MMO Updates |
- ArenaNet's Chris Lye talks about the impending death of the subscription model
- Arabian-themed Nadirim now available through Aeria Games
- Chaos Theory: The Secret World's one-month checkup
- World of Battleships rechristened World of Warships
- Guild Wars 2 provides a visual overview of World vs. World
- WildStar shows off its housing system
- KingsIsle discusses Wizard101, pet upgrades, PvP, and pirates
- The Daily Grind: Will you play SWTOR when it's F2P?
- MechWarrior Online showcases the Atlas [Updated]
- ArenaNet devs discuss PvP tournaments and e-sports
- EverQuest II outlines August update plans including the launch of SOEmote
- Investment group predicts positive returns for Star Wars: The Old Republic following free-to-play announcement
- City of Heroes previews new powersets and other Issue 24 changes
- Free for All: The best weather systems in free-to-play
- Enter at Your Own Rift: What Scott Hartsman's AMA portends for RIFT
- Guild Wars 2 stress test scheduled for tomorrow
- The War Z gets a new website, 100,000 beta registrations in 24 hours
- Dark Vale releases Forge gameplay video, 'Kick-Finish' campaign
- Massively Exclusive: RaiderZ boss fight video
- The Repopulation recaps July alpha testing, updates
- Cryptic producer: Star Trek Online 'not dying by any means'
- Dragon Knights launches website, introduces the Sorceress
ArenaNet's Chris Lye talks about the impending death of the subscription model Posted: 02 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Guild Wars 2 In a recent interview, ArenaNet's global brand manager Chris Lye sat down and talked about the future of payment models in MMORPGs. Lye advised up-and-coming businesses to avoid the assumption that the subscription model is the best as that model is past its prime and on the decline. Guild Wars 2, set to launch on August 28th, ascribes to the "pay to own" model where players simply make a one-time purchase of the box in order to play the full game.Lye remarks that he understands why developers wouldn't want to add the risk of trying a new business model on top of the risk of developing an MMO. However, he feels that "any developer who wants to be successful in today's market needs to take a really hard look and say 'Do we really want to use a subscription, is that the best thing for this game?' In many cases I don't think it is." The subscriptionless model, however, isn't without possible drawbacks. Lye acknowledged that ArenaNet has some concerns about whether the community will be more difficult to police due to the sheer numbers of players.
Arabian-themed Nadirim now available through Aeria Games Posted: 02 Aug 2012 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Browser Nadirim, the Hungarian-made browser-based free-to-play game inspired by the myths and fables of the Arabian desert, is now available through the Aeria Games network. Aeria added the Arabian-themed fantasy game to its vast array of other free-to-play titles.Players looking for something a bit different than the standard medieval fantasy fare can jump into the role of Rogue, Warrior, or Sage and delve into a landscape of vast, unforgiving deserts punctuated by remote oases or wander through bustling towns. Although the world is open, combat is turn-based and takes place on a grid, making strategy an important element of the battle. Additionally, players who find the battle going against them can call for the aid of other adventurers who can join in the fight and assist. The game is available to play now, and like all Aeria Games titles, there is no download or subscription needed. [Source: Aeria Games press release]
Chaos Theory: The Secret World's one-month checkup Posted: 02 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, Bugs, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, PvP, Opinion, The Secret World, Chaos Theory Huh, has it been a month already?Time flies when you're having fun, I guess, and yep, I'm still having quite a bit of it in The Secret World. Yesterday brought us the big 1.1 patch, the one patch to rule them all (thus far), and the first post-launch content drop. Funcom has famously promised updates like this on a monthly basis, and as first starts go, this was a good'un. We got seven new story missions (five of which were the meaty investigation variety), all of them chock-full of interesting stuff to do and interesting cutscenes to ogle. All of that said, the one-month mark is also when subscription MMOs find out whether they've got staying power or whether they're going to bleed, and if Funcom wants The Secret World to fall into the former category, it's still got a bit of work to do. Continue reading Chaos Theory: The Secret World's one-month checkup
