Expectation for Conquer Online 3 Grows Higher, NetDragon Launches Event Posted: With the development of Conquer Online 3 steadily progressing, and information surrounding CO3 revealed on the official site, players who used to adventure and fight alongside their comrades in the Conquer land have grown fonder and fonder of this epic fresh in-the-making CO3, and the expectation has grown way higher than previously imagined. And if you have great interest in CO3 and would like to win the abundant prizes, the following event may sound even greater.  |
See the Future of Star Wars: The Old Republic Posted: BioWare broke the silence with a new trailer, which previews the new Cathar playable race, a new space mission, the planet Makeb, a new Warzone and the Terror from Beyond Operation.  |
Eve Online - The Hulkageddon is DEAD!!!!!! Posted: Hey peeps, it looks like the Hulkageddon is dead for good...!!!! I dont know if you peeps know it but Inferno 1.2 made some serious changes to every mining barge in the game, including the Tech 2 variants... Back in the day, every mining barge was a stepping stone because in the end the best ship for your standard asteroid mining was the Hulk...  |
[Gamescom] WOW reveals Mists of Pandaria opening cinematic Posted: Ever since Blizzard announced that the opening cinematic for World of Warcraft's next expansion Mists of Pandaria would be revealed at Gamescom 2012, fans have been patiently waiting to watch the introduction of the Pandaren in the popular fantasy MMORPG. Now the wait is over: Watch as the black and white kung-fu master takes on two warring combatants in the video.  |
MechWarrior Online Shows Off the Hunchback Posted: and a respectable speed as well. Its armaments might seem light at first, but the AC/20 mounted in its shoulder provides a great deal of punch, and the lasers on its arm and head can carve opponents up in short-range engagements.  |
[Gamescom] Dragon Knights Online Revealed Warrior Class Spotlight Video Posted: The Warrior has entered the fray in Dragon Knights Online as Aeria Games released the newest class spotlight video for the highly anticipated MMORPG. Following the recent introduction of the Sorceress class, the Warrior storms onto the scene with gameplay footage showcasing its wrath in battle.  |
[Gamescome] New LOTRO Dev Diary About Warsteeds Posted: Straight from the show floor of Gamescom comes a new video featuring LotRO's mounts for the Riders of Rohan expansion. These mounts come in three armor tiers, have slots for individual armor pieces and have customizable skills.  |
[Gamescom] Aion 4.0 Will Add Three New Classes Posted: According to AionLife at GamesCom, Europe's biggest gaming event, they get an exciting news for Aion fans that Aion will introduce three new classes in Aion 4.0 patch! And we will update the interview video as soon as it's released.  |
Monarch - Another Netmarble Title Confirmed Posted: Monarch is an innovative breed of MMORPG, mixing elements of large-scale combat strategy in a massive environment. Utilizing its unique "Troop" system, players can hire soldiers to level up  |
[Gamescom] Dance Show From The Wargaming Posted: Today we publish this video from the stand of Wargaming at the Gamescom 2012, where you can see a dancer show, hope you like it!  |
[Gamescom] Infernum Announces New MMORPG Project: Theralon Posted: Project: Theralon is a new free to play sandbox MMORPG developed by Infernum powered by CryEngine 3. The game is a prototype, a work in progress that will evolve, with only two months of development it's already impressive.  |
Blacklight: Retribution Announce 30 Days of Fight Event Posted: Perfect World Entertainment Inc. today announced the start of the $30,000 cash prize sweepstakes event 30 Days of Fight for the hit first-person shooter Blacklight: Retribution.  |
ArcheAge CBT5 Sneak Peek: Patch Notes Posted: ArcheAge's CBT5 kicks off this week. XLGAMES recently released the latest patch notes, which feature XP loss, trial system and more.  |
My First Impressions Of WoWs New Pet Battle System! Posted: Whats up gamers im your host Zach Sharpes here with my thoughts on the newly released Pet Battles System in World Of Warcrafts Mists Of Pandaria Beta. In the video I highlight all the features I know, and explain the system as I see it. I also tell you guys what I thought on the new system, and whether or not the majority of players are over reacting to the new changes in place for Mists Of Pandaria.  |
Hounds – Alien Zombie Co-op Coming To English Shores Posted: Well well, it seems CJ E&M, the Korean HQ for their online games department, is taking the English market rather seriously. You see, under their current Netmarble English portal, there is just 1 game, Uncharted Waters Online. Hounds is scheduled for 2014, and it is a co-op alien zombie shooter (with PvP as well).  |
Ghost Recon Online Launches Open Beta Posted: Ubisoft Singapore has set its latest project loose in the wild with Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online. On the first day of gamescom, the free-to-play shooter announced its open beta launch along with a brand new trailer.  |
Guild Wars 2: Thoughts On the Sylvari Posted: Today (August 15) I got a chance to sit down and play the stress test. I decided to try out the sylvari because I hadn't gotten the chance to play them yet. The sylvari are strange to say the least. They are like the elf race I suppose (although they don't remind me anything of elves, but that's what people, and even ArenaNet, compare them with).  |