celebrates 260 million play sessions with massive infographic
- Gain a clearer understanding of RIFT's new REX
- Wildstar Wednesday: Caste, ritual and the ascension of an emperor god
- Guild Wars 2 data mining finds evidence of LFG tool
- Choose My Adventure: Putting the finishing touches on our Darkfall project
- Scarlet Blade reveals first major content update
Ask Massively: You can't cover WoW because of reasons Posted: 30 May 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, MMO Industry, Opinion, Massively Meta, Ask Massively, Community Q&A, Miscellaneous, Diablo III, MMORPG When I took over Massively last fall, I made myself a little digital post-it note in Gmail Notes that read, "Remember: You work for Joystiq, not studios." Today, I've amended that to also read, "And not commenters."I love commenters, even the trolls sometimes when you make me laugh. You guys provide instant feedback and adoration but also entertainment and skepticism of our ideas. You're the much-maligned vocal minority of readers, and interacting with you guys and being enlightened by your mad and witty and insane posts is a highlight of my work day. But it has to be said that the most bizarre feature of working at Massively is that legions of commenters have deemed themselves better-equipped than we are to decide what we can cover. Continue reading Ask Massively: You can't cover WoW because of reasons
Rhode Island explores ditching 38 Studios debt Posted: 30 May 2013 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: MMO Industry, News Items, Legal, Miscellaneous To pay back or not to back, that is the question that Rhode Island is exploring after being saddled with $112.6 million in combined debt and interest when 38 Studios went kaput, taking Project Copernicus with it. RI governor Lincoln Chafee still believes that lenders should get their due according to his spokeswoman Christine Hunsinger, but the administration is gathering data to explore the cost of not paying back to get an understanding of "the ramifications of what that decision would be."Currently the state is planning to pay investors back over the course of 10 years, with a $2.5 million payment the first year and subsequent installments of $12.5 million thereafter.
The Think Tank: The best MMO of 2013... so far Posted: 30 May 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Opinion, Massively Meta, Miscellaneous, The Think Tank At the end of each year, we like to put our heads together and figure out the year's best MMOs in several categories. Often times, the games released earlier in the year aren't as fresh in our memories, so we might not be as excited about them by the time December rolls around. But in this week's The Think Tank, I wanted to make sure to play off of that mid-year enthusiasm and have the team members pick their favorites as they stand at this halfway point.So what did the team pick for best MMO or expansion released from January to May 2013? Read on past the cut to find out. Continue reading The Think Tank: The best MMO of 2013... so far
Posted: 30 May 2013 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: PvP, Free-to-Play, All Points Bulletin, Crime, Dev Diaries If you think drive-by shootings, exploding vehicles, and an epidemic of robbery and murder on the streets of San Paro wasn't enough anarchy for you, GamersFirst has just introduced Chaos Mode to its crime MMO APB: Reloaded.Joining a Chaos district will put you into a survival mode that allows you to gain points by killing as many players of the opposite faction as possible. All of the district's contacts are gone, replaced by vendors. So there's no other mission but to kill, and kill quickly. A leaderboard tracks the best of the best and several new titles and a new role have been added. You can check out an early prototype of Chaos Mode in the game between now and June 6. [Thanks to Derek for the tip!]
The Daily Grind: What obscure fluff feature would you like to see in other games? Posted: 30 May 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Warhammer Online, Opinion, The Daily Grind The other day I was thinking about Warhammer Online. I've no idea why. I haven't played the game in ages and to be perfectly frank, I didn't much care for it when I was playing. One thing I fondly recall, though, was that nifty feature that let you display medals and assorted military-style decorations on your avatar.I can't recall seeing that in another MMO, and it's one of those quirky quality-of-life things that I wish every game would implement. What about you, Massively readers? Is there an obscure fluff feature out there you're particularly fond of and that you'd like to see become a standard?