World of Battleships rechristened World of Warships Posted: 02 Aug 2012 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: MMO industry, New titles, News items, War, World of Warships In a move to make the title more congruent with the entire Wargaming universe, the game formerly known as World of Battleships has been redubbed World of Warships. The studio, however, emphasizes that the change is in moniker only; nothing has changed gameplay-wise for the upcoming free-to-play naval game where players get to participate in sea-faring combat using historically accurate vessels. Additionally, World of Warships will also be included in the common economic system that will allow players to distribute resources between all three titles. The game is scheduled to launch next year. [Source: Wargaming press release]
Guild Wars 2 provides a visual overview of World vs. World Posted: 02 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, PvP, Guild Wars 2 If you felt disappointed that ArenaNet left Guild Wars 2's World vs. World out of its video splurge last week, consider this: Maybe the studio was saving the best for last. In any case, today we're finally treated to an overview of the WvW system in the game, narrated by the devs.World vs. World is arguably the centerpiece of PvP combat in the game. Taking place across four massive maps, WvW pits three factions of players against each other in an attempt to conquer keeps, control supply lines, and bring the pain to their fellow man (or Sylvari). You can check out the WvW video after the jump! Continue reading Guild Wars 2 provides a visual overview of World vs. World
WildStar shows off its housing system Posted: 02 Aug 2012 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Video, Humor, WildStar, Housing Carbine Studios' WildStar has yet to leave the starting gate, but already this filly looks to have legs. The studio announced that not only will the sci-fi fantasy title have a housing system, but that it will be a major component to a player's experience in the game.According to Carbine, WildStar's housing is "more than a house and a plot of land, it is a destination within the game that they can make their own and use to their advantage." Housing will be available for all classes and paths. We have both a video and a FAQ concerning this exciting system after the jump! [Source: NCsoft press release] Continue reading WildStar shows off its housing system
KingsIsle discusses Wizard101, pet upgrades, PvP, and pirates Posted: 02 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Game mechanics, Interviews, Launches, New titles, Previews, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Trading card games, Races, Casual, Massively Interviews, Kids, Wizard101, Family, Pirate101 If you've found yourself going crazy over raising pets in the hugely successful Wizard101, worry no longer! We called up Fred Howard, KingsIsle VP of Marketing, to discuss some of the upcoming changes en route to one of the most popular activities in Wizard101. These pet changes are underway thanks in large part to a very passionate, informed community of players who have been asking for specific tweaks for quite a while. Pets aren't just for looks in Wizard101; they can level, aid in combat, and be hatched from eggs. There's even a fan-made Petnome Project to break down each pet and its abilities.We also virtually twisted Fred's arm and got a few comments about Pirate101, KingsIsle's next MMO. Fans of PvP will also be pleased at what he had to say. Just click past the cut and we'll break it down for you. Continue reading KingsIsle discusses Wizard101, pet upgrades, PvP, and pirates
The Daily Grind: Will you play SWTOR when it's F2P? Posted: 02 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Business models, MMO industry, Opinion, Free-to-play, The Daily Grind, Star Wars: The Old Republic So Star Wars: The Old Republic going free-to-play is about as surprising as Tatooine's twin suns rising over the Dune Sea. The game has bled a considerable amount of subs since its December 2011 launch, and while it's far from a failure, it's also not quite the success that some predicted.Is a lower entry barrier enough to keep the game relevant, though, particularly in light of Guild Wars 2's impending launch? It's hard to say, but the next few months sure will be interesting to watch. So what about you, morning crew? Will SWTOR's new business model draw you (back) into the fold?
