MMO Updates |
- Turbine releases LotRO mounted combat video; launches Riders of Rohan beta
- New patch and level-jumping event for Vindictus Europe
- ARGO Online's biggest content update goes live today
- Perfect World shows off Neverwinter E3 recap video
- Hang with the Star Trek Online devs in Las Vegas
- Majority of DC Universe Online users play from the PS3
- Torchlight assets allegedly stolen by Chinese MMO
- The Daily Grind: What game would you love to have designed just for you?
- Star Trek Online shows off the new Tholian Lock Box
- New Lord of the Rings Online video is all about warbands
- The Elder Scrolls Online's Matt Firor on moving the franchise online
- RuneScape general store makes its debut
- DC Universe Online's Tides of War summer content goes live
- League of Legends tourney to be streamed live, $10,000 prize at stake
- Hyperspace Beacon: Tips for roleplaying in The Old Republic
- Flameseeker Chronicles: The game at the end of Guild Wars 2
- SWTOR executive producer leaves BioWare; new layoffs rumored [Updated: BioWare responds]
- World of Warplanes devs working on expert mode, control schemes
- SOE teases a trailer for PlanetSide 2's next trailer
Turbine releases LotRO mounted combat video; launches Riders of Rohan beta Posted: 18 Jul 2012 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, Lord of the Rings Online, Expansions, Game mechanics, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play Saddle up folks! Lord of the Rings Online launches the closed beta of its latest expansion, Riders of Rohan, later today. From 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EDT tonight, testers will have the chance to explore the new land and try out the new quests. Unfortunately, the new mounted combat system isn't slated to be tested until the beta event happening on July 20th. Turbine has, however, just released the first video showcasing this combat feature that will allow players to remain on their steeds as they fight their foes.For a taste of the action while waiting, watch the video after the break. [Source: Turbine Press release] Continue reading Turbine releases LotRO mounted combat video; launches Riders of Rohan beta
New patch and level-jumping event for Vindictus Europe Posted: 18 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events, in-game, MMO industry, Free-to-play, Vindictus Between now and August 1, Vindictus EU will be holding a jumping event. No, this isn't a late Easter event, but a chance for any player to jump a new character straight to level 50.Special armor and weapon sets will be provided to get your new character on the path to glory. Nexon Europe apparently thinks you need even more incentive to skip 50 levels of grinding. Plus, jumped characters will grant their entire party double experience and a chance for extra evil cores to drop. [Source: Nexon Europe press release]
ARGO Online's biggest content update goes live today Posted: 18 Jul 2012 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Dungeons The additional high-level content that fans have been anticipating for ARGO Online is finally here; the biggest content update for the steampunk free-to-play game goes live today, which includes an increased level cap, a new flying continent, and a PvP arena.The new flying continent of Naviruo is designed with content for characters level 50 to 55 and contains more than 400 new quests, over 300 new types of monsters, and seven additional dungeons. Lower-level characters may not be able to survive the new continent, but they can enjoy the new PvP arena that allows players from level 30 on up to participate in duels on one of three different maps. The PvP-minded can also enjoy the new battlefield Arathidis Valley where 18-man teams can face off. [Source: ProSiebenSat.1 press release]
Perfect World shows off Neverwinter E3 recap video Posted: 18 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, Events, real-world, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Neverwinter If you missed last month's E3 (or our coverage of it), you missed some interesting stuff about Cryptic's upcoming Neverwinter MMO. Yesterday, Cryptic and Perfect World released a video diary from the event that shows off attendees having fun with the game, and more importantly, footage of the game itself.Neverwinter's E3 booth featured a playable alpha demo for the general public as well as a closed-door dungeon demo for members of the gaming press. You can see it all in the new video, and you'll get a good long look at the game's take on action combat. See you after the cut! Continue reading Perfect World shows off Neverwinter E3 recap video
Hang with the Star Trek Online devs in Las Vegas Posted: 18 Jul 2012 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Culture, Events, real-world, Opinion, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play, Captain's Log, Promotions There are just over two weeks left until Creation Entertainment's official Star Trek Convention kicks off at the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas! Last year, fans of Star Trek Online were treated to an off-site event called Dining with the Devs co-hosted by Massively, Trek Radio, and Priority One Podcast, but we've really ramped things up this time. This year the Q&A session has evolved into a formal panel in conjunction with the convention called Discussion with the Devs. The panel is scheduled for 2 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. PDT) on Saturday, August 11th, in the DeForest Kelley Theater.We're also very happy to announce that Massively, along with Trek Radio and Priority One Podcast, is gathering up the attending Cryptic developers for a casual get-together we're calling Hangin' with the Devs! If you are in the Las Vegas area and would like to spend a couple of hours talking with some of the developers behind Star Trek Online, you can join us at iBar in the Rio Hotel and Casino on Saturday, August 11th, from 8 to 10 p.m. EDT (5 to 7 p.m. PDT). Attendees of the Hangin' with the Devs event must be 21 years of age or older and will be responsible for their own food and beverages. Attendees of the Discussion with the Devs panel can be any age but must have tickets to attend the official convention for that day. If you have any questions about either of the Star Trek Online events at the convention, feel free to contact Massively's STO guru,!
