ChinaJoy 2012: Showgirls Preview Posted: The annual ChinaJoy is close at hand, many game companies are busy preparing the shows for their games in order to present the best side of the game to the audiences. Yet you should never forget the special attraction in ChinaJoy, that is the beautiful and sexy showgirls!  |
Why I Think Casual Games Are Not Casual Posted: First off, casual games are games that are designed to appeal to a massive player base without the need to commit to the game for a long period of time. However, I find that most casual games are not even close and require players to commit to a timed schedule or heavy amounts of gameplay in order to get anywhere in the game.  |
Dragon Nest T4 PvE Dark Smasher Skill Build by Saurus Posted: This skill build is made by Saurus ( Check out the full article for detailed Smasher skill build!  |
[ChinaJoy 2012] Perfect World To Announce New Game Posted: A few month back, Perfect World Beijing laid out its plans to release a full series of martial arts-inspired online games. Yes, the company already has titles such as Perfect World and Jade Dynasty, but apparently there aren't "martial arts" enough. Following that, we have seen the announcement of Swordsman Online and also a 2D cutesy turn-based game, Return of the Condor Heroes Online, 神雕侠侣.  |
League of Legends Drawing Show of Heroes Posted: Here some paintings from Korean player about the Heroes in League of Legends. A little sexy... Which one you like best. Give look at the photos below.  |
Marvel Heroes Unveils Rocket Raccoon Posted: Your eyes aren't flarkin' fooling you, that's really Rocket Raccoon joining the ranks of playable characters for Marvel Heroes.  |
Dragon Saga (KR) - Infused with Ragnarok Online Elements Posted: Once known as Dragonica Online in some parts of the world, Dragon Saga's Korean developer, Barunson Interactive, was bought over by Gravity Games early last year. Except the New Origin update, there wasn't any big content patch until now.  |
WoW 5.0: New Cloud Serpent Mounts Posted: I've found some new neat mounts in the game files of the upcoming expansion. At this time I have really no idea where they drop, but my wild guess would be that they will be rewarded through exalted reputation, Glory of Pandaria Hero, Glory of Pandaria Raider 10/25 versions and some may also land on the Blizzard Store.  |
Swordsman Online (CN) - Gorgeous Combat Trailer Posted: After going back into development for the past 12 months with just bits and pieces of information spread around the various fan forums in China, Swordsman Online is now ready to steal the show at ChinaJoy 2012 in next week. Developed by Perfect World Beijing, the Angelica III engine is heavily publicized on what it can do. Check out the new combat trailer below.  |
Black Gold OL (CN) - leading exciting combat in ChinaJoy Posted: Black Gold Online is a fantasy 3D MMORPG by Age of Wulin's developer Snail Game and Russian developer Mental Games. Different from the traditonal themes, Black Gold create a beautiful fantasy land combined with punk style. A few weeks back, it was confirmed officially that the game will feature non-target action combat rather than the traditional tab-target system. And Black Gold OL will make its debut in ChinaJoy as one of the main targets of Snail Game.  |
Smite Revealed New God: Bakasura - The Great Devourer Posted: Another new god - Bakasura is ready to enter the battlefield and the folks at Hi-Rez Studios have prepared a handy video to introduce him to you in Smite.  |