MechWarrior Online showcases the Atlas [Updated] Posted: 01 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Video, Classes, News items, Dev Diaries, MechWarrior Online Last week we showed you MechWarrior Online's light-weight Jenner model, which is available as part of the MWO Founder Package. This week it's the Atlas' turn in the spotlight. The Atlas weighs in at 100 tons, roughly three times the weight of the more agile Jenner, and has a deadly combination of long- and short-range missiles, four medium lasers, and an autocannon. Because of the weight and weaponry that make it deadly, the Atlas isn't known for being light on its feet. Anyone driving an Atlas will have to have a keen understanding of the battlefield in order to not get caught from behind before being able to bring the mech's technological terror to bear. Skip below the cut to witness the power of this fully armed and operational battlemech! [Edit: Took out the word "exclusively" for the Jenner in the Founder's package as non-Founders can also earn this mech.] Continue reading MechWarrior Online showcases the Atlas [Updated]
ArenaNet devs discuss PvP tournaments and e-sports Posted: 01 Aug 2012 06:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, PvP, News items, Guild Wars 2, Community Q&A Guild Wars 2 is getting steadily closer to release, but players are as hungry as ever for every little detail about the game. ArenaNet devs Jonathan Sharp and John Corpening took some time to scratch the unrelenting itch of curiosity in an interview with Guild Wars 2 Guru. The game's normal structured PvP tournaments will be restricted, for technical reasons, by region. Worldwide tournaments will still be possible but will be dealt with "in a manner outside of the online tournament system." Before automated tournaments, players will be able to see the maps that will be used for each of the three rounds of the tournament but unable to see the composition of enemy teams. As things stand now, players will be able to change builds between rounds, but the devs are still looking for further feedback about that particular bucket of fish. Game formats other than the conquest that currently serves as the current primary PvP mechanic aren't out of the question for the future, but the team wants the game to start off with something that is easily approachable. ArenaNet hasn't really made a secret out of e-sports plans for Guild Wars 2. To that end, a spectator mode is high on the list of additions to the game, but the only timeframe devs are giving is "when it's ready." While the devs can't say much yet about plans for PvP publicity and ranking systems, they are hoping for Guild Wars 2 to prove itself as an e-sport and are committed to the original intention of letting players jump in and be competitive in PvP right off the bat. Check out the original interview for every breathtaking tease, hint, and detail.
EverQuest II outlines August update plans including the launch of SOEmote Posted: 01 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Game mechanics, Patches, News items, Free-to-play Looking forward to having your EverQuest II character's facial expression match your own during frustrating content? Then you'll be happy to know that according to the latest roadmap for the game, the SOEmote feature is going live on August 7th, complete with new options to see your own face on screen, auto-enable the feature with an attached webcam, or see your group members more clearly displayed when the feature is enabled.But SOEmote isn't the only thing on deck for this month, as the game is also bringing in a new chance for players to win prizes by participating in instanced minigames. A new set of ethereal weapons is being added as well; the weapons promise to be powerful additions to the arsenal of any players lucky enough to locate them. If you need to know more about what the SOEmote features will look like or what the developers have planned for holiday events during August, the update planning list has your back.
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Business models, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic Yesterday's bombshell from Star Wars: The Old Republic has prompted the usual spirited debate among fans over the game: Is this a last gasp before it dies or a smart move in the current MMO marketplace? Wedbush Securities believes it's the latter, with analyst Michael Pachter stating that the news from Electronic Arts is positive and that the change in business models should result in a significant profit for the game.Pachter described Wedbush's reaction as "incorrigibly positive," with specific emphasis on EA's digital catalogue and the free-to-play shift for Star Wars: The Old Republic. According to his analysis, the change in business models will remove the most significant hurdles from potential players, leading to a net increase in revenue from the game. The market as a whole responded positively to the financial news, with EA's stock rising six percent as a result of the call. Pachter has previously been critical of the MMO market, having claimed in early July that subscriber numbers have peaked for the industry as a whole.
