Wakfu: Krosmaster Arena Announced Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:26 AM PDT 
Both DOFUS and Wakfu players will be able to take one another on in a competitive PvP atmosphere with the announcement of Krosmaster Arena. Players from both games will be able to enter the arena without leaving their game clients. Krosmaster Arena is anticipated to be released in late 2012. |
Guild Wars 2: Worth the Wait Posted: 27 Aug 2012 03:11 PM PDT 
Guild Wars 2 has finally launched. In our latest column devoted to ArenaNet's newest game, we take a look at whether or not it has all been worth it. See what we've got to say before weighing in on the conversation in the comments. |
MechWarrior Online: River City Revealed Posted: 28 Aug 2012 06:25 AM PDT 
The MechWarrior Online team has released a new zone preview video. This time, River City stands in the spotlight. According to the dev team, River City is an ideal urban location for mechs of all flavors. Check it out! |
Knight Age: Open Beta Begins Posted: 28 Aug 2012 06:23 AM PDT 
Knight Age has officially entered its open beta phase of development. The team behind the game has announced that characters created during the open beta will transition into the retail launch. In addition, the number of mounts has now doubled. |
Guild Wars 2: Guild Wars 2 Launch Edition Posted: 27 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT 
The day has finally come when the gaming world gets to get into Guild Wars 2 to see if it can and will live up to the promise it seems to embody. We've been hanging out during the head start and have The List today that details some of what we've seen, both good and bad. See what you think! |
General: GDC Online Audience Award Voting Begins Posted: 26 Aug 2012 08:26 PM PDT 
From August 27th to September 14th, fans can head to the Game Developers' Conference Online site to vote for their favorite persistent online worlds. The votes will be tallied and awards handed out on October 10th so head over and vote today! |
General: Min Kim Named CEO of Nexon America Posted: 27 Aug 2012 04:56 PM PDT 
Beginning on September 1, 2012, Min Kim has been named as the new Chief Executive Officer of Nexon America. He will be replacing Daniel Kim who is headed back to Korea and a new job with Nexon. Mr. Kim has been instrumental in the growth of Nexon's interests in the Americas. |
Firefall: Spotlighting the Awesomeness Posted: 27 Aug 2012 01:03 PM PDT 
During Gamescom, we had our team check out Red 5 Studios' Firefall to see why it is that many hardcore testers are "filled with sunshine and unicorns" due to the latest update. It's an amazing transformation. Read on! |
Guild Wars 2: Guild Head for All Your GW2 Info Posted: 27 Aug 2012 12:45 PM PDT 
The good folks at ZAM have sent word that Guildhead is now available with a host of nifty features and databases for all your Guild Wars 2 information needs. Resources include a skill calculator, an interactive world map and much more. |
General: MMOFTW: Argon Queen, Rohan Delay, GW2 & PAX Prime! Posted: 27 Aug 2012 12:47 PM PDT 
In this week's MMOFTW, we cover everything from TERA's Argon Queen to LotRO's delay, the head start of Guild Wars 2, and of course: PAX PRIME 2012! |
Grand Chase: Hungry Pets Revolt Trailer Posted: 27 Aug 2012 11:29 AM PDT 
The Grand Chase team has sent out a brand new trailer showing off a pet rebellion. During the event, players are charged with defending the Queen's Buffet against all comers. Check it out! |
Guild Wars 2: It Never Takes Long - Level 80 Crafter Spotted Posted: 27 Aug 2012 09:04 AM PDT 
MMO Culture has spotted the first level 80 character in Guild Wars 2. According to the report, a player named "Surfeuze" hit the level cap through crafting only. Materials were supplied by guild mates. It never takes long, does it? |
Continent of the Ninth Seal: All the Normal Fantasy Trappings Posted: 25 Aug 2012 08:50 PM PDT 
Webzen's Continent of the Ninth Seal, or C9, is an action MMO that has generated a lot of interest from some quarters. We've been putting C9 through the wringer to see how it measures up to the rest of the 2012 crop of MMOs. See what we discovered! |
Guild Wars 2: Head Start - Day One Posted: 25 Aug 2012 08:36 PM PDT 
As most everyone on the gaming planet knows, the head start for those who pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 started this past weekend. Pokket was one of the lucky ones who jumped in when she could. She's got her first day impressions to share. Check it out! |
Digimon Masters Online: Celebrating Its First Anniversary Posted: 26 Aug 2012 08:32 AM PDT 
Joymax is inviting all Digimon Masters Online players to check out the events surrounding the game's first anniversary. The team has all sorts of special surprises including events and contests, "such as a chance of winning a special Digi-Egg or gathering delicious birthday cakes to celebrate." |
Requiem: Memento Mori: Coming to Facebook in September Posted: 26 Aug 2012 08:50 AM PDT 
Requiem is coming to Facebook in all of its glory. Requiem will not be 'just another Facebook game' but will give players the same in-game experience they enjoy with the stand alone client. |
Sevencore: Open Beta Coming September 6th Posted: 26 Aug 2012 08:04 AM PDT 
gPotato and the Sevencore development team have announced that the open beta will officially kick off on September 6th. Devs promise that new levels, regions, mounts and much more will be included, all based on player feedback during the closed beta phase of development. |