MMO Updates |
- Gamescom 2012: CJ Games showcases upcoming games in videos
- Gamescom 2012: World of Warcraft reveals Mists of Pandaria opening cinematic
- D&D Online's Song of Druid's Deep screenshots released
- Gamescom 2012: New LotRO dev diary about warsteeds
- The Daily Grind: Do you really want MMO innovation?
- Gamescom 2012: FFXIV servers shutting down ahead of relaunch, A Realm Reborn beta planned for this fall
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn 'scalable' for next-gen consoles
- EverQuest's Hero's Forge cosmetic system goes live
- Why I Play: Vindictus
- Gamescom 2012: Neverwinter shows off lore trailer and prepares for 2013 launch
- Free for All: Here's looking at you, Remnant Knights
- WildStar Wednesday discusses the importance of items
- Enter at Your Own Rift: First impressions from returning players
- Gamescom 2012: Funcom teases The Secret World's New York raid with new screens
- A Mild-Mannered Reporter: City of Heroes' Issue 24 is coming
- Gamescom 2012: SOE reveals new PlanetSide 2 trailer
- Knight Age open beta events begin August 28th
- Gamescom 2012: End of Nations trailer spotlights customization
Gamescom 2012: CJ Games showcases upcoming games in videos Posted: 16 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Horror, Trailers, MMO industry, New titles, PvP, News items Back at E3, Massively had the chance to chat with folks from CJ Games Global about a number of their upcoming games, including the horror-themed shooter Hounds, the medieval strategy game Monarch, and the urban action shooter District 187: Sin Streets (formally called Sin Streets Online). For Gamescom, the company showed two short trailers highlighting some of the in-game action of both Monarch and Hounds.Hounds will feature five types of gameplay, including end-game raiding and PvP. The game is scheduled for a fourth-quarter release in 2013. Planned for release just before that in Q3 2013, Monarch utilizes soldiers-for-hire to siege opposing territories in large-scale combat. Check out the in-game footage of both titles in the trailers after the break. [Source: CJ Games Global press release] Continue reading Gamescom 2012: CJ Games showcases upcoming games in videos
Gamescom 2012: World of Warcraft reveals Mists of Pandaria opening cinematic Posted: 16 Aug 2012 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Expansions, News items, Races Ever since Blizzard announced that the opening cinematic for World of Warcraft's next expansion Mists of Pandaria would be revealed at Gamescom 2012, fans have been patiently waiting to watch the introduction of the Pandaren in the popular fantasy MMORPG. Now the wait is over: Watch as the black and white kung-fu master takes on two warring combatants in the video after the break.Continue reading Gamescom 2012: World of Warcraft reveals Mists of Pandaria opening cinematic
D&D Online's Song of Druid's Deep screenshots released Posted: 16 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Patches, News items, Free-to-play It's been a little while since Dungeons & Dragons Online's Menace of the Underdark expansion came out, which means it must be time for a content update. Surely enough, Monday, August 20th, will be playing host to the launch of the game's Update 15: Song of Druid's Deep. The update will bring in a new Monster Manual and a brand-new adventure pack with new dungeons and exciting monsters. You can get a sneak peek of three of the dungeons -- Outbreak, Overgrowth, and Thorn & Paw -- right here! Check out the gallery below to get a glimpse of what awaits you in the Song of Druid's Deep. [Source: Turbine press release]
Gamescom 2012: New LotRO dev diary about warsteeds Posted: 16 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Lord of the Rings Online, Expansions, Game mechanics, News items, Free-to-play, Dev Diaries Last week we brought you news about Lord of the Rings Online's warsteed mechanic, accompanied by a video with people talking about that mechanic. The time for talk has gone; now is the time for deep chanting, epic music, and glorious in-game footage of warsteeds in action. Straight from the show floor of Gamescom comes a new video featuring LotRO's mounts for the Riders of Rohan expansion. These mounts come in three armor tiers, have slots for individual armor pieces, and have customizable skills. They also look pretty snazzy as they carry you into battle. Check out last week's video to learn more about mounts, or skip below the cut to check out this week's video if all you need is the pounding of drums and the thrill of battle. Continue reading Gamescom 2012: New LotRO dev diary about warsteeds
The Daily Grind: Do you really want MMO innovation? Posted: 16 Aug 2012 06:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, Free-to-play, The Daily Grind, Roleplaying Sony Online Entertainment's new SOEmote feature debuted in EverQuest II last week, and you could almost hear the yawns from the game's core community. While our own Karen Bryan was willing to give the feature an objective go, most of the EQII vets I know have been disinterested at best and downright hostile due to the "wasted development time" at worst.SOEmote's mixed reception was both predictable and irritating, as it often seems to me like MMO gamers cry for innovation out of one side of their mouths and decry it from the other side on those rare occasions when it happens. Granted, SOEmote isn't a combat- or endgame-focused innovation, but isn't that the point? Shouldn't MMO devs be spreading their creative wings and giving us new things to do that aren't the same old hotbar-spamming gear grind? So how about it, morning crew -- do you just want more progression, or do you really want MMO innovation (and if so, what kind)?
