MMO Updates |
- Celebrating Guild Wars' 8th anniversary
- One Shots: Thar be dragons
- The Daily Grind: Are subscriptions worth it any more?
- EVE Fanfest 2013 final day: Trailers, EVE's TV show, and a vision for the future
- Defiance dev blog covers common issues and cheater voyeurism
- Star Citizen's Aurora revealed, Roberts explains further crowdfunding goals
- The Mog Log: Final Fantasy XIV beta phase 1 and 2 - combat
- SWTOR is finally getting a barber shop feature
- DUST 514 launches on May 14
- Tattered Notebook: EQ Next and Storybricks, sitting in a tree...
- True stories of EVE Online to become comic book and TV series
- EVE Online Second Decade collector's edition revealed
- Massively's Neverwinter early access launch diary: Day two
Celebrating Guild Wars' 8th anniversary Posted: 28 Apr 2013 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Culture, Game Mechanics, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Anniversaries Today is Guild Wars' eighth anniversary. Depending on which tradition you follow, I should be getting the game either bronze, salt, linens, or lace as a gift. Since I don't happen to have any of those handy, I'd like to reflect upon the rich life that Guild Wars has led so far. The game didn't start out with all of the neato features that it has now, so I'd like to look a bit at its evolution over time. I can't hit every update ever, but I thought we'd take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the key moments in the game's life. Continue reading Celebrating Guild Wars' 8th anniversary
Posted: 28 Apr 2013 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Screenshots, Dark Age of Camelot, Culture, Guild Wars 2, One Shots, Final Fantasy XIV, Miscellaneous It would be a rare fantasy MMO that didn't have a posse of dragons roaming the land (or flying through the skies), and Guild Wars 2 certainly does not break that trend. It doesn't mean that going head-to-head with one is any less intimidating, however.Reader Paul sent in this little meet-and-greet with Puff, saying it was when his Asuran Mesmer first encountered a dragon. Let's just hope he remained alive to have a second encounter. Asurans often look like popcorn chicken to dragonkind. It's not just flying lizards in this week's One Shots! What wonders await you, I wonder? Continue reading One Shots: Thar be dragons
The Daily Grind: Are subscriptions worth it any more? Posted: 28 Apr 2013 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Business Models, Culture, Opinion, Free-to-Play, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous, Buy-to-Play It's amazing to me how quickly the MMO industry (at least in the west) went from being dominated by a subscription model to adopting free-to-play nearly across the board. In just a couple of short years, the hold that subs had over us was broken and players were free to sample way more MMOs for no money down than they ever could.It's also amazing to me how this movement has turned my general acceptance of subscriptions into somewhat of a dealbreaker. When I went back to World of Warcraft for a 10-day free trial a few weeks ago, the looming thought that this game would require a subscription to continue deeply influenced my enjoyment of it or interest in pursuing it past those 10 days. I had to ask myself the question, "Does this MMO offer something above and beyond what I can get elsewhere for free or a one-time purchase?" And I felt like the answer was "no." Subs aren't dead, of course, and they certainly have their attractive aspects (cutting through F2P red tape and getting exclusive benefits, for example). I like having the option to sub, but I no longer like being tied down by one. So what say you? Are subscriptions worth it any more?
EVE Fanfest 2013 final day: Trailers, EVE's TV show, and a vision for the future Posted: 27 Apr 2013 09:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, EVE Online, Business Models, Culture, Events (Real-World), Expansions, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, News Items, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Consoles, MMOFPS, Events (Massively's Coverage), DUST 514, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Anniversaries, Player-Generated Content We usually don't expect to see much from the final day of the EVE Fanfest, but for this year's tenth anniversary celebration, CCP isn't doing anything by half measures. The first two days of the event had a strong focus on DUST 514 and EVE Online, delving into the specific details of DUST's upcoming Uprising update and EVE's Odyssey expansion. I went into the convention centre today expecting a nice slow wind down with the usual CCP Presents keynote looking at the state of the company, but I left with several huge reveals that seemed to come out of nowhere.Not only did we find out that EVE Online is finally getting a collector's edition box full of goodies, but CCP revealed that a new EVE comic book and lore compendium are both on the way. As if that weren't enough, there's also an EVE TV series in the works based on player-submitted stories of true events inside the EVE universe. I couldn't help escaping the feeling, though, that this year's CCP Presents talk was more than a little marketing-oriented. As one of the press put it to me after the talk, it felt at times like watching an infomercial. On the plus side, we did get to see more of CCP's future vision for the EVE universe and an amazing new trailer showing the game's core storyline. Read on to check out the incredible EVE Universe Origins trailer and my summary of the final day of Fanfest 2013. Continue reading EVE Fanfest 2013 final day: Trailers, EVE's TV show, and a vision for the future
Defiance dev blog covers common issues and cheater voyeurism Posted: 27 Apr 2013 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Bugs, Patches, PvP, News Items, Consoles, MMOFPS, Post-Apocalyptic, Defiance Defiance executive producer Nathan Richardsson is getting serious today in a very serious blog post uploaded very seriously to the official site, a post that discusses fixes already made and promises even more fixes for some of the problems that have plagued the game since launch. MMO launches typically go about as smooth as a rhino's hindquarters, but it's always good to hear official word that the team is aware and working on the problems.According to the post, the "big team" is working overtime addressing issues like PC server woes, general game server crashes, Xbox problems, and PlayStation 3 client patches. In happier news, the team promises that hackers and cheaters are being taken very, you know, seriously. The blog even admits that some cheaters are allowed to linger in the game for a while so the team can "enjoy" watching the scum. The team is also looking into the Case of the Disappearing Items, although it is admittedly a tough nut to crack. Future blog posts, Richardsson says, will cover player feedback on many of the issues since launch.
