Firsthand Information of Dragon's Call II Posted: Though the official website of Dragon's Call II has not Open to gamers, its official facebook is already popular among its loyal fans of Gamedp.  |
Does New Content Bring You Back to An Older Game? Posted: For older games, the developers attracted players by updating new content to the game. Do new content updates compel you to leave your current flame for an older MMORPG?  |
MicroVolts Announced Its Latest Upate - Varsity Volts Posted: Rock Hippo Productions announced that MicroVolts has received its latest update Varsity Volts.  |
Guild Wars 2 - China Gold Play Studio Was Reprimanded For Hacked Accounts Posted: After the first weekend OF Guild Wars 2 formal operations , ArenaNet received a 8500 technical support requests involving the hacked of accounts, announced the news after the twenty-four hours, ArenaNet help 2574 players retrieve their stolen account.  |
Navy Legend Steps Into Its Ultimate Testing Posted: Navy Legend - A 3D Sea-Warfare themed, World WarⅡHistory based, MMO TPS game developed by Kingworld(Beijing)Technology, steps into its ultimate testing period.  |
Stunning New MMO Black Desert (KR) Reveals Debut Trailer Posted: Korean new MMO Black Desert revealed its debut trailer recently which shows the stunning attack effect and large-scale constructions. Pretty much similar to those seen in movies, the defenders will have to destroy the invaders' cannons, ladders and kill them off, while the invaders will have to destroy the main gate and try to climb up the walls.  |
LuniaZ: Server Will Closed Next Month Posted: Nexon Korea announced that LuniaZ game service will be terminated on October 11th, 2012 in South Korea.  |
The Road to Mordor: Three things LotRO needs from Guild Wars 2 (and vice versa) Posted: MMOs used to develop in a vacuum, but now they're much more interconnected. The upside for consumers is that proven features often spread to the competition, hopefully improving the whole playing field.  |
RF Online Has Announced Its Official Service Re-launch Posted: RF Online will host a series of special events from now until November 6, including an event server that grants server wide experience boosts and PT of 1000%. Players can also race to level up for prizes if they are one of the fastest, plus enjoy new level rewards and weapons at level milestones.  |
Faithful Fans Show Spectacular Support for City of Heroes Posted: It is really sad for a faithful player to hear the end of their beloved game. Faced with the news that City of Heroes is due to sunset before the end of the year, CoH fans have been putting on a tremendous show of support for the game and Paragon Studios. Saturday saw a massive rally on the in-game steps of City Hall in Atlas Park as players gathered to show their support and love for Paragon Studios and its employees.  |
Serenia Fantasy Server 1 Starter Kit Giveaway Event Posted: Ray Media Group Limited, of which official website: ( , releases Serenia Fantasy, Server 1, named Dreamlike Island, at 02:00 AM, September 6th EDT(GMT-4).  |
TERA Dungeon Guide: Saleron's Sky Garden Posted: Saleron's Sky Garden is different than the other dungeons in that the bosses you fight are somewhat random. We'll go over the dungeon while taking into consideration the variability between the bosses you may get each run. First off, we'll start with the map!  |
WoW: Mists of Pandaria TV Spots Now Live Posted: Get ready for a bold new age of exploration and adventure. Crafted from Mists of Pandaria's opening cinematic, new TV spots for the expansion are invading the airwaves everywhere… so keep an eye out for Chen Stormstout amidst episodes of your favorite shows.Pandaria opens September 25— pre-order now at  |
End of Nations Third Closed Beta Event Now Live Posted: Trion Worlds today kicked off the third highly-anticipated closed beta event for End of Nations, the upcoming free-to-play online military strategy game. The event went live at 12:01am EST last night and will conclude Sunday, September 9 at 11:59pm EST, and this time around the development team will be debuting Elite Companies - pre-configured armies that can be purchased and are built to serve a specific purpose.  |
PlanetSide 2 Announces Alpha Squad Package Posted: Sony Online Entertainment has announced a special "Alpha Squad" package for players eager to get in Planetside 2.  |
T3fun Reveals September Events of Hellgate Global Posted: T3fun announced a new line-up of events for Hellgate Global players that will challenge all to a heated battle against the demons of Hell.  |
The Glorious Guardian: The Support/Sustain Role - Part 1 Posted: Since the launch of Guild Wars 2 I've rolled many different characters. Testing out each profession and race combination until I could find something that really spoke to me. There are a couple of professions which are my favorites but so far only one has really stuck out as being my main character. The guardian, a Sylvari female with a mushroom head, has seen me though half of the game so far.  |