MMO Updates |
- The Road to Mordor: Six reasons LotRO's Lore-masters rock
- WRUP: Someone no longer likes us on Facebook edition
- The Daily Grind: Are you still excited to try RIFT's free-to-play option?
- Storyboard: The way it was for three years
- Betawatch: May 11 - 17, 2013
- Gaslight Joker spotlighted in new Infinite Crisis gameplay vid
- Star Trek Online fulfills its promise to Klingon players
- Trion hit with another round of layoffs [Updated]
- Take a gander at Final Fantasy XIV's character customization possibilities
- SWTOR's Gree event returns May 21
- Defiance PC client half off through Sunday
- RIFT gives a sneak peek at F2P item shop
- ArenaNet ceases Guild Wars 1 live development, automates game
- Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online's factional divides
- Conquer Online 10th anniversary trailer takes the cake
- MMOTCG HEX doubles Kickstarter goal with 3 weeks left
- Marvel Heroes rolls out first episode of Chronicles of Doom motion comic series
The Road to Mordor: Six reasons LotRO's Lore-masters rock Posted: 18 May 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Classes, Opinion, Free-to-Play, The Road to Mordor In my Lord of the Rings Online career, I've played two classes far more than any others: the Captain and the Lore-master. Both scratch that "pet class" itch that I have in MMOs, both are quite group-friendly, and both seem to be somewhat unorthodox picks (at least compared to the plague of Hunters and Champions infecting the game).I'll leave a discussion about Captains for another time, but today I felt like talking about the strangeness that is the Lore-master. It's such a unique class in feel and execution, and it's captivated me such that I'm actually leveling up my second Lore-master because I was dissatisfied with the way I handled my first one. Maybe you've never tried one. Maybe you picked one up and just couldn't get a feel for what it was supposed to do. I'll admit that the LM is an acquired taste, partially because its skillset is all over the map and it doesn't settle into an expected template. However, it may just be the coolest class in the game. Here are six reasons why. Continue reading The Road to Mordor: Six reasons LotRO's Lore-masters rock
WRUP: Someone no longer likes us on Facebook edition Posted: 18 May 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Massively Meta, Miscellaneous It finally happened. Like fools, we ignored the dire warnings of what would happen if we kept posting stuff about games you don't like or articles you didn't agree with. The worst has finally come to pass -- someone no longer likes our Facebook page.We've been in shock here at the office. I've been hitting the rum pretty hard even by my standards, Jef is sitting in an empty bathtub sobbing, and Bree has been playing "Unbreak my Heart" on loop for about seven hours. We'd plead for that reader to come back, but he'll never see it. He no longer likes us. It's really the worst insult you could deliver. Despite the fact that this traumatic event has left us as broken shells, we somehow managed to pull ourselves together long enough to put together an installment of WRUP. Click on past the break to see what we're up to for the next couple of days other than staring at the number of likes on Facebook, and let us know what you'll be up to in the comments. Continue reading WRUP: Someone no longer likes us on Facebook edition
The Daily Grind: Are you still excited to try RIFT's free-to-play option? Posted: 18 May 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, MMO Industry, News Items, Opinion, Free-to-Play, The Daily Grind, RIFT If you'd missed it, RIFT recently announced that the game will go free-to-play on June 12th. Obviously, the hope is to bring in a variety of new players, but the circumstances surrounding the announcement can result in a bit of whiplash when deciding whether or not to count yourself among those getting into the game.On the one hand, RIFT is making humble promises about the item shop... but on the other hand, the development team also promised the game would never go free-to-play. Trion Worlds did just get hit by layoffs, but it's been said those layoffs don't affect RIFT's staff. It's long had consistent updates, but those updates have dropped off sharply this year. Is trying the game out a good idea? A bad one? Today, we ask our readers to decide. Carefully weighing all the evidence, are you still excited to try RIFT's free-to-play option? Or do you think you'll be giving it a pass?