City of Heroes previews new powersets and other Issue 24 changes Posted: 01 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, City of Heroes, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play Getting new powers in City of Heroes is always a reason to be excited, especially when they fill out a gap you hadn't even realized existed beforehand. The most recent livestream from the staff at Paragon Studios has unveiled two sets that do precisely that. Martial Combat (a secondary for Blasters) and Martial Assault (a secondary for Dominators) allow you to mix in some melee attacks to an otherwise ranged character, a requested addition following the introduction of more "mundane" sets such as Dual Pistols.Both sets feature a fair number of melee powers as well as the support and utility powers that players expect for the archetypes in question, including a few ranged attacks for Martial Assault and some familiar self-buffs for Martial Combat. (And Caltrops is in there, in case you were worried.) As the header image shows, this is only the tip of the iceberg for Issue 24's changes (since that image has Marauder in Ms. Liberty's usual haunt)... but it's certainly worth watching the full demonstration after the break. Continue reading City of Heroes previews new powersets and other Issue 24 changes
Free for All: The best weather systems in free-to-play Posted: 01 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Game mechanics, MMO industry, Ryzom, Wurm Online, Opinion, Roleplaying, Mabinogi, Free for All, Miscellaneous Perhaps someone can explain my obsession with in-game weather systems. I remember interviewing the lead designer for Vanguard: Saga of Heroes a few years ago. I had to stop him and ask for more details about the weather system the game used. He told me it was on a separate server, a pretty fancy program that ran independently of the rest of the game. It sounded as if he was telling me that there were real storms brewing in the game and the system knew when and where they were happening.I was fascinated. How cool it is to imagine in-game clouds forming at one point of the world and slowly moving across the land until the sky begins to rain on your character's head? Sadly, in-game weather seems to be either a low priority or a hard system to tackle. I'm guessing it's a combination of both. So I searched out those few MMOs that feature an impactful weather system. Not coincidentally, they also happen to be some of my favorite MMOs. Continue reading Free for All: The best weather systems in free-to-play
Enter at Your Own Rift: What Scott Hartsman's AMA portends for RIFT Posted: 01 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Interviews, MMO industry, Opinion, RIFT, Community Q&A, Enter at Your Own Rift The Trion team is nothing if not persistent. In an elaborate plot involving Dr. Pepper and a one-way locked office, the devs were able to finally get Trion CCO and RIFT Executive Producer Scott Hartsman to participate in an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. It was an engaging discussion that touched on a variety of topics, from up and coming titles such as End of Nations to Hartsman's journey from GM of the MUD Scepter of Goth to his time with SOE and his current endeavors with Trion. We learned that he's a pretty hardcore raider, that he plays incognito, and that his raid drink of choice is Grimbergen Blonde. But the focus of the conversation was RIFT, and while he didn't shed too much light on the upcoming expansion, he did drop a few hints about what we might see in the future. In this week's Enter at Your Own Rift, we'll look at some of the highlights!Continue reading Enter at Your Own Rift: What Scott Hartsman's AMA portends for RIFT
Guild Wars 2 stress test scheduled for tomorrow Posted: 01 Aug 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Guild Wars 2 How's the wait coming for Guild Wars 2's launch? Are you suffering from the shakes or uncontrollable outbursts of grief and withdrawal? ArenaNet's got the stuff you want, and it's willing to give you a taste of the beta during a four-hour stress test tomorrow. Anything more than that is going to cost you.This brief stress test will take place on August 2nd from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT. It's uncertain whether players will be able to play characters from previous beta events or there will be a wipe. According to the Facebook announcement, this test will be used for active fine-tuning: "Unlike previous stress tests, we will be actively working on the game during the event, so you might experience connectivity problems or discover features that are not working as designed. Any issues you experience are a result of the rigorous conditions of the stress test, and are in no way representative of the state of the game at launch."