Majority of DC Universe Online users play from the PS3 Posted: 18 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Business models, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Consoles, DC Universe Online It's reported that 70% of DCUO users play on the PlayStation 3, as Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley believes the free-to-play console market is more than just viable. In a recent interview with Eurogamer, he states, "There's a lot of people that go through that store and it's so easy to find and download these games that it's a great business model. A lot of people have already stored their credit card information so it's very frictionless if they do want to buy something. It's a business model of the future."Currently, one other SOE title -- Free Realms -- uses this business model, and CCP is also utilizing it for Dust 514.
Torchlight assets allegedly stolen by Chinese MMO Posted: 18 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous There are times when things in one game seem eerily similar to another game, and then there are times when the items are actually the same. While watching the announcement video for the Chinese MMO Armed Heroes Online, Runic Games President Travis Baldree noticed that many of the assets used in that game were directly from Torchlight.Baldree brought the asset theft to light in an allegation posted in a forum discussion. He stated, "All of the monster assets and every dungeon tileset, as well as voices, and most sound effects, are direct rips from Torchlight... I didn't see ANY monsters that weren't ours." A side-by-side comparison of many models made by another forum member demonstrates the likenesses. Baldree also provided more evidence including the fact that many of Torchlight's sound file names are identical to Armed Heroes', including typos. Instead of seeking monetary damages or royalties, Baldree is simply asking that Armed Heroes Online be removed from Apple's app store in Canada and not appear in the US stores.
The Daily Grind: What game would you love to have designed just for you? Posted: 18 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Humor, Miscellaneous Most of us know that while we might want to be the sole deciding voice in a game's design, it's just not realistic. No matter how big a fan you are, if a game has even just 10,000 subscribers, your voice represents .01% of the population. So no game can really be designed for just one person.But wouldn't it be nice if just once, you could throw that to the wind and have a team of designers cater solely to your whims? To learn that the designers don't care about those other 9,999 people; they just want to hear what you want out of the game? Unless you have an enormous bankroll, that's probably not going to happen. Even so, it's fun to speculate. So what game would you like to see made just for you? Is it a well-known title you feel is lacking some mechanics or one that has mechanics you'd like to discard? Or is it something more obscure?
Star Trek Online shows off the new Tholian Lock Box Posted: 17 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Business models, Patches, News items, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play Fair warning for those of you who hate the Star Trek Online lock boxes: There's no good news for you in this post. Those of you who do like the system (or at least aren't actively unfond of it) will be glad to know that the release of Season 6 is bringing along a new box, complete with new rewards. That includes four new ships (the Tholian Orb Weaver and three mirror universe versions of existing ships) along with new cross-faction consoles and new duty officers.Players can also be rewarded with new purple-quality Phased Tetryon weapons or Fleet Credits to accelerate progress on fleet starbase projects. The lock box also contains a wider variety of crystals, ensuring that even if you don't get the drop you want, you can at least get something of worth. While the rewards won't please any fans of the game who dislike the existing box system, there's at least a variety of nice prizes within the box.
