
MMO and SEO News from Gameforumer.com

MMO and SEO News from Gameforumer.com

InnoGames-Headquarters Hosts Kartuga Alpha Challenge

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 06:33 AM PDT

InnoGames-Headquarters Hosts Kartuga Alpha Challenge Players invited to sneak peek of upcoming game with battles and prizes Hamburg, October 4, 2012. InnoGames unveils the 3D pirate browser game - Kartuga - for the first time, to a small selection of players, on November 24. The Kartuga Alpha, organized by the game's developer will take place in Hamburg, at the [...]

Preview: Hitman Absolution

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 06:31 AM PDT

My favorite thing about previews isn't that I can check out games before release. No. That comes a close second. What really gets me going is trolling the PR supervising such events. With every publisher trying to be like a doting mother to their games, touting them to be unique and special like snow flakes, [...]

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria – First Look

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 06:27 AM PDT

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria – First Look The newest installment of World of Warcraft has arrived and Galarn the Titan shows us what the update is all about. Mists of Pandaria raised the existing level cap from level 85 to 90. It introduced a new character class, the Monk, along with a new playable race, [...]

This was the thing that our Team Played this Sunday

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 06:23 AM PDT

As expected, many of our writers are spending this weekend wandering about Pandora in search for good loot. Two of them are also busy working on their respective reviews so tune into Gameforumer next week for both our F1 2012 and Dead or Alive 5 reviews. So without further aideau, here's what kept us busy [...]

Rift: Storm Legion trebles the size of the game, fills it with colossal beasts

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 06:17 AM PDT

Storm Legion trebles the size of Rift's already-huge MMORPG world. Senior designer William Cook flashes up the game's map for me, showing the play area of the original Rift. The two new continents the studio are adding are each as big as the original game. More space is always nice, but the reason that they [...]

Queen’s Blade Online – Mobile games in development

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 06:14 AM PDT

According to various Korean mobile gaming reports, MMO developer Liveplex is currently preparing 2 mobile games based on its MMORPG, Queen's Blade Online. These 2 mobile games will consist elements such as turn-based RPG and a strategic simulation game. Both are expected to be released in Korea later this year as part of a planned [...]

Review: Sonic Adventure 2

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 06:12 AM PDT

I have some pretty vivid memories of spending entire days playing Sonic Adventure 2 on both the Dreamcast and GameCube. I can clearly remember rollin’ around at the speed of sound. I had places to go. I followed my rainbow. That was, however, back in 2001. Certain aspects of this high-definition re-release simply aren’t as [...]

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