Dragon Nest in ChinaJoy: Animated Movie Debut, Cool Character Cosplay Posted: The four-day game festival ChinaJoy has come to its ending, Dragon Nest has brought its fans a feast of surprises and happiness. The highly anticipated animated movie "Rise of the Black Dragon" made its debut. And the handsome NPC Geraint's coser has come to the DN booth winning girls' screams, and the cosplay of the new class "Kali" also performed a dance. Don't miss any detail!  |
En Masse Suiting Up for TERA Summer Event Posted: En Masse is gearing up for a TERA summer event sure to put a smile on the face of beach lovers and bikini collectors of any race.  |
[ChinaJoy 2012] Shanda Games reveals several new games Posted: As 1 of China's top 3 online gaming companies, Shanda Games is against tough competition the next few months, with Tencent Games getting ArcheAge and Blade & Soul and NetEase getting Diablo III. To make sure its market share is not being eroded, here are a couple of games which are on show at ChinaJoy 2012, some announced last year while a couple totally new.  |
[ChinaJoy 2012] ArcheAge – New Details for CBT5 Posted: ArcheAge's producer talked about the changes in the game's upcoming Closed Beta 5. Other than the core mechanics being optimized, the China-flavored elements will also be added in.  |
All Systems Go For End of Nations Second Closed Beta Event Posted: Trion Worlds today announced the second closed beta event for highly-anticipated Free-to-Play online military strategy game End of Nations™ is scheduled to start Friday, August 3rd, 2012 and continue through Sunday, August 5th, 2012.  |
Celebrate the First Live Month of The Secret World Posted: The Secret World is approaching the anniversary of its first full month of service, and Funcom has planned out some festivities to celebrate the milestone. As part of the celebration, the first content update for the MMOG, Issue #1, is scheduled to deploy on July 31st, but that's not all.  |
[ChinaJoy 2012] Age of Dawn – New Diablo III "competitor" Posted: Shanda Games has the newly-minted Age of Dawn. Powered by Unreal Engine 3, Age of Dawn is unsurprisingly an action MMO fully focused on combat and combos.  |
Titan Siege: Licensed to Taiwan for $ 1.5 Million Posted: In the evening of July 27, COG Publish Limited held the press conference called "Titan's Night" near the HuangPu River for announcing that had been officially licensed to Taiwan OMG with$ 1.5 million. This was the largest licensing deal for COG so far. The Deputy General Manager of OMG, Yang Shanghong, the General Manager of COG,Michael Chen, and the R&D Director of COG, Zhang Pu, presented to deliver speeches. The chairman of COG, Long Shaoyang, and the chairman of Chengdu Storm Totem and Xing Yue, the innovator of alsopresented at this conference. Champagnes are toasted for this partnership and actually this is the second collaboration after Legends of Edda between OMG and COG. Both parties are very satisfied with this contract and looking forward to achieve a great success for the game launch in Taiwan. Also, many overseas publisherscame and congratulated as well. Afterwards, they participated in the COG anniversary party and enjoyed themselves a lot.  |
Red 5 Studios Unleashes Firefall On Europe At Gamescom 2012 Posted: Laguna Hills, CA – July 27, 2012 – Red 5 Studios™ announced today that it will be showing a new version of its upcoming free-to-play online action shooter, Firefall, at this year's Gamescom in Cologne, Germany. Fueled by community feedback gathered over the course of the beta, the Tribe has been tirelessly refining and tweaking the update to ensure it will be ready for European fans. This August the game's newest content will be live and playable – all on recently launched EU servers.  |
[ChinaJoy 2012] Saint Seiya Online – Full Game Trailer Caught On Camera Posted: Saint Seiya Online's another trailer was shown at ChinaJoy 2012, and this trailer consisted purely of in-game assets, which mean actual game graphics. There are still no information of how the game UI looks like.  |
Blade and Soul in ChinaJoy: Cute Lyn Cosplay, Yoga Beauties and Beta Date Announced Posted: As one of the most highly anticipated MMO in 2012, Blade and Soul has gathered highest popularity in ChinaJoy with great combination of cute Lyn cosplay, yoga beauties and a huge 3D background.  |
[ChinaJoy 2012] Final Fantasy XIV – Interview Wth Poducer Posted: Final Fantasy XIV's producer, Naoki Yoshida, is currently at ChinaJoy 2012 talking about the game. To be published under Shanda Games, the China players will get to play the version 2.0 of Final Fantasy XIV, which was revealed 2 days ago as "A Realm Reborn". China games website, 17173.com, held an interview with the man himself.  |
Bigpoint Undertakes Universal Monsters Online into Closed Beta Posted: Bigpoint today announced that Universal Monsters Online has entered closed beta, and is now accepting player registrations to access the game before its global open beta launch.  |
League of Legends nerfs Rumble, buffs Urgot and Cho'Gath Posted: In addition to getting a new champion every few weeks, League of Legends is continually updated with balance changes and gameplay tweaks based on player feedback. Yesterday Riot Games released its early August patch preview, detailing incoming champion nerfs and buffs in addition to big changes for the player-mediated banning tribunal. Players who are punished by the tribunal will now be emailed a reform card showing the case made against them and highlighting the exact behaviours they need to improve to avoid further bans.  |