[PAX Prime 2012] Cosplay Show Posted: PAX Prime 2012 was held in Seattle, WA Aug 31-Sep 2, 2012. Below is the photo gallery of cosplay sharing to you. We can see all kinds of Cosplay dress: luxury, low-key, funny, curious and more. Have fun.  |
[PAX Prime 2012] Up Close and Personal with Torchlight II Posted: During PAX Prime on Friday, Perfect World Entertainment and Runic Games announced that Torchlight II would be arriving on September 20th.  |
Guardians of Middle-Earth Trailers Cover Arathorn, Hildi, Sauron, and Runsig Posted: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has released two new Battle Profile gameplay videos for Guardians of Middle-earth. The first Battle Profile features Hildifons, a resourceful Hobbit who can kindle fires and create explosions from almost nothing and Sauron, the ultimate embodiment of evil in Middle-earth.  |
FFXIV's New Trailer Reveals Male Miquote and New Limit Breaks Posted: PAX 2012 attendees who stopped by Square Enix's Final Fantasy presentation were treated to a lengthy demo as well as a brand new trailer. A Realm Reborn is supposed to massively overhaul their existing MMO and will even allow PS3 users to get in on the action. The trailer revealed a Male Miquote, which is not currently playable in the existing game. Final Fantasy XIV servers will go offline November 11th and existing players will migrate to a Realm Reborn. An alpha test is expected to begin this winter and players looking to sign up can do so by clicking here. And be sure to check out the sweet new limit breaks and male Miquote in the trailer below.  |
Paragon Studios Closing, City of Heroes to End This Year Posted: City of Heroes will shut down before the end of the year, and recurring billing as well as Paragon Market purchasing will be discontinued immediately.  |
The Repopulation's August Update Talks New Models And Engagements Posted: If you've a waiting for a heaping helping of patch notes -- or you're having trouble sleeping -- the latest end-of-the-month update for The Repopulation is here. OK, that was mean, but wow there's a lot to read about for August!  |
[MMOsite Exclusive] Knight Age First Look Posted: Knight Age is a new MMORPG that is being published by Joymax, the same people who publish the Silkroad and Digimon Online games. Knight Age however, has been advertised a bit since its Korean debut which received some mix reactions from the game looking interesting to just silly or bad. But now that it is in the Open Beta phase to the English community, it is a great time to check the game out and see if it is good or just another generic mmo.  |
Dragon Nest T4 Destroyer Skill Build (Level 60 Cap) by Opal Posted: With the lack of up to date builds for Destroyers, I figured I'd share mine. This is more of a reference for those who might be lost on what they would want to invest in skill point wise. It mainly just revolves around what I've been comfortable with so far in terms of nesting and dungeons in general. (You don't have to follow it 100%)  |
WOW And Raph Koster To Be Honored At GDC Online Awards Posted: SAN FRANCISCO — August 30, 2012 — Organizers of the Game Developers Conference® Online (GDC Online) have revealed that Raph Koster, a key industry veteran behind the prodigious massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPGs) Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies, will be honored with the Online Game Legend Award at the third annual Game Developers Choice Online Awards. Blizzard Entertainment's influential World of Warcraft® MMORPG will be inducted into the Choice Online Awards Hall of Fame during the ceremony, taking place Wednesday, October 10 at GDC Online in Austin, Texas. The special awards categories recognize developers and titles that have had significant impact in the world of online games.  |
Planetside 2 First Look Posted: Planetside 2 is a new MMOFPS published by Sony Online Entertainment. Planetside 2 pits thousands of players against each other in large persistent worlds.  |
[PAX Prime 2012] Rift's Storm Legion Approaches Posted: The Storm Legion is coming. Here caught up with the Trion team at PAX to catch a glimpse of what the oncoming storm will bring.  |
First-look at Vehicle Combat and Nighthawk in Champions Online Posted: Super-heroism has wings and jet engines in the Nighthawk update for Champions Online, including the first taste of the superhero, action MMORPG's brand new vehicle system. Framed by a corporate super-villain, the vigilante hero Nighthawk must clear his name. The call has been made for players to band together, taking the fight to the skies with Hawkwing jetfighters.  |
Age of Conan: Funcom Reduces Operational Costs Posted: Many of you will have already heard that Funcom has had to reduce our operational costs. This meant that this month's Age of Conan development update had the potential to be quite depressing in light of Funcom's recent layoffs.  |
Ghost Recon Online: No Deaths All Killstreak, My Experience Posted: I have been playing ghost recon lately and I have finally played a perfect game. With Ghost Recon's gameplay of having skills, abilities, a cover and level up system I have finally manage to play one match consisting of two rounds (15min long) without having any deaths. There has been many games where I have played and only had one to five deaths, so exclusively for MMOSITE I have tried very hard to get a high kill streak and a no death game.  |
MechWarrior Online Revealed the Catapault Posted: As your machine detonates, you'll know that you just got served an express load of missiles by the Catapault, a heavy 'Mech designed solely for delivering missiles at long range.  |
Official Teaser Site for Dragon Nest Europe Now Available Posted: eFusion MMOG GmbH, an European publisher of massively multi-player online games, announced today that it has opened an official teaser site for the upcoming Dragon Nest Europe. This teaser site is the first concrete realization of eFusion MMOG's plans to launch the official service of Dragon Nest in Europe before end of this year.  |