


Rift: Devs Talk Storm Legion

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:35 AM PDT

Devs Talk Storm Legion

Trion Worlds and the Rift team have released a new video developer diary that centers around the upcoming Storm Legion expansion. Devs discuss the new areas, new monsters, new ways that Rift is evolving with the expansion. Check it out!

ArcheAge: CBT5 Video Shows Off Character Customization

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:22 AM PDT

CBT5 Video Shows Off Character Customization

A new video has been released by the ArcheAge team that shows off the races and customization options for each. It's an inside peek at what's going on in Closed Beta Test #5. Enjoy!

Rift: Storm Legion Mage Soul to be Revealed Today

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:19 AM PDT

Storm Legion Mage Soul to be Revealed Today

Trion Worlds, MMORPG.com and Rift developers are teaming up to host a Twitch.tv event to introduce the world to the Mage Soul that will arrive with the Storm Legion expansion. The event is slated to kick off at 2:30 p.m. PDT today, Friday, August 10th.

TERA: En Masse & NCSoft Settle Dispute

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:11 AM PDT

En Masse & NCSoft Settle Dispute

En Masse Entertainment has released a statement indicating that the dispute over TERA in the United States. En Masse has steadfastly denied any wrong doing and continues to maintain its innocence in the following release.

The Secret World: A Nightmare in The Secret World!

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 04:37 PM PDT

A Nightmare in The Secret World!

We aren't the first ones to think that there are parts of The Secret World that are just downright scary. In today's Very Scary, we explore that notion. See what you think and then talk about it in the comments!

World of Warcraft: NA Account Information Compromised

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 04:54 PM PDT

NA Account Information Compromised

Blizzard is reporting that certain pieces of information for North American Battle.Net users has been compromised due to a hacking incident this week. According to the post on the Blizzard site, financial information is not considered threatened but account passwords, email addresses, security questions and mobile authenticator data were taken.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria: Scroll of Resurrection Changes

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 01:37 PM PDT

Scroll of Resurrection Changes

The World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria developer blog has been updated with new information about how the Scroll of Resurrection will work when the expansion goes live. Changes have been made to accommodate the new monk class and the Pandaren race.

RaiderZ: Closed Beta Begins, New Trailer Released

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 10:55 AM PDT

Closed Beta Begins, New Trailer Released

Perfect World Entertainment has officially kicked off the RaiderZ closed beta test. To celebrate, they have released a brand new trailer. According to the team, players need to "hunt together or die alone". Check it out!

Defiance: Gamescom Video Dev Diary Released

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 10:52 AM PDT

Gamescom Video Dev Diary Released

Trion Worlds and the Defiance development team have released a new video diary where the team discusses what it is that makes Defiance such a new force in the MMO genre. Among other things, they talk about persistence, dynamic content, the game's seamless open world, vehicular gameplay, and the versatile weapon customization system.

Guild Wars 2: On Launch and What’s to Come

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:37 AM PDT

On Launch and What

Guild Wars 2 is one of those games that is already legendary before it's even released and we're getting very close to that most awesome of days. We had the chance to chat with Game Designer Mike Zadorojny about launch and what the future might hold as well. Read on!

WildStar: Social Systems Detailed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:07 AM PDT

Social Systems Detailed

This week's WildStar Wednesday features a behind the scenes look at the social systems that will ship with the game. Designer Victoria Dollbaum gives her unique perspective on the hows and whys the team utilized when considering how to create the systems that encourage player interaction.

The Secret World: First Raid to Be Shown at Gamescom

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:59 AM PDT

First Raid to Be Shown at Gamescom

Funcom has revealed that it will be showing off The Secret World's first raid instance during Gamescom 2012. According to IncGamers.com, a huge beast will be laying waste to parts of New York after crawling out of the subway system. In addition to this news, Funcom has also released The Secret World on Steam.

Vindictus: Terrifying New Pets Added

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:50 AM PDT

Terrifying New Pets Added

Nexon has announced the addition of terrifying new pets to Vindictus. In this new video, Gremlins are spotlighted. The Gremlin come in three types, the buff colored Tiny Gremlin, which is prone to mindless violence; the purple featured Punk Gremlin which brings a rock-n-roll attitude into fights and the Armor Gremlin, which comes equipped with armor from fallen enemies.

DUST 514: David Reid Speaks Out

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 06:51 AM PDT

David Reid Speaks Out

DUST 514 is a game that many players have been eagerly watching as it approaches its release. We had the chance to speak with David Reid about DUST 514 and about its unique integration with EVE Online. Check it out!

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