Storyboard: The way it was for three years Posted: 17 May 2013 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, Massively Meta, Roleplaying, Storyboard, Miscellaneous Roleplaying is the same as it ever was. People are still shoehorning in lore characters into backstories, someone is a sparkly magic vampire, and you can still turn a corner in a tavern to find two people with a decided lack of gear or public shame. (In Second Life, that corner is the one you turn to download the game.) But I've had three years of talking about it, so it's at least a little different than it was.I don't know if I'd go so far as to say it's better. Every year I like to take a look back at the past year, talk about what worked well, what didn't work at all, and what I'd like to do in the future. So it is for this year, complete with a nice big surprise down at the end there. Regular readers may be less surprised, but you can just bear with me. Continue reading Storyboard: The way it was for three years
Posted: 17 May 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, MMO Industry, Previews, News Items, Betawatch, Miscellaneous Early access for Marvel Heroes is just around the corner, if you consider 11 days to be a corner. It'll be a chance for everyone to get started on the process of hitting the level cap... or at least getting halfway there before grinding dailies. Your mileage may vary. DUST 514 finally ended its testing earlier this week, meaning that you can go be obliterated by an orbital strike right now if you own a PS3.Elsewhere in the testing world, Anno Online quietly went into open beta (keep an eye out for our own Beau Hindman's look at the game later this month). There are games preparing for a beta in the future, as well, and more information about popular titles still in beta. It's been a quiet week otherwise. That doesn't mean there isn't a list past the break. There's always a list. As always, if you see something odd on there, feel free to let us know in the comments. Continue reading Betawatch: May 11 - 17, 2013
Gaslight Joker spotlighted in new Infinite Crisis gameplay vid Posted: 17 May 2013 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Super-hero, Video, Classes, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, MOBA, Infinite Crisis Looking for a beefy enforcer who can dominate close-range combat in Infinite Crisis? Look no further than Gaslight Joker, the newest champion spotlighted in Turbine's ongoing DC-centric MOBA video reveals.Turbine says its laughing butcher can throw hams at enemies with the Shower of Filth skill, sending them running in fear and debuffing them for good measure. The video touches on a number of other Gaslight Joker skills, too, both passive and active, and it shows off a good bit of Infinite Crisis gameplay footage in the process. See for yourself after the cut. Continue reading Gaslight Joker spotlighted in new Infinite Crisis gameplay vid
Star Trek Online fulfills its promise to Klingon players Posted: 17 May 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Expansions, Previews, Star Trek Online, Free-to-Play Klingon Defense Force players who have been crying out for years for a significant update to their unfinished faction will have their prayers answered when Star Trek Online's Legacy of Romulus expansion releases next week. Cryptic posted a blog telling these gamers that they have not been forgotten but will be vindicated with a complete experience from level 1 to 50."It was always promised that if Star Trek Online was ever going to add a third faction, we would make sure that Klingons would get expanded content first (or at the same time). With Legacy of Romulus adding Romulans as a playable faction, it was a matter of honor that the Klingons get their own content from level 1 to 50," Cryptic wrote. The devs give slight spoilers to the new, reworked, and revised content that Klingons will be experiencing, such as how players will get their first starship and what iconic locations they'll be visiting (hint: a certain prison planet from Star Trek VI will come into play). The studio is also adding a pair of new KDF ships to the store when the expansion hits.
Trion hit with another round of layoffs [Updated] Posted: 17 May 2013 03:02 PM PDT Filed under: MMO Industry, News Items Trion recently announced a free-to-play offering for its RIFT MMORPG. It also launched Defiance earlier this year and partnered with Korea's XLGAMES to bring the company's ArcheAge sandbox MMO to western audiences. Trion also provided the following official statement. To best position Trion in a rapidly changing industry, we have reorganized our teams and are expanding our free to play offering. With Defiance, we delivered a great game that more than one million gamers registered to play and continue to enjoy. As we progress from launch to ongoing development of the game, we are adjusting our staffing levels to deliver new content and improved features. RIFT, and our other titles in development, were unaffected by these changes. We are very much looking forward to the free to play release of RIFT and are excited by the other new titles currently in development.[Thank you to everyone who helped us develop this story.]
Take a gander at Final Fantasy XIV's character customization possibilities Posted: 17 May 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Final Fantasy XIV, Subscription The team at Square-Enix has a treat for fans eagerly awaiting Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn today: several screenshots showing off the possibilities that await in the updated character creation tool.Several interesting looks are on display here, including vibrant hair color, hair styles, tattoos, long hair for females, plenty of sliders, and new colors for eyes. Check out these radical looks in the gallery below!
SWTOR's Gree event returns May 21 Posted: 17 May 2013 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Events (In-Game), Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic The Gree starship Grey Secant is returning to Star Wars: The Old Republic's planet Ilum. BioWare's website has updated with all the details on the event's return engagement, which starts May 21st and runs through the 28th.Players can earn reputation, rare armor, vehicles, and pets, and BioWare says that "this is a great time for players at level 45-plus to jump into the event before the event returns at level 55 in the future." More info is available via the Relics of the Gree event blog.
Defiance PC client half off through Sunday Posted: 17 May 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Business Models, MMO Industry, News Items, Defiance, Buy-to-Play Were you waiting for Trion to drop Defiance's $59.99 launch price point before taking a look? That day has arrived, as the B2P shooter MMO is now available for $29.99. The promotion runs through Sunday, May 19th, and it applies to the PC version of the sci-fi title.Defiance is also available on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, but as of press time the console versions still feature launch-day pricing. You can learn more about the PC version via our launch week diary series and our livestream channel. [Thanks fueldbygin!]
RIFT gives a sneak peek at F2P item shop Posted: 17 May 2013 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Previews, Free-to-Play, RIFT What will RIFT's free-to-play version look like? While we won't get to see it in action until the game makes the transition on June 12th, Trion Worlds has posted a screenshot of the new item store and some of its offerings for players to peruse.The store screenshot includes a preview pane of a character wearing a fancy outfit and a top hat, as well as a list of several items. These include 30-day patron pass, faction changing scroll, character rename scroll, rename guild scroll, transfiguration bauble, rune unsocketing apparatus, and planar essence removal device. Later on in the thread, the studio posted a picture of a different cosmetic outfit being worn by a female character. To "ensure a successful transition," Trion has sent out surveys to all current subscribers about the free-to-play switch.