Posted: 16 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events, real-world, Interviews, MMO industry, Massively Interviews, Massively Event Coverage, Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XIV players, take note: Your days are numbered. Er, at least your days spent in the original FFXIV world. When the game's rebirth, called A Realm Reborn, occurs later this year, the game's servers will be taken offline. Rather than overlap the two versions of the game, Square-Enix director/producer Naoki Yoshida says the original servers will be taken offline "some day in the near future," precipitating an alpha and then a beta for the game's relaunch later this year."Basically what's going to happen is that the current story is still continuing now, but some day in the near future -- and we'll make sure we tell the players what day that is -- something is going to happen in the story, and at that time, the servers are going to shut down," Yoshida told us in a group interview this morning at Gamescom. The reason for the shutdown is less thrilling than you might think. "Basically the player data will be taken over into the new game. So, to convert all this new data for the new systems, we need a certain amount of time to do this. There's so much data, so many thousands of characters that we must do this for. And so we have to shut down the servers," he said. Yoshida was quick to point out that players will have plenty of warning ahead of the shut-down (consider this your first heads-up). He also notes that the original game's userbase will be prioritized in A Realm Reborn's beta queue and that players will "be able to use their current characters in the beta test as well." Though that may not be at the kickoff of the beta, he says, "We're working in a way to try to get it as close to the beginning of the beta test as possible." A Realm Reborn is headed to both PlayStation 3 and PC later this year.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn 'scalable' for next-gen consoles Posted: 16 Aug 2012 04:07 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, MMO industry, Massively Interviews, Massively Event Coverage, Final Fantasy XIV When Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn launches later this year on PC and PlayStation 3, each version will represent a scaled version of the game's highest settings. But with talk of next-gen consoles getting louder and louder, does it make sense to stick with the PlayStation 3? Square Enix producer slash director Naoki Yoshida thinks so, but that doesn't mean he isn't prepared for the looming next generation of game consoles."The biggest thing is because we promised we'd release on PlayStation 3, and there are still a lot of players out there waiting for us to release a PS3 version. Before we talked about losing the trust of the player base with the original release of XIV, and getting that trust back. One of the things to get that trust back is to fulfill our promises. That promise being that we'd release on the PlayStation 3," Naoki said in a group interview today at Gamescom. "That doesn't mean we're not looking to the future. We realize that things will be coming, and then making the game compatible for these systems is something we're currently thinking about," he added. Of course, "until Sony and Microsoft actually make an announcement," he said, "we can't make an announcement." Yoshida said that his team's flexibility with FFXIV is due to the game's new engine. "With this new engine, it's very scalable. It runs on low-end PCs and high-end PCs. So, when new technology comes out, we can easily scale it to that high end." Yoshida went on to show the game running on a colleague's Sony Vaio laptop, sporting a Core i5 processor. While the graphics were scaled down for the lower end specs, the game still ran smoothly and looked quite impressive. "This is at about 70 percent optimization," he added. FFXIV: A Realm Reborn will launch on both PC and PlayStation 3 "this year."