Free for All: Interviewing Achaea's Matt Mihaly for MUD May Posted: 29 May 2013 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Trailers, Video, Business Models, Game Mechanics, Interviews, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Browser, Roleplaying, Community Q&A, Free for All, Livestream, Miscellaneous, Sandbox MUD May has been a very enjoyable experience, but the main thing I learned is that a month is not long enough to cover all of MUDdom. Not by a long shot. The fact is that MUDs have a much longer history than graphical, 3-D MMOs, and here we are on an entire site dedicated mainly to those! We owe a lot to MUDs, but I always try to point out to current or former players that we should not refer to these games only in the past-tense. They are still alive, filled with players and ongoing. That means they are just as viable and worthy of mention as World of Warcraft. How many of our favorite 3-D MMOs will be around for two or more decades?These wonderful games do need to improve in many areas, though. Some MUD developers are attempting to bring these text-based MMOs into the future, none better than Iron Realms Entertainment's Achaea. I sat down with Matt Mihaly, the CEO and Founder of Iron Realms since 1995, for an interview to talk about Achaea and the future of MUDs. Continue reading Free for All: Interviewing Achaea's Matt Mihaly for MUD May
Shadowrun Online devs explain F2P model Posted: 29 May 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Business Models, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Free-to-Play Were you confused about Shadowrun Online's payment model? The devs have posted on the game's official website in an attempt to clear things up. First of all, everyone will play on the same server, regardless of whether you choose to pay for the campaign access tier or go free-to-play.Campaigners will receive the ability to buy every in-game item with in-game currency as well as boosts on cash, karma, and loot chances. Paying players will also apparently have more of a chance to affect the game's plot, "meaning their actions could count slightly more than the others' actions on the server in calculating what happens with the plot development." More details are available via the full news post, including a handy chart and answers to questions like "what happens when F2P players and campaign players play together?"
EVE Online lays down Alliance Tournament rules Posted: 29 May 2013 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Events (In-Game), PvP, Sandbox, Subscription EVE Online's Alliance Tournament XI is coming up this summer, and prospective combatants can now check out the full list of official rules as well as format details. Changes from past tournaments include the elimination of pre-qualifying and group stages, an entry fee of just 5 PLEX, the addition of a practice server, and a new tie-breaking system.The tournament will pit 64 alliance teams against each other in a single stage that involves double-elimination brackets and random initial seeding.
Nerd Kingdom details TUG's death mechanics Posted: 29 May 2013 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Crowdfunding Nerd Kingdom has outlined its preliminary goals for death and death penalties in its TUG sandbox MMO. The devs are aiming at something that's prickly enough to discourage players from using it as ad-hoc transportation between spawn points and yet forgiving enough to avoid frustration.In a nutshell, your avatar's soul will vacate his body upon death, and it will do so in the form of a wisp. Wisps will gradually regain enough energy to reenter the avatar and awaken it, and doing so necessitates progressing through four distinct phases. Reviving your avatar in its optimal state is thus dependent on timing, and the importance of reviving in a weak state vs. a fully recovered state will vary depending on your chosen game mode. Nerd Kingdom is enabling corpse-looting in TUG's survival mode, but the devs are also intent on designing plenty of camping deterrents into the system. You can read all about these, as well as the rest of the death mechanics on the TUG Kickstarter project page.
Snail Games to show off Black Gold, Age of Wushu expansion at E3 Posted: 29 May 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Events (Real-World), Expansions, New Titles, Free-to-Play, Age of Wushu, Steampunk Snail Games has a busy lineup in store for next month's E3. The studio will use the expo for several reveals, including a steampunk MMO, a dance-off MMO, and an expansion for Age of Wushu.The steampunk title is Black Gold, which is set in a fantasy universe where industrial technology and magic are at war (yes, it has giant mechs vs. dragons). It will have six races and six classes, although the classes will also have subclasses to allow for interesting combinations. Black Gold is set to begin closed beta testing tomorrow in China and Taiwan. Age of Wushu: Legends of Mount Hua promises to deliver new content starting in July, although Snail Games has yet to go into specifics as to what that content might be. The dance MMO is called Music Soul and features nine game modes that pit boogieing players against each other. [Source: Snail Games press release]
Spacetime Studios celebrates 260 million play sessions with massive infographic Posted: 29 May 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, News Items, Free-to-Play, Mobile Spacetime Studios, creator of mobile online titles Arcane Legends, Pocket Legends, and Star Legends, just announced a big milestone: The studio's games have seen over 260 million play sessions to date. To celebrate this feat, Spacetime put together a huge infographic packed with interesting figures related to its games and the community of players who support them.According to the numbers, players have killed over six billion enemies, completed over 25 million quests, and formed over 13 million parties. They've consumed over 16 million potions and elixirs and opened enough treasure chests to provide one for every person in New York City. Perhaps most importantly, Spacetime's games have been downloaded over 20 million times. It's all right there in the infographic, featured after the break. [Source: Spacetime Studios press release] Continue reading Spacetime Studios celebrates 260 million play sessions with massive infographic
Gain a clearer understanding of RIFT's new REX Posted: 29 May 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Economy, Free-to-Play, RIFT, Dev Diaries Is your forehead scrunched up in that cute little way you sometimes have when you're trying to understand a topic that's running circles around you? You might be trying to get a grip on RIFT's upcoming free-to-play REX (RIFT exchange) mechanic. A new official dev article seeks to enlighten us all by laying out what REX does, how it's attained, and how it can be spent.In short, REX is a middle-man currency that is purchased with real money and can then be converted into item store credits (although, as the post states, it's a better deal to directly buy the credits). The twist here is that before it's converted to credits, REX can be sold to other players on the auction house. This effectively gives players with in-game money ways to obtain store credits and players with excess real money ways to inflate their in-game piggy banks. The post also explains the much simpler topic of gifting store items to other players. You probably have it figured out just by reading the previous sentence. Finally, last night we told you about RIFT's promo this weekend. According to a tweet this afternoon, that promo is live early -- in fact, RIFT is freely playable for former subbers right now.
