C9 Ranger Skill Build Posted: A lot of recent topics covered or requested skill build for Rangers. Here's a personal suggestion.  |
Are Level-Based MMOs Played Out? Posted: MMOSite readers: Do you prefer level-based or skill-based MMOs, and do you see much of a difference between the two game styles?Let me know in the comments.  |
WoW 5.0 Patch 5.0.4 is now live! Posted: The new patch fiiles were already put up for download a few weeks ago, now the game needs to reconfigure itself which can take from 15-60 minutes. These changes are essential as this will check your game files and remove duplicates, resulting in a smaller installation size of your game file.  |
Wakfu Announces Krosmaster Arena Posted: Both DOFUS and Wakfu players will be able to take one another on in a competitive PvP atmosphere with the announcement of Krosmaster Arena. Players from both games will be able to enter the arena without leaving their game clients. Krosmaster Arena is anticipated to be released in late 2012.  |
World of Warcraft releases pre-expansion patch Posted: The World of Warcraft v5.0.4 patch that brings most of the new features and systems online from the upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion is now live. The update includes new class changes, a redesigned talent system, glyphs, account-wide mounts and achievements and much more.  |
TERA: Free to Play Server Now Permanent Posted: TERA Korea's temporary Free to Play server has now gone permanent. According to reports, the level cap for this server will be raised to 58 as well.  |
The Secret World Sold Over 200,000; Funcom Shift Focuse on the Future Posted: Funcom just released its second quarter financial report for 2012, the report shows that the latest MMORPG The Secret World has sold over 200,000, these sales are reported as being "below expectations" and resulted in an impairment charge of $35,000 US.  |
RaiderZ Offers a Closer Look At Ingen Free Port Posted: RaiderZ's Ingen Free Port is a safe harbor where adventurers come to rest after fierce battles in Rendel.  |
Havok Tech Powers Guild Wars 2 Posted: SAN FRANCISCO – August 28, 2012 – Havok, the leading provider of game technology, licensed its Havok AI and Havok Physics software for NCsoft® and ArenaNet's launch of Guild Wars 2®. With the help of Havok AI and Havok Physics technologies, Guild Wars 2 was able to scale thousands of players on a single server.  |
Miner Wars Arena is Now Available Posted: Keen Software House is pleased to announce the release of super-secret project: Miner Wars Arena, "little brother" to Miner Wars 2081.  |
Firefall Returns To PAX Prime, Massive Update And Founders Packs Available Posted: Red 5 Studios announced today that it's returning to PAX Prime on August 31st with its upcoming open world PC shooter, Firefall. In addition to featuring the in-game store and Firefall's largest update ever, the Tribe is celebrating at PAX with new limited edition Founders Packages – on sale this Friday, August 31st, at a special discounted price. Red 5 will also have its tournament-on-wheels, the Firefall Mobile Gaming Unit, outside of the convention center at 9th & Pine for fans to explore before it departs on its cross country tour this fall.  |
MapleStory: New Character Mihile Coming Posted: Nexon have released a video featuring Mihile who will become a new playable character when the "New Dawn" update goes live on September 5th.  |
BOOM! Guild Wars 2 Now Live Posted: BRIGHTON, UK – 28th August, 2012: NCsoft, the world's premier publisher and developer of massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) and ArenaNet, developer of the renowned Guild Wars franchise, are delighted to announce the launch of Guild Wars 2.  |
New MMORTS, Novus Aeterno Announced Posted: Taitale Studio announced the release of their new game, Novus Aeterno, a sci-fi RTS game that takes place in a massive and persistent galaxy full of adventure and challenging threats.  |
Knight Age Launches Ambitious Open Beta Today Posted: The highly anticipated free-to-play MMORPG Knight Age finally kicks off open beta today. If you still remember the reports we made last week, yes, you are going to experience a variety of new content that was not available during the closed beta, including 50 versus 50 guild PvP battles and an update to the Pupa system.  |
Krosmaster Arena: the First Expansion Common To Both DOFUS and WAKFU Posted: Krosmaster Arena is an add-on to the DOFUS and WAKFU online games that will offer players the possibility to fight against each other with a team of virtual figurines.  |