EverQuest's Hero's Forge cosmetic system goes live Posted: 15 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest, News items, Free-to-play All you EverQuest players better put on your fiercest faces and get ready to hit the catwalk 'cause the game's cosmetic armor system is officially live. The new feature, known as the Hero's Forge, will provide players the means to craft and discover a number of new cosmetic armor pieces so that they can strut around Norrath in the finest fashions. But much like that Versace handbag you've had your eye on (don't deny it), haute couture in Norrath doesn't come cheap. The Hero's Forge will have to be unlocked separately for each individual character on a player's account, and the only way of doing this is via a real-money transaction in the SOE Marketplace at the slightly ridiculous price of 1200 Station Cash ($12 US) per character. Looks like you can put a price on beauty. Nonetheless, players eager to get a fashionista fix can head on over to the Marketplace to get hooked up. [Source: Sony Online Entertainment press release]
Posted: 15 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Opinion, Free-to-play, Vindictus, Why I Play I've noticed a curious trend among the Massively staff when it comes to the Why I Play column: The writers here tend to choose games you wouldn't necessarily expect them to choose. MJ Guthrie, who is the wind beneath our Wings Over Atreia, wrote about why she plays the Secret World. Patrick Mackey, our former Champions Online caped crusader and lately our League of Legends legend, wrote about why he plays Global Agenda. Shawn Schuster, our boss-in-chief, wrote about the little MMO that could, WURM Online. Jef Reahard, our stalwart sandbox supporter, wrote about Lord of the Rings Online. And Larry Everett, our Jedi master, wrote about, well, Star Wars The Old Republic, but my point is that the Why I Play column seems to be a place for us to write about the games we play when we're not "gaming."That brings me to my choice for this week: Vindictus. Each week, I express my fondness for RIFT, EverQuest II, and various kid-friendly MMOs, but about a year ago, I began to do an MMO walkabout and sampled a bunch of games, many of which I livestreamed with Massively's Jeremy Stratton. I really enjoyed most of the MMOs we played, but one that stood out for me was Vindictus. There's something about the game that makes it my favorite game away from gaming, and I'll attempt to explain why in this week's Why I Play. Continue reading Why I Play: Vindictus
Gamescom 2012: Neverwinter shows off lore trailer and prepares for 2013 launch Posted: 15 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Events, real-world, Launches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play, Neverwinter Neverwinter, the upcoming action-based free-to-play title from Cryptic Studios, will be making an appearance at Gamescom 2012 as well as GenCon Indy 2012 and PAX Prime 2012. It will not be making an appearance as a launched game, however, as the official launch date has been pushed back from late 2012 to early 2013. Attendees to these conventions will be able to play an early build of the game, and press members will also be given a tour of the game's player-generated content tool, the Foundry.For those not able to attend the conventions, the team behind the game has put together a new lore trailer for Ebon Downs, one of the game's many dungeon areas. The short story is that a necromancer is using an artifact to raise an army of undead, but there are more details to be unearthed about the artifact in question and the perils within the barrows. Check out the trailer past the break and new screenshots in our gallery below. [Source: Perfect World Entertainment press release] Continue reading Gamescom 2012: Neverwinter shows off lore trailer and prepares for 2013 launch
Free for All: Here's looking at you, Remnant Knights Posted: 15 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Bugs, Culture, Previews, Opinion, Free-to-play, Casual, Humor, Free for All Sometimes I forget how nice it is to jump into a bright, cartoony world. MMOs can be such serious business these days. Remnant Knights, published by GameSamba, fills the need for escape into a wacky world. It's a truly free free-to-play game that hails from overseas. You know the type: a cash shop attached to an absolutely free client, no pay walls like the ones we see in Western freemium titles, gloriously cartoony and unabashedly cute.Remnant Knights plunks players down in a world of two schools: the Owl Academy and the Dragon Academy. I received a higher-level education with my press account, which made me a member of the Owls. Unfortunately there were no available slots left for me to create a new character, but let me tell you what I found anyway. Hint: It's wacky. Continue reading Free for All: Here's looking at you, Remnant Knights
WildStar Wednesday discusses the importance of items Posted: 15 Aug 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Game mechanics, Endgame, News items, WildStar WildStar's developer dispatches all have a theme: "Play the way you enjoy playing." That's borne out in the latest installment of WildStar Wednesday, in which Economy team leader Jeremy Wood discusses the ins and outs of the game's reward system. Wood explains that his team is responsible for making sure that players have the rewards needed to keep them playing, and in a game focused so heavily on differing player paths, that can be a tall order.WildStar will allow players a hefty amount of customization for items, including a dye system and modifications to existing equipment. Players can also expect to receive rewards of attractive and useful gear through every path rather than to be limited to one or two endgame pursuits. Even once you reach the top tier of items, there won't be a single "best" piece; the game will offer several different items for different playstyles. Take a look at the full article to get a broader picture of what the game will offer players to keep them invested to the endgame and beyond.