New Lord of the Rings Online video is all about warbands Posted: 17 Jul 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Lord of the Rings Online, Expansions, Game mechanics, Previews, News items, Free-to-play Riders of Rohan is introducing several new mechanics to Lord of the Rings Online, including the brand-new warbands. But what are warbands? How do you interact with them? Can you join them, possibly on the strength of rocking a sweet lute solo? A new community video with community manager Rick "Sapience" Heaton and Senior Producer Aaron "Rowan" Campbell addresses all of these concerns and more. Except for the lute solo. You're on your own with that one.Campbell explains that warbands are essentially rare enemies taken up to the next level. Instead of just finding the occasional notable spawn, you'll see groups of enemies roaming the world, marked on your map and just waiting for you to ride off and challenge them. These bands will vary in size, with some requiring only a single player and some potentially requiring a full raid to defeat. The bands are also subject to a new "open tapping" system, which allows players to work together and receive rewards without being in a full group and encourages players to challenge these bands without worrying about competition. Check out the full video just past the break for more information on this upcoming addition to the game's mechanics. Continue reading New Lord of the Rings Online video is all about warbands
The Elder Scrolls Online's Matt Firor on moving the franchise online Posted: 17 Jul 2012 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, MMO industry, News items, The Elder Scrolls Online There's a lot of pressure on Matt Firor these days as he heads production on The Elder Scrolls Online. Fans of the franchise have a lot of expectations about what the game will look like when it finally launches, but as Firor explains in a recent interview, his main concern is making the best possible game for the widest possible audience. Thus, rather than marketing specifically to everyone who loved Skyrim, the team is concerned with making the best possible overall game for a wider audience.Firor also elaborates on the fact that the success of the game does not determine the future of the franchise. Bethesda and ZeniMax are different studios with different priorities, and the success of either helps the other. If you're interested in the production values behind the upcoming title, take a look at the full interview. It's light on game details, but it's an interesting glance behind the scenes.
RuneScape general store makes its debut Posted: 17 Jul 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Business models, Economy, Patches, News items, RuneScape, Free-to-play, Browser RuneScape's latest update includes Solomon's General Store, an in-game shop that runs on the purchaseable virtual currency of RuneCoins. But don't start looking for ways to break the game with this store's items -- it sells vanity and aesthetic items like outfits, accessories, animations, and titles, but nothing that will upset the delicate balance of the game. Solomon's store can be accessed through your extras menu or customization interface. Within the store you'll be shown new items, a list of categories of items available, and a handy little button to let you purchase all the RuneCoins you want. Items and animations can be previewed, so you'll be able to see precisely how awesome whatever you're buying is. In order to display these items, titles, and animations, you'll have to go into the customization interface of your equipment panel, where you'll be able to fine-tune details like what item is controlling your stats, what item sets your appearance, what title is on display, what color your outfits are, and more. As a special treat, every RuneScape player can receive a one-time gift of 200 free RuneCoins through the store. [Thanks to David for the tip!]
DC Universe Online's Tides of War summer content goes live Posted: 17 Jul 2012 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Events, in-game, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, DC Universe Online Sony Online Entertainment is kicking off its DC Universe Online summer event today. We told you about Tides a War a couple of week ago, but now you can log in and see it for yourself.You'll need to side with either Aquaman and his loyal Atlanteans or Ocean Master and his rebellious Mutineers. New content includes a four-player boss battle, open-world missions on the water between Metropolis and Little Bohemia, and plenty of new rewards and item drops. SOE says that Tides of War is available "for a limited time," but the firm isn't being specific on just how limited. Long story short, check it out while you can! [Source: SOE press release]
League of Legends tourney to be streamed live, $10,000 prize at stake Posted: 17 Jul 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events, real-world, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, League of Legends If you've been curious about the competitive gaming scene in League of Legends, you'll want to mark your calendar for August 3rd. Major League Gaming is hosting a three-day event that features four of the planet's best teams.The stakes are pretty high too, as the first-place team will take home a $10,000 prize. All of the tournament matches will be streamed via MLG's website, which means you can watch over 20 hours' worth of pro LoL gameplay for free. You can also upgrade to a 1080p hi-def stream and get full DVR functionality if you like. The tourney concludes on August 5th, and you'll find a full broadcast schedule as well as all the event details at the Major League Gaming site.
