Queen’s Blade Enters Taiwan Market Posted: Korean Liveplex signed agency contract of Queen's Blade with Taiwan Xin Ganxian game company. Liveplex expressed their confidence on the cooperation with Xin Ganxian Company.  |
Blade and Soul: Max Level Up to 45, Create Character for Free Posted: Blade&Soul(KR) will release its first update on Jul.13th. In the update, a new area named Su-wol plain will be open and the maximum level cap is up from the original 36 to 45. The revenge story of the hero is about to begin, added with the new copy and new clothing.  |
WAKFU Update: Bring You Into The Fair Arenas Posted: WAKFU receives its fourth content update "Trool Fair" from Square Enix® and ANKAMA. The update mainly focuses on the Trool Fair, Mobile Arenas, a new pet, and many other tweaks and balances. Interested fans should never miss it, and you can find more coverage on WAKFU website.  |
Guild Wars 2 - Asura Race Preview Posted: If you have not read, Asura And Sylvari Playable In Fina Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend .hile there is a certain mystery in terms of storyline about them, GameSpot managed to have a first look preview of the Asura regions, both starting out and higher level areas. The video is over an hour long, so grab some snacks, a drink, st back and enjoy the show!  |
TERA: Necromancer Tomb Walkthrough Posted: The Necromancer Tomb dungeon is for players level 41 and up. The trash mobs are pretty easy to handle, as they come in small groups. It is worth noting, however, that the large groups of imps are somewhat tough to keep threat on (for the tank). These often run after random players, regardless as to if they have even attacked or not. While this isn't much of a problem, it's worth keeping in mind so blame isn't tossed around where it shouldn't be.  |
League of Legends Sneak Peek: Zyra, Rise of the Thorns Posted: Zyra, mysterious and alluring, is one powerful plant that is poised and ready to unleash nature's fury on the League of Legends.  |
Guild Wars 2 skill overview – Skills: An In-Depth Look Posted: This time I'll be breaking down the skill system of Guild Wars 2: What's changed in the last couple of patches, what will be changing in the future and what needs to stay. A good amount of this is speculation, but educated speculation. Remember that as of Beta Weekend Event 2 the skill system was changed once again and it could change again in the future but so far every change has been for the better and I really hope they incorporate most good ideas into the game.  |
The MMO Wish List: What Would You Choose? Posted: MMOs are a special type of game, one in which thousands of players help each other, grief each other and generally build some sort of oddball community of heroes, villains and legends. There's something unique about the world of an MMO—something about the player engagement, the developer interaction and the continued evolution of a product over the course of a few years.  |
MapleStory - Renegades: the Phantom Launches Posted: MapleStory's continued summer updates has just introduced Phantom, a Thief Hero character, in the second phase of the Renegades update released.  |
Perfect World Gets Dota2's CHN Agency Posted: According to the news from GosuGamers, China-based online game company Perfect World would be Dota2's agency for China, yet the official hasn't confirmed the news. There's rumor that the agent fee reaches 20 million dollar.  |
SG Interactive Celebrates the Days of Summer Posted: SG Interactive Celebrates the Days of Summer with New Adventures for its Catalogue of Casual Online Games.SG Interactive Invites Gamers to Beat the Heat of Summer with New Gameplay, a Massive Level-Up Event and Upcoming Web Game Module.  |
Knight Age Gallops Into Closed Beta Testing Posted: Joymax launched the closed beta test for their newest and most ambitious MMORPG title, Knight Age. The game will run its coveted closed beta test from today until July 17th.  |
My First Hour Of Runes of Magic Chapter V Fires of Shadowforge! Posted: Whats up gamers im your host Zach Sharpes here with Season 2 Episode 4 of Level Up, the show that keeps you updated with the latest MMO releases! Today on the show we have Runes of Magics newest Chapter release, and that chapter is Chapter 5 Fires of Shadowforge which introduces two new classes and a new race!  |
Swordsman OL (CN) - New Screenshots Posted Posted: It has been months and months since we last heard anything about Perfect World's Swordsman Online. And I would have expected the game to launch this year given the English trailer was first teased at E3 2010! Even for the native China side, the last trailer came late last year in the form of computer animation. Fret not, as ChinaJoy 2012 is creeping up in less than 3 weeks' time, Swordsman Online will feature heavily on the show floor.  |
Four Selling Points of RaiderZ Posted: The strong ascending tendency of RaiderZ(KR) has gained this monster hunting MMORPG a great beginning. The mmo from Neowiz Games exceed the 10 thousand online players mark in five days. RaiderZ started its OBT on Jul.5th, Neowiz Games supplemented an additional server to alleviate the busy situation. It is no doubt one of the best mmos among all the recent OBTs.  |
It's All In the Trailer, How the Sneak Peek Reflects The Interest Of Gamers Posted: Well I have been browsing the Web lately and was looking for some interesting games to play. Often times I found myself being bored of watching the same layer of trailers over and over again. Some trailers sparked my interest and actually made me check out the game. I say that it is important to make a trailer, and gameplay videos that will reflect and attract gamers to that specific game.  |
Star Wars: The Old Republic Announced Free Trial Posted: Star Wars: The Old Republic announced Free Trial. Now you will be able to live out your very own Star Wars saga with thousands of other players up to level 15 with no charge or time limit.  |
Marvel Heroes: Marvel Delivers an MMO with Real Heroes Posted: Marvel Heroes is a free-to-play, action-RPG MMO from the creators of Diablo that lets you play as some of your favorite Marvel characters. The game will be playable at San Diego Comic-Con.  |
Stalker Dead, But Now There's Survarium Posted: Stalker will be making a game called Survarium, which is apparently a Stalker-like MMOFPS. The game will be free online and land on the market on 2013, with profits coming from the sale of in-game items.  |
Dota MMO Avalon OL (KR) Shut Down on Aug.6th Posted: Developed by Movoncorp, the Korean AOS dota MMO Avalon OL from Wemade has officially announced that the four-year-old game will be shut down on Aug.6th. The trading mall will be closed on Jul.11th, relevant compensation and refund will last still Aug.13th.  |