The War Z gets a new website, 100,000 beta registrations in 24 hours Posted: 01 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Horror, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Sandbox The War Z has a spiffy new website, but more importantly it also has more than 100,000 people banging on its closed beta doors. The newly announced zombie apocalypse MMO has generated a ton of interest in the gaming community over the last couple of weeks, primarily due to its survival simulation sandbox pedigree and its seeming similarity to white-hot mod darling DayZ.The War Z is currently in alpha, and the devs say that closed beta is "planned for the very near future." There's also a pre-order link on the new website, but as of press time it leads to a beta registration box. [Source: Hammerpoint Interactive press release]
Dark Vale releases Forge gameplay video, 'Kick-Finish' campaign Posted: 01 Aug 2012 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, PvP, News items, Free-to-play We told about you about Forge a couple of weeks ago, and today we're happy to bring you the first alpha gameplay footage of the new PvP-centric title. Dark Vale Games has been working on its Unreal 3-based action title for a while now, but this is the first chance we've had to see it in action.The indie outfit is banking on its ability to appeal to gamers who are fed up with grind-gated PvP in MMORPGs, and Forge aims to fill the skill-based action and strategic PvP niche that most MMOs gloss over. To be honest, we're not quite sure how "MMO" Forge will end up being. We do know that it features five classes with 30 to 40 abilities each (and nine usable at any given time). Outside of that, we'll have to take Dark Vale at its word when it says that Forge is an "incredible online experience that rewards players for developing skills, not grinding for gear." The firm has also announced a "Kick-Finish" campaign designed to help the team release on-time and on-budget without resorting to publishers or outside investors. Be sure to check out the gameplay clip after the cut. [Source: Dark Vale press release] Continue reading Dark Vale releases Forge gameplay video, 'Kick-Finish' campaign
Massively Exclusive: RaiderZ boss fight video Posted: 01 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Free-to-play With RaiderZ's closed beta rapidly approaching, it's not a half-bad idea to see the game in action before deciding to make the leap into it or not. Massively has obtained footage of a boss fight that shows a group of players taking on a mighty stone golem that's being piloted by a rather cute goblin.RaiderZ will go into closed beta on August 8th, and Perfect World wants to remind players that those who sign up for the beta will get a chance to win tickets to the sold-out PAX later this month. Senior Producer Mark Hill hopes that the company can build on the foundation it's already set for the game: "Players who already got a chance to try RaiderZ during the Alpha Test phase can also look forward to striving towards a new level cap of 30, exploring the Makot Village, and much more." You can watch the boss fight video after the cut! Continue reading Massively Exclusive: RaiderZ boss fight video
The Repopulation recaps July alpha testing, updates Posted: 01 Aug 2012 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, Patches, News items, Sandbox Above & Beyond Technologies has released its end-of-the-month progress report for The Repopulation. It's a massive information dump, and the tl;dr version is that the sci-fi sandbox is doing quite well after a solid month of alpha testing.Highlights include new double-tap movement abilities, various improvements to the game's action mode, and extensive polish passes on "every skill line and ability." While the changes seem to lean heavily on combat-related gameplay at first glance, the title "isn't just a game about combat," according to the devs. "Crafting and harvesting types also have many new toys to play with," the say.
Cryptic producer: Star Trek Online 'not dying by any means' Posted: 01 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, News items, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play Cryptic executive producer Dan Stahl has taken to the Star Trek Online forums to provide what he calls "some rumor control."Much of his lengthy post concerns specific game-related updates and oft-raised player concerns, but the most interesting factoids deal with the game's (and Cryptic's) profitability and performance. "Cryptic was sold because it was a profitable business and worth at least $50 million to Perfect World," Stahl writes. "STO is not dying by any means and continues to grow stronger. Just last month we took over as the top performing game for Perfect World in North America." He goes on to say that the development team is expanding and that several positions remain open. [Thanks to The Grand Nagus for the tip!]
Dragon Knights launches website, introduces the Sorceress Posted: 01 Aug 2012 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, Classes, Free-to-play Aeria Games' latest contender in the MMO ring now has a few more details to flesh it out. Dragon Knights (also known as DK Online) launched its official website and released a spotlight on the game's first class, the Sorceress.The website is packed full of information about this quirky title, including guides, details on the game's unique morphing system, and descriptions of how Dragon Knight's castle siege system will play out. Players can sign up for the upcoming closed beta on the site as well. The Sorceress is strong in the ways of elemental magic and wields both fire and ice spells to great effect against foes. You can get a glimpse of this class in a new video after the jump! [Source: Aeria Games press release] Continue reading Dragon Knights launches website, introduces the Sorceress
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