A Guide to Midsummer's Fire Festival 2012 Posted: The midsummer celebration has started across Azeroth beginning with June 21 lasting up to the 5th July. Once again there's time to complete achievements required for the Violet Proto-drake mount's meta achievement