ArenaNet ceases Guild Wars 1 live development, automates game Posted: 17 May 2013 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, MMO Industry, Buy-to-Play Guild Wars 1 has seen the end of an era of live development today, as ArenaNet stated that it is switching the game over to automation. The studio said that players should not expect any further content other than the systems being put into place to keep the game running on auto-pilot for the foreseeable future."Over time, our focus has shifted to updates that not only help maintain Guild Wars but help the game maintain itself," ArenaNet posted. "With this focus in mind, we'll no longer be releasing any new content for the live game except in support of automation. Our goal is to get the game to a place where it can continue to run and be available to all of our fans. We have a lot of love for Guild Wars -- it's the game that made us what we are today -- and we want to continue sharing it with everyone!" Tournaments, events, and birthday prizes will be moved over to automation during this transition. The studio said that automating the game will keep it running longer and that it will keep a live team on Guild Wars to handle critical fixes and troubleshooting.
Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online's factional divides Posted: 17 May 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Classes, New Titles, Races, Roleplaying, The Elder Scrolls Online, MMORPG, Tamriel Infinium The Elder Scrolls Online's Tamriel hosts many races that are generally segregated from each other. Nords of Skyrim usually stick to their northern frosty mountains. Argonians settle in their Black Marsh. Khajiit rest in Elsweyr. But we know from playing other Elder Scrolls games that individuals of all races most definitely move around the map, mostly adventurers like our possible TESO characters. It is very possible from a canon perspective that my Redguard will wander through Morrowind. Unlike other faction-based MMOs, TESO has an interesting plan for those players with wanderlust.For today's column, I've found a community member who explains some of the implications of factional divides for us. I'm also interested in how you will personally handle some of these factional issues. Continue reading Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online's factional divides
Conquer Online 10th anniversary trailer takes the cake Posted: 17 May 2013 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Contests, Events (In-Game), PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, Anniversaries Hitting the big 1-0 is certainly a cause for celebration. So how does Conquer Online top its free trip to China offered last year? With a trailer that offers a unique look at the last 10 years and turns attention towards the future. That, and a number of festivities lasting through mid-June that span events, bonuses, and gifts galore. Oh, did we mention another trip to China? This time the trip goes to the supreme champion of the first World Fighting League, a contest open to all new and veteran players spanning all 10 versions of CO.Launched in 2003, the oriental fantasy game boasting plenty of kung-fu elements has continually added new content over the years, including pirates and more PvP-based activities. This year will see even more expansions, from a new character (the mysterious Kung Fu Master) to a new massive cross-server PvP battle, the Kingdom War. To accommodate new players, Conquer Online has opened two new servers and is giving away special Starter's Packs to aid the newcomers. Veterans have not been forgotten; they'll receive a gift when logging into their original servers. Want a glimpse at what the future holds for Conquer Online? You'll have to get through the first half of the video to see the preview. Check it out after the cut. [Source: TQ Digital press release] Continue reading Conquer Online 10th anniversary trailer takes the cake
MMOTCG HEX doubles Kickstarter goal with 3 weeks left Posted: 17 May 2013 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO Industry, New Titles, Trading Card Games, Miscellaneous, Crowdfunding HEX: Shards of Fate, the MMO trading card game that we first introduced last week, is doing fairly well in its current Kickstarter campaign. How well, you ask? So far the company has raised over $600,000 of the game's $300,000 goal with 21 days still to go! That's thanks to almost 5,000 backers so far.While these numbers are impressive one week into the campaign, it should be no surprise considering the talent working on this MMOTDG. Cryptozoic Entertainment is a veteran studio that has developed and published several other trading card and board games for The Walking Dead, Lord of the Rings, DC Comics, World of Warcraft, and more. With the game already funded at this point, it's still worth checking out the game's reward tiers and stretch goals to see if it's something you might be interested in supporting. You have only 21 more days! [Thanks for the tip, Sounder!]
Marvel Heroes rolls out first episode of Chronicles of Doom motion comic series Posted: 17 May 2013 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Video, New Titles, News Items, Free-to-Play, Marvel Heroes When Marvel Heroes launches on June 4th, it will begin a super story that finds Doctor Doom wielding a fair share of power. But what about the story behind that story? To reveal just how Doctor Doom rose to power, Gazillion is releasing a short series of motion comics entitled "Chronicles of Doom." Penned by Brian Michael Bendis, well-known for his work creating the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the adventure begins with the villain infiltrating the sanctuary of the Fantastic Four. Watch the first installment of the four-part series after the break.[Source: Gazillion Entertainment press release] Continue reading Marvel Heroes rolls out first episode of Chronicles of Doom motion comic series
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