Star Citizen's Aurora revealed, Roberts explains further crowdfunding goals Posted: 27 Apr 2013 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Crowdfunding, Star Citizen, Buy-to-Play Star Citizen is still fairly early in its development stage, but at least one in-game asset has now officially passed through the entire design process. That element is the Aurora, which is Star Citizen's base ship and one that most players will use to begin their spacefaring careers.The Aurora was designed by Star Wars and Star Trek concept artist Ryan Church. The Star Citizen website is now chock-full of in-engine images and in-character design specs. Cloud Imperium is also running a limited promotion focused on a special model Aurora called the LX. CEO Chris Roberts explains the reasoning behind another fundraising initiative over and above his famously successful Kickstarter campaign. "Star Citizen is going to cost approximately $20 million to make. We have this covered already between the incredible funding we've received from you and the commitments from investors," he says. "But here's the truth: I've been holding off on closing investors because your commitment means we won't need as much money as we originally expected. Every dollar we make from crowdfunding means one less we'll take from outside investors." If you're not up to pledging for the spiffy new Aurora, though, don't worry. "You will be able to earn credits to buy this ship in game once we go live," Roberts writes. "So please do not feel obligated to do anything. Everyone has given more than enough. This is purely a "for the fun" sale/event to hopefully push our funding along." [Thanks Eric for the tip!]
The Mog Log: Final Fantasy XIV beta phase 1 and 2 - combat Posted: 27 Apr 2013 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Classes, Game Mechanics, Opinion, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV, The Mog Log I've mentioned in the past that sometimes plans get changed dramatically between when I plan my next column and when I actually write it. This week, it turned out that I could stop being mum about the Final Fantasy XIV beta. So that meant throwing out plans and starting back over. In fact, it meant starting way over, since I found myself with so many things that I wanted to talk about it was difficult to figure out where to start.So I'm starting with the obvious. I'm going to talk about aspects of the first two beta phases in as much detail as I can realistically fit into a column starting with one of those obvious cornerstones of video games: combat. This isn't meant to be about impressions so much as dissecting and analyzing what I've played to this point, what is working, and what isn't. If you want to know my more in-depth impressions of killing things in Final Fantasy XIV's early test version, read on. Continue reading The Mog Log: Final Fantasy XIV beta phase 1 and 2 - combat
SWTOR is finally getting a barber shop feature Posted: 27 Apr 2013 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Video, News Items, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dev Diaries If you find yourself asking, "Hmm, when will I see more customization options for my character, new vehicles, and possibly a convenient one-stop-shop to adjust my character's look?" while playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, then your answer lies in the latest Insider video. In it, BioWare producer Cory Butler details some of the new features inbound for the space MMORPG.What does the Cartel Market have on offer this month? There's a new Eradicator's Warsuit, a killer-looking outfit that was inspired by the original Deceived trailer. The trooper's armor set will be introduced later in the month, and then look out for the Vice Commandant's Contraband pack, which includes all new pets, vehicles, and gear. After April, the game will introduce the appearance designer kiosk, an all-in-one barber shop that allows players to change their appearance and even race! And oh yeah, players can also re-color armor sets. It's time for a new summer look, Jedi! (The Sith can't stand the sun.) Click onward to check out the video for yourself. Continue reading SWTOR is finally getting a barber shop feature
Posted: 27 Apr 2013 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Galleries, EVE Online, Launches, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, Consoles, MMOFPS, Events (Massively's Coverage), DUST 514 CCP Games has just announced at this weekend's EVE Fanfest that the wait for DUST 514 will soon be over: DUST 514 is launching on May 14th.The free-to-play PlayStation 3 shooter is built to connect with CCP's sci-fi MMORPG sandbox, EVE Online; players in one game can directly influence the players in the other. "Gamers can look forward to an ever-progressing game, built on the experience CCP has gathered over the past decade, as new features and upgrades are rolled out for years to come," declares the press release posted today. Massively published a hands-on with the game in January. [Source: CCP press release] Continue reading DUST 514 launches on May 14
Tattered Notebook: EQ Next and Storybricks, sitting in a tree... Posted: 27 Apr 2013 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, New Titles, Opinion, The Tattered Notebook, Sandbox OMG! It's EverQuest Next news! No, really. I'm not pulling your chain. It's all official and everything. Namaste Entertainment, the creator of Storybricks, made the announcement that it is collaborating with SOE on EQ Next. So go ahead and do your finally-some-news celebratory dance, I'll wait a moment. Just don't go all out and strain something; you'll want to be able to spring into celebration again when more is revealed, right?Sadly, the news is pretty much is summed up right there in that one sentence; we don't have any more details to revel in and no time frame for getting more (well, other than SOE Live, of course!). But when has a lack of specifics derailed fan excitement about an upcoming game? Well we may not have definitive details, but using what we know about Storybricks, we can certainly speculate on what the relationship between the two means for Norrath's next incarnation. And if there was ever a relationship I was happy to see, it's Storybricks and EverQuest Next's. Continue reading Tattered Notebook: EQ Next and Storybricks, sitting in a tree...