Hyperspace Beacon: Tips for roleplaying in The Old Republic Posted: 17 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Opinion, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guides, Hyperspace Beacon I had a game developer tell me recently that he wished more players were like roleplayers because roleplayers are easier to cater to. Having been in MMO roleplay communities for the last nine years, I have to both disagree and agree with him. Roleplayers need special tools and good quality-of-life mechanics (like sitting in chairs!) in order to find a game extremely enjoyable. However, he was correct when talking about content. When the content runs out -- when every raid is on farm, when PvP is no longer a challenge, or when all that's left is dailies to grind -- the majority of players start to slip out of the game. But when developer content runs out for a roleplayer, she begins to make her own content, if she hasn't already been doing just that. And the game is still fun!When I started roleplaying in an MMO for the first time, a friend of mine who started with me summarized my feelings about roleplaying that game: "This is the reason I started playing in the first place." What he meant was that when he started playing Star Wars Galaxies, he wanted to live in the Star Wars universe, and roleplaying actually allowed him to do that. Star Wars: The Old Republic offers its own opportunities for immersion. It's not the same as SWG, but it does share the same universe. So how do you get involved in the fun that roleplayers have in SWTOR? I'm glad you asked. I have some quick and dirty tips for you on how to get started in your epic Star Wars MMO adventure! Continue reading Hyperspace Beacon: Tips for roleplaying in The Old Republic
Flameseeker Chronicles: The game at the end of Guild Wars 2 Posted: 17 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Interviews, PvP, Endgame, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles, Dungeons Let's hear it for information! Last week ArenaNet developers Eric Flannum and Colin Johanson streamed a "TAD talk" (that apparently stands for The ArenaNet Developers, but I prefer to think it's something along the lines of Truthy And Designerrific or The Answer Dump) about endgame in Guild Wars 2. There was some pretty neat stuff.This, as a necessity, pretty much all relates to PvE. Sure, you could argue that PvP is endgame, as in it's something-to-when-you-are-level-80, but when you consider the way that PvP works in Guild Wars 2, it's actually something you do anytime you like. That might be all the time; that might be none of the time. So PvP and WvW will always be waiting there with open arms for you when you need to spice up your in-game life. They are constant. You don't fight your way up to level 80 and then think, "Gee, I'm competitive in PvP now!" That's part of ArenaNet's design philosophy. The team has a stated goal of not wanting to change the game drastically for endgame. If you're at the point in time that's marked "endgame," you've ostensibly enjoyed the game for the last 80 levels (otherwise, why on earth would you not quit?), so what ArenaNet doesn't want to do is suddenly give you something completely different to fill your days. That leaves some people feeling like there is no endgame because the endgame in Guild Wars 2 is strikingly similar to the rest of the game. Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: The game at the end of Guild Wars 2
SWTOR executive producer leaves BioWare; new layoffs rumored [Updated: BioWare responds] Posted: 17 Jul 2012 11:45 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, New titles, Rumors, Star Wars: The Old Republic Star Wars: The Old Republic's Rich Vogel is no longer with BioWare, according to a report at Gamasutra. Vogel served as SWTOR's executive producer and is an MMO industry veteran of 20 years on various titles, including Star Wars Galaxies, Ultima Online, and Meridian 59.The article also mentions emerging reports that BioWare's Austin campus is laying off workers as of this morning, though Vogel's departure apparently precedes these new developments. It's unclear whether the cuts are a continuation of the restructuring begun last May or a new round of layoffs. Vogel signed on with BioWare in 2005 and most recently made headlines for a GDC 2012 presentation that highlighted SWTOR's project management apparatus. [Update: EA BioWare has issued a statement confirming restructuring within its Austin studio, attributed it to ongoing staff reductions started this past May. The full statement is below the break.]
World of Warplanes devs working on expert mode, control schemes Posted: 17 Jul 2012 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Historical, Video, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, War, Free-to-play, Dev Diaries, World of Warplanes Part four of's ongoing World of Warplanes-focused dev diary series is here. The new video touches on the game's control schemes, and like previous installments, this episode features a number of WoWP developers talking about their baby.The game differs from World of Tanks, and from most of its MMO contemporaries, by virtue of its z-axis and the challenges inherent in aerial combat. is providing a variety of control options for players ranging from flight sim enthusiasts to newbs who have no idea which end of joystick is up. Keyboards, gamepads, mice, and joysticks are all fair game. That said, not all input devices are ideally suited to fast-paced combat. "Keys operate on a dual-mode on/off principle that makes smooth movement incredibly difficult to manage," explains producer Anton Sitnikau. Interestingly, Sitnikau also reveals that the devs are working on an "expert mode" that will grant players full control over their aircraft. World of Warplanes has heretofore been marketed as more of a casually accessible arcade battler than a flight sim. Check out the full dev diary after the break. [Source: press release] Continue reading World of Warplanes devs working on expert mode, control schemes
SOE teases a trailer for PlanetSide 2's next trailer Posted: 17 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2, Sandbox There are trailers, and then there are trailers for trailers. Sony Online Entertainment has released the latter today in support of its upcoming PlanetSide 2 MMOFPS.The clip in question is 46 seconds of CG awesome sauce, but apparently it's just a teaser for the full-length video that will debut on July 25th. It's called Death is No Excuse, and as you might expect, it's full of battlefield hijinks and a deep-voiced trailer guy who seemingly comes standard with every action-charged preview ever made. "War will not determine who is right," he says, "only who is left." Cue the dramatic music (and the fanboy squees) and head past the cut to check it out. Continue reading SOE teases a trailer for PlanetSide 2's next trailer
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