RIFT: Storm Legion - Hunt Rifts Posted: A new type of dynamic event, Hunt Rifts, is coming in Storm Legion and allows players to go on the offensive instead of merely reacting to planar invasions.  |
Creating Dynamic World Events in Firefall Posted: Red 5 Studio has figured out a new way to improve the PvE experience in Firefall, so that they introduced the implementation of dynamic world events to keep Firefall's world alive and active. In the latest developer blog, the desiginer Bryan Malloroy talks about how they go about designing dynamic world events, as well as some of the things that we have coming up in the not-too-distant future.  |
LOTRO Developer Diary: Mounted Combat Posted: As the core feature for Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming Riders of Rohan expansion, mounted combat is understandably the focus of many player concerns and questions.  |
DK Online Shows Off Diverse PvE Experience Posted: There's never a shortage of wonders to behold in the world of Litos! Aeria Games today highlighted the PvE features in its eagerly-awaited medieval MMORPG DK Online.At the core of a great PvE experience lies the excitement of exploring new and wondrous environments.  |
The Glorious Guardian: The Support/Sustain Role - Part 3 - The Valor Trait Line Posted: Welcome back to my series which takes a look into the Guild Wars 2 Guardian profession as a support/sustain. I had originally planned to wrap this up within 3 articles but the trait lines are pretty extensive to cover so I'll be doing each on in it's own article.  |
SMITE News - MANOWAR Teams Up with Hi-Rez Studios Posted: Hi-Rez Studios, independent developer of AAA free-to-play online games and MANOWAR, the band known worldwide for mythology-themed lyrics and an epic heavy metal sound, today confirmed their collaboration around the game SMITE.  |
Dragon Nest SEA Take A Jump Shot Event Posted: What's the best thing to do to celebrate Dragon Nest SEA's first anniversary? Take a photo for keepsake of course! To commemorate this special 3-month long event, snag an exclusive Take Jump Photo Gesture (Permanent, Untradable) so you can snap a cool jump shot with your buddies!  |
EVE Online: Inferno for $4.99 in Amazon Posted: CCP Games partnered with Amazon to offer the newest expansion, all 17 expansions of content and 30-days of game time with several helpful perks of EVE Online: Inferno for just $4.99.  |
DayZ Standalone Releases before the End of This Year Posted: DayZ has already attracted a fan following despite being a mod for an existing game, and the alpha build of DayZ standalone will be released before the end of the year, probably in December.  |
Neverwinter Dev Blog: Events Posted: In the latest Neverwinter developer blog, events take center stage as the devs explain their plans to help keep the experience fresh and alleviate the repetitive feeling of doing the same thing constantly.  |
Save CoH Movement, Petition Passes 20,000 Signatures Posted: Since the shutdown date for City of Heroes announced by NCSoft, the players with sadness and anger have been doing their effort to protest the decision. The movement to save the game has maintained its intensity. The online petition to save the game has collected over 20, 000 signatures.  |
Dragon Nest (EU) Closed Beta Test Coming Soon Posted: eFusion MMOG GmbH has confirmed today its firm intention to keep its initial milestone for the launch of Dragon Nest Europe at the end of this year.All works related to the localization - 4 different language versions will be available at the launch of Dragon Nest in Europe - are being finalized. The official web site for the first closed beta is under construction for opening, as expected, in late October.  |
Trickster Online Releases Tapasco Theme Spa Posted: Trickster Online Releases Tapasco Theme Spa SG Interactive has released the Tapasco Theme Spa update for Trickster Online, a four level dungeon for high level players. In addition to fierce monsters, players will have to contend with challenging puzzles to figure out what lies beneath this spa on top of a volcano. Players level 230 and up will be able to enter the dungeon, whose levels become increasingly difficult as you progress through each floor. 10 new monster types are introduced with the update, and several powerful mini-bosses await players as they fight towards the powerful Spice Dragon. Expect this boss to drop the best items the game has seen yet.  |
SMITE Gods' Guide - God of Thunder: Thor Posted: Mighty Thor, as famous as he is bold, is God of the thundering sky. Yet his hammer, Mjolnir, is nearly as famous as he is, and Thor will not be parted from it. Thor is a physical melee character with a range of support abilities, including a massively-ranged stun and path-denying capabilities. Thor is often best built tanky, especially due to his early weakness.  |
RaiderZ Previews Mt. Eda Posted: Perfect World Entertainment has revealed first details of Mt. Eda in RaiderZ.  |
Arena Net Approves True Action Combat Mod For Guild Wars 2! Posted: Whats up gamers im your host Zach Sharpes and today im going to spotlight a mod that in my opinion can increase your experience in Guild Wars 2 by at least double. Why is that? Well ever imagine having True Action Combat in Guild Wars 2?  |