TERA: Server Merge with No F2P In Sight? Posted: TERA announced a major server merge into 3 on 18th September, while admitting there is a severe issue of getting enough players for activities in the current setup.  |
SWTOR States Class and Balance Changes in 1.4 Update Posted: Update 1.4 will bring a number of class balance changes to Star Wars: The Old Republic along with additional changes to crowd control skills and the PvP Resolve feature.  |
Save City of Heroes! Posted: The online heroes of Paragon City are currently in an epic battle. Not against the forces of crime and evil that they have been facing for eight years, but against the decision of a company that is preparing to turn off the game servers and end a game that has been running since April 2004. NCsoft, the publisher of City of Heroes, announced last Friday that it is shutting down Paragon Studios, the game development studio responsible for City of Heroes. Operation of the flagship will cease by November 30 due to a realignment of NCsoft's focus.  |
TERA Dungeon Guide: Ascent of Saravash Posted: For this dungeon, you can skip a lot of the trash mobs. Utilize the map to find where the different bosses are, and try to follow the walls of the zone if you wish to avoid a lot of unnecessary mobs. It is important, however, to note that you can gain good drops off of the trash mobs, such as gold items. Whether you clear the entire dungeon or not is going to be up to the group.  |
Guild Wars 2 Brings Trading Post Online Posted: If you've been playing Guild Wars 2 since headstart last week, you might have noticed the problems with the Black Lion Trading Post that kept popping up throughout the week. ArenaNet, an apparent victim of their own success in sales, had to put the trading post on a rotation, allowing a percentage of the population to access it at a given time. Luckily, it appears that they've worked out the remaining issues with the trading post and have now launched it with access to everyone. Happy selling!  |
Marvel Heroes Releases New Heroes and Closed Beta Details Posted: The Marvel Heroes team made use of PAX Prime 2012 to announce three new heroes: Punisher, Daredevil, and Squirrel Girl.  |
WoW: Mists of Pandaria Will Head To Mainland China Posted: We're sure you're all familiar with the rumors that Blizzard's latest World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria, had been seeing some trouble in China due to its depictions of pandas having the stuffing beaten out of them. Well, it looks like we can finally put those rumors to rest because the Chinese Ministry of Culture has approved Chinese web operator NetEase to operate the game in the territory.  |
Battle of the Immortals Released "Shifting Tides" Expansion Posted: The Battle of the Immortals team announced the release date for Battle of the Immortals: Shifting Tides, the latest content update for Perfect World Entertainment's free-to-play action MMORPG. Starting September 19, 2012, players can dive into the tides of war and experience new zones, bosses, pets, gear, and much more.  |
RF Online 1.5 announces EU Closed Beta Posted: RF Online 1.5 has started the registrations for its closed beta. This closed beta will begin in the end of October / early November at the latest, and will come with more than 400 improvements and updates to the game, which will be released in Europe for first time.  |
LOTRO Revealed New Dev Diary and Screenshots Posted: Designing Rohan was more challenging than other areas of the game because Tolkien described the lands and their layout in a fair amount of detail.  |
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes - Free to Play Posted: Recently Vanguard: Saga of Heroes made the conversion to a free to play, or what some would call a freemium, business model.  |
Dragon Nest T4 Force User Skill DPS Ranking for Level 60 Posted: The description on skill coefficient has been elaborated on my previous guide on force user skill (see Ref 1). The updated skill coefficient for T4 is shown below.  |
WoW: Mists of Pandaria Review by Mimiron Posted: The highly-anticipated Mists of Pandaria expansion, will be released in under 20 days. I've been playing the game since its beta, so I'll try to give it a quick, somewhat unbiased review.  |
Serenia Fantasy Launched, Time for old-school RPG! Posted: It is well known that the classics never die. Gamedp.com launches Server 1 of Serenia Fantasy at 02:00 AM Sept. 6th EDT (GMT-4). This very first server is named Dreamlike Island, which offers players a pure place to play old-school.  |
C9 Unveiled the First Major Expansion 'The Ruined Empire' Posted: C9 is unveiling the new expansion 'The Ruined Empire', where players can experience the new expansion beforehand, with a level 50 character.  |
Game Update 18 Is Available in DC Universe Online Posted: SOE has released the latest update to DC Universe Online, you'll find a better system of player rewards and more challenging encounters in this update. Game Update 18 ushers in several changes to the game's challenges, alerts, and duos, providing players with both a smoother set of progression content and a more unified system of rewards.  |
GW2: Conditions Analysis – A Slow Death Posted: With Guild Wars 2 being the most anticipated game of the year finally being released I feel it's time for another break down of some key aspects of the game and what more important that conditions?  |
Guild Wars 2: The Joys and It's Issue Posted: What GW2 has managed to do, is made it totally up to you how you level up, in which you can either be doing the public events in lots of different areas in any kind of order you want, level up by gathering and crafting or just doing WorldVsWorld as you get a ton of exp from that as well, but on the side, one of the things I really like the most on the side of doing which ever public quest you feel like doing at the time.  |
Neverwinter Revealed Blackdagger Ruins Lore Trailer Posted: Learn all about the Blackdagger Ruins, one of many Adventure Zones in Neverwinter in our latest Lore Trailer, which debuted at PAX Prime 2012.  |
The Secret World Making Lairs More Casual Friendly Posted: The Secret World ramped up its endgame content challenge by including new Nightmare Mode dungeon. And now Funcom is ratcheting back the other way to make things better for casual players in 1.2.  |