Enter at Your Own Rift: First impressions from returning players Posted: 15 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Opinion, RIFT, Enter at Your Own Rift What do a statistician, a tinkerer, a party guy, a time-challenged player, and my better half all have in common? They're a handful of gamers who have recently been playing RIFT with me, and many of them have come back after a break from the game. It's pretty much been one coincidence after another that they've all come back around the same time, and while we all get along swimmingly, we all have differences in our playstyles that make this group a decent representation of the RIFT demographic on the whole. Would the game hook in everyone? Would the second time be the charm? Hear their impressions in this week's Enter at Your Own Rift.Continue reading Enter at Your Own Rift: First impressions from returning players
Gamescom 2012: Funcom teases The Secret World's New York raid with new screens Posted: 15 Aug 2012 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, Galleries, Screenshots, Events, real-world, Game mechanics, MMO industry, News items, The Secret World Funcom has let slip the first details of The Secret World's first raid at this week's Gamescom convention in Germany. Said details take the form of four screenshots showing player characters duking it out with some sort of tentacled monstrosity in the streets of New York.A company press release says that "players will be introduced to the story by listening to the accounts of characters that have taken refuge in the New York subway system, and eventually players will battle a monster that towers over the skyscrapers in the middle of Times Square." Also of note is the game's new three-day trial. Registration is free (but must be completed by August 19th). If you manage to finish 30 missions during your trial period, you'll earn an extra two days of play time. Check out the new screens in the gallery below. [Source: Funcom press release]
A Mild-Mannered Reporter: City of Heroes' Issue 24 is coming Posted: 15 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, Game mechanics, Patches, Opinion, Free-to-play, A Mild-Mannered Reporter When I first started doing my "next time on A Mild-Mannered Reporter" routine, I knew that there would be a problem -- namely, that every so often I would find out some news that makes my preview incorrect. In this case, it was the preview of Issue 24 that dropped on the same day my column came out, which meant I couldn't write about it then. But I can write about it now, so that's good.I'll freely admit that even as a fan of City of Heroes, I hadn't been super-azzed about Issue 24. It wasn't that I thought it would be awful; it just hadn't really roped me in. But now that all of the features are laid out in front of us, I find that it's actually looking a lot more interesting. There's some cool stuff here, and in what may be the most welcome news, it's stuff focused on a variety of the game's elements. Continue reading A Mild-Mannered Reporter: City of Heroes' Issue 24 is coming
Gamescom 2012: SOE reveals new PlanetSide 2 trailer Posted: 15 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, Events, real-world, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2 Galaxies? Check. Ground armor? Check. Infantry, jetpack, and air-to-air combat? Check, check, and check. The new video hits all the sweet spots, so have a look-see after the break! Continue reading Gamescom 2012: SOE reveals new PlanetSide 2 trailer
Knight Age open beta events begin August 28th Posted: 15 Aug 2012 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Contests, News items, Free-to-play The stars must be in an almightily peculiar alignment on August 28th because everyone wants in on that action. A Joymax press release today announced that Knight Age, a new free-to-play MMO, will enter open beta testing on the 28th. When the open beta does kick off, players will all be blessed with a double experience buff as a celebration of the game's Facebook page getting 3,000 Likes. Keep getting people to push that Like button to unlock new reward pellets! To help you bide the time until testing opens, a number of contests are kicking off. There are a whopping 17 events planned to entertain and entice players between now and the end of open beta testing (whenever that is). Lucky winners can get in-game items like helpful goodies or pets that will carry over into launch, and especially lucky winners can get stuff like a brand-new laptop. Prospective players can pre-register for open beta by creating a Joymax account and following the game's Facebook page for updates on contests and more. [Source: Joymax press release]
Gamescom 2012: End of Nations trailer spotlights customization Posted: 15 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Video, New titles, Previews, News items, Free-to-play, MMORTS Whether they're sporting traditional or tie-dye or polka-dots, players meeting on the battlefield in End of Nations won't have to worry about blending in with the crowd thanks to the variety of customization options available in the Armory. Trion Worlds released a trailer at Gamescom 2012 showcasing some of these available customizations in the upcoming free-to-play MMORTS.The customization in the Armory, however, goes beyond just a colorful outer shell; players also use this feature to set load outs, design and create companies, and modify units. Want different armaments? The Armory is where you get them. Check out the variety of options as well as some in-game footage in the trailer after the break. And players interested in experiencing the feature for themselves can sign up for the beta on the official site. Continue reading Gamescom 2012: End of Nations trailer spotlights customization
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