
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

SMITE has presented its new playable god, Guan Yu, the Saint of War

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Hi-Rez Studios has released a new video for its upcoming MOBA game SMITE, which is currently in closed beta, that presents the latest addition to the battleground of gods, the Chinese god Guan Yu. As a man, Guan Yu was the embodiment of loyalty, honour, and strength. As a God, he is the guardian of [...]

The early access pre-launch period for The Secret World begins today

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 07:42 AM PDT

Funcom has announced that the Early Access pre-launch period for The Secret World begins today. In the next few days leading up to launch on July 3rd everyone who has pre-ordered the Secret World will get to explore the game. Gamers eager to enter 'The Secret World' during the four-day Early Access period can still [...]

Dungeon Fighter Online has introduced the game’s new character class, the Male Mage

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 03:51 AM PDT

Nexon America has released two new videos for Dungeon Fighter Online, that includes a highlight video and a live-action video where the game's new character class, the Male Mage, is introduced. Dungeon Fighter Online Trailer Male Mage Casting

Ragnarok Online has released its long awaited Classic Server

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 02:54 AM PDT

Gravity Interactive, has announced that the long-awaited Ragnarok Online Classic server will make its debut today June 29th. This latest server will cater to players that enjoyed Ragnarok Online in its more simple and classic form. Ragnarok has a long history, and through the years there have been several major updates to expand the world, [...]

We are celebrating a closed beta key giveaway for WorldAlpha Sniper

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 02:01 AM PDT

Golden Gear Games with FREE MMORPG and MMO Reviews is celebrating Closed Beta giveaway for the social strategy MMORTS WorldAlpha Sniper. WorldAlpha Sniper is the first of three minigames that will be a part of the social strategy MMORTS called WorldAlpha. Remember that we invite all our users to send us screenshots, videos, or whatever you want [...]

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