True stories of EVE Online to become comic book and TV series Posted: 27 Apr 2013 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Contests, Culture, Events (Real-World), Lore, MMO Industry, News Items, Roleplaying, Events (Massively's Coverage), Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Anniversaries, Player-Generated Content The CCP Presents Keynote at the annual EVE Online Fanfest is usually a fairly tame retrospective on how CCP has a company has done the past year and where it's going in the future, but for EVE's tenth anniversary, CCP broke out the big guns. In addition to announcing a massive new collector's edition, the studio has also revealed plans to turn real stories of events inside the sandbox into professional comic books and even a TV series.Industry giant Dark Horse Comics, the company responsible for comics like Hellboy and Sin City, will be publishing the 54-page graphic novel this winter in both a paid-for print form and a free digital download. For the lore buffs among us, Dark Horse will also be producing a colossal 184-page glossy colour hardback book covering all of the NPC backstory and lore behind EVE Online and DUST 514. Titled EVE Source, the book will be an in-character almanac of everything in the EVE setting that isn't player-created and will even include previously unreleased concept art. Continue reading True stories of EVE Online to become comic book and TV series
EVE Online Second Decade collector's edition revealed Posted: 27 Apr 2013 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Business Models, Events (Real-World), Lore, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, Consoles, MMOFPS, Events (Massively's Coverage), DUST 514, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Anniversaries Moments ago at EVE Online's tenth anniversary Fanfest, CCP revealed plans for its Second Decade Collector's Edition box. EVE never really had a proper collector's edition, and the tenth anniversary of the game is the perfect opportunity to release one. The box will come with an awesome physical Rifter model that doubles as a USB hub, a CD of the tenth anniversary EVE symphony from this year's Fanfest, and a series of codes to redeem to cosmetic items in EVE Online and DUST 514. The box is due for release in October 2013 and on the EVE store and Amazon and can be pre-purhased right now for $149.99 (€149.99 for those in Europe).Cosmetic upgrades for EVE include a new golden pod skin that applies permanently to one character, some new bloodline-based in-game clothing, and several collector's edition ships. Players will get a five-run blueprint copy of the tenth anniversary Gnosis battlecruiser and a re-skinned red Tash-Murkon Magnate, and pre-purchasers will get a bonus Nefnatar Thrasher. DUST 514 items include a set of permanant Amarr templar drop suits and weapons with the same stats as normal items but lower skill requirements. Continue reading EVE Online Second Decade collector's edition revealed
Massively's Neverwinter early access launch diary: Day two Posted: 27 Apr 2013 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Hands-On, First Impressions, Neverwinter, Neverwinter Days After yesterday's initial foray into Neverwinter, I was eager to get back to it. I was still trying to figure everything out, including frustrating little issues (is there a screenshot key that saves to a folder? Can I keep the little notifications from constantly popping out of the side of the map?). There's that period of acclimation in new games when you're excited but also feel a little lost. I'm guessing it's going to be another day or two before I truly feel comfortable in my Neverwinter home.From what I can figure out, there are six main options for a typical Neverwinter play session. There are general PvE quests, skirmishes (think instanced public quests), zone-wide events, group dungeon runs, Foundry missions, and PvP fights. There's also playing the auction house, crafting, and making your own Foundry missions. Yesterday was about the first two, so I decided that the second day would be all about the Foundry. At a certain level or part of the quest line (around level 11), you gain access to daily Foundry quests. These give you astral diamonds as incentive to run player-made content, so I figured I had nothing to lose and everything to gain! Continue reading Massively's Neverwinter early access launch diary: Day two
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