Aeria Games Entering Mobile Game Market Posted: Aeria Games Europe continues to grow in all divisions, particularly in mobile games. The Berlin-based publisher of free-2-play games is announcing new plans for growth and as a result, renewed demand for fresh talent.  |
Dragon's Prophet Opens its Guild Registration Program Posted: Have you been slaying dragons and enemies in Dragon's Propet alone for a long time? Lonely moment is no longer necessary now, Guild Registration Program is available for Dragon's Prophet EU server. Guilds are the pillar of every MMORPG community, that's why Infernum is giving DP players the chance to get early access to Closed Beta.  |
The International Dota2 Championship Reutrns This Summer Posted: The International Dota2 Championship returns once again this summer to Seattle with a five day Main Event, starting on August 7th.  |
FireFall Free Closed Beta Key Giveaway Event Posted: MMOsite has teamed up with Red 5 Studios to give away FireFall closed beta keys.  |
Yatzy Online Brings New Design and Features to Android Phones and Tablets Posted: Yatzy Online makers Miracle Mill have unveiled the new design of the popular dice game for Android phones and tablets. The new look shifts from the purple and orange color scheme that was the focus of the first release of the app range, to more refreshing Blue visuals that feel natural and appealing.  |
Nexon Developers Conference Was Held Posted: NDC 2013 (Nexon Developers Conference) was held from 24th to 25th of April at COEX, Seoul, Korea. Since Nexon has acquired NCsoft, popular MMORPG Blade&Souls from NCsoft also joined the event.  |
WoW Children's Week 2013 Guide Posted: This event happens in 3 districts. Azeroth (Hman Orphan and Orcish Orphan), Outland(Draenei Orphan and Blood Elf Orphan) and Northrend (Oracle Orphan and Wolvar Orphan). Just complete the quests line in one district you'll gain the achievement. But if you want all pets, you'd better finish quests in all 3 districts. And you need 3 years to collect all pets which following a Veteran Nanny Achievement.  |
Star Trek Online's Latest Ask Cryptic Takes Aim at Revamps and Romulans Posted: We can admit that the Romulan faction is Star Trek Online turns out to be unique in many ways, but it is still unclear how the addition will work within the context of the game. At least, it can explain why many of the questions in the latest edition of Ask Cryptic focus on Romulans, such as what ships they will have access to from the C-Store.  |
Age Of Wushu First Look!! Posted: Whats up gamers im Zach Sharpes here with another First Look for yeah! Today though we have the new hit Martial Arts MMORPG made by Snail Games..  |
SWTOR Previews the New Cathar Playable Race Posted: The Cathar are coming. The cat-like race will be the newest playable species in Star Wars: The Old Republic with the upcoming 2.1: Customizations update.  |
Infinite Crisis Launched Gaslight Batman and Doomsday Videos Posted: Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released two new Champion Profile videos for Infinite Crisis. The new videos give fans an in-depth look at Gaslight Batman and Doomsday.  |
Will Tencent's Dota 2 Rip-off Game Eat LoL's Lunch? Posted: Tecent's new game, code-named Rgame will release detailed information on UP+ Conference on 18th April. Do not despise the game. Sources said Tencent had hired employees once worked for War 3 and EA. Thus people guessed Rgame could be a MOBA game.  |
Some Early Game Features of The Magic Blade Online Posted: Folks said how The Magic Blade Online will be "complete" with Age of Wushu's tons of features together with its more "actiony" combat. Here are some brief descriptions of the features found in beginning introductory mode, with more to be revealed in due time.  |
RIFT - Top 5 AddOn's For Raiding Posted: Hello, MMOSite readers; today we're looking at an in-depth top 5 add-on's for raiding in RIFT that will increase your efficiency, make things easier and help you get through the raid without wiping, RIFT which is the fantasy MMORPG brought to us by Trion Worlds is pretty much a hard recreation of World of Warcraft with its own story, motivations and quirks. Which means its raiding is difficult, competitive and rewarding.  |
Icarus Online New Trailer Awaits for the Closed Beta Posted: Icarus Online was previous known as NED, and showed off its charm at G-Star last year with splendid effects from CryEngine3. Now there's finally some new movements coming for Icarus: a new trailer is released for the upcoming closed beta next week on May 2.  |
Aion 4.0 Artist: Class Information + Skill List Posted: From all the classes in-game, you will start as a primary class called Artist, when you reach level 9 and do the Ascension Quest from Pernos/Munin, you will automatically change to Troubadour(Bard).  |