Wildstar Wednesday: Caste, ritual and the ascension of an emperor god Posted: 29 May 2013 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, News Items, WildStar, MMORPG WildStar is set in a dangerous and unpredictable universe where anything goes, but that doesn't mean some of the game's inhabitants aren't just dripping with class and old-money tradition. This week's WildStar Wednesday outlines the history of the Luminai, an Eldan-human hybrid race that currently walks the halls of power in the Dominion -- and has its eyes set on the conquest of Nexus.The story of the Luminai is deep and intriguing and hinges on some familiar themes. There's a lauded leader who reigned over 300 years of peace, an elite tier of people who named themselves as gods, a caste system forged by an emperor's decree, and an ongoing tussle for power between competing houses that often results in bloodshed and betrayal. Heck, there's even a forced coup and a "dark reign." Click the jump to get a closer look at Myrcalus the Vindicator, the current emperor of the Dominion and the man-Eldan who swears to bring Nexus under its rule. And keep a lookout for the Luminai while you're in WildStar. They are, after all, your gods. Continue reading Wildstar Wednesday: Caste, ritual and the ascension of an emperor god
Guild Wars 2 data mining finds evidence of LFG tool Posted: 29 May 2013 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events (In-Game), Game Mechanics, Guild Wars 2, Buy-to-Play An enterprising Redditor has discovered evidence of a looking for group tool in Guild Wars 2's current files. After plowing through file strings in the game's .dat file, the player found hints that a LFG tool is not just in development but may be coming soon to a game near us.The files imply players will be able to filter/advertise/find/pull an LFG search, advertising one's group, finding players for living world content, and pulling together a party for a full range of dungeons and PvP. The .dat file has a few more insights into the future of Guild Wars 2, including back-to-school town clothes, swimwear, a dragon mask, an unlimited logging axe, festive dragon coffers, and something called Skyhammer. Regarding the latter, one of its commands reads, "Maintain control of the Skyhammer cannon to call down lightning and vaporize your foes." Obviously, you need one of these, don't you?
Choose My Adventure: Putting the finishing touches on our Darkfall project Posted: 29 May 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Darkfall, Game Mechanics, PvP, Opinion, Choose My Adventure, Livestream, Sandbox Well, that just about does it. After weeks of your directing me through Darkfall Unholy Wars, our Choose My Adventure project is almost completed. We just have a few finishing touches to add before wrapping up -- namely, sieges! What romp through the wilds of Agon would be complete without experiencing the thrill of clan territorial warfare? You all couldn't let me leave without participating in a few sieges (which won over warfare on water by a narrow margin), and the server seemed more than willing to oblige.From small skirmishes infiltrating the cities of enemies to an all-out war to protect our own, I had the chance to fight -- and occasionally die -- in a few different sieges this past week. Considering I was still fairly new and fighting against a number of vets from the original Darkfall with years of practice under their belts, I didn't do too shabbily. Perhaps more importantly, I had fun through it all. Continue reading Choose My Adventure: Putting the finishing touches on our Darkfall project
Scarlet Blade reveals first major content update Posted: 29 May 2013 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, New Titles, Patches, PvP, News Items, PvE, Free-to-Play Though it's a game best-known for removing things (clothing in particular), Scarlet Blade is actually adding something this time around: Aeria Games has announced the free-to-play game's first major content update. Players in Scarlet Blade can now reach level 34 and venture into a new zone called Barbiron. New gear also accompanies the level cap increase, as do new dungeons, including the aptly named Subterranean Factory, which sits underground.PvP also received attention in this update with the opening of Viledon, an all new open-world zone capable of holding hundreds of combatants. This zone, which contains quests to complete, bosses to fight over, and escort missions to complete or sabotage, can be entered and exited at will. [Source Aeria Games press release]
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