


Ultrabook Sales Prop Up a Struggling PC Notebook Market

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 02:25 PM PDT


Ultrabook For far too many years now Windows laptops have been catering to the sub $500 crowd, practically ceding the high end market to Apple. Of course the Alienware's of the world have continued to pump out impressive gaming notebooks, but mainstream users were all too often deciding between a cheap PC, or a more expensive Macbook. Ultrabooks have done a great job of capturing back...

Chrome for iOS Tops The Download Charts, but is Intentionally Handicapped by Apple

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 02:01 PM PDT


Chrome Browser options on Apple's iOS platform are pretty grim, however one bit of defense Apple will no longer be able to use is a lack of demand. Chrome for iOS was released last week at Google IO, and since then it has shot like a rocket to the top of the app charts. The UI for iOS Chrome emulates pretty closely what we've seen over on Android, however it does have a few s...

Chrome for iOS Tops The Download Charts, but is Intentionally Handicapped by Apple

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 02:01 PM PDT


Chrome Browser options on Apple's iOS platform are pretty grim, however one bit of defense Apple will no longer be able to use is a lack of demand. Chrome for iOS was released last week at Google IO, and since then it has shot like a rocket to the top of the app charts. The UI for iOS Chrome emulates pretty closely what we've seen over on Android, however it does have a few s...

Microsoft Word 2013 Will Support PDF Viewing Editing

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 01:03 PM PDT


WordWorking with PDF documents in Windows has always been a bit of a pain. Most people end up downloading a copy of Adobe Reader, or if they are slightly more savvy the amazing and lightweight Foxit Reader. Microsoft Word 2010 gained the ability to output documents to PDF, however all of these tools have one thing in common; they are a one trick pony. According to LiveSide.Net,...

Continent of the Ninth Seal - Open Beta phase begins

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 06:12 AM PDT


Continent of the Ninth Seal - Open Beta phase begins

[Game website] Finally, after years of waiting and months of teasing, Webzen's Continent of the Ninth is now in its Open Beta phase for the English market. I have no idea why the game is renamed as "Continent of the Ninth Seal", but it is still the same non-target action MMO as its Korea, Japan and China counterparts. The game is Free to Play if you are wondering, and I have...

Continent of the Ninth Seal - Open Beta phase begins

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 06:12 AM PDT


Continent of the Ninth Seal - Open Beta phase begins

[Game website] Finally, after years of waiting and months of teasing, Webzen's Continent of the Ninth is now in its Open Beta phase for the English market. I have no idea why the game is renamed as "Continent of the Ninth Seal", but it is still the same non-target action MMO as its Korea, Japan and China counterparts. The game is Free to Play if you are wondering, and I have...

MapleStory (JP) - 2 new classes teased

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 04:30 AM PDT


MapleStory (JP) - 2 new classes teased

I must say, the sudden influx of exclusive classes to regional servers is a surprise move to me. With the American server getting Jett (link), the China and Taiwan servers getting the Dragon Warrior (link), how can Nexon Japan miss out on the fun? While the 2 classes above use the Pirate + Pistol motif, the new classes here are taking an alternate route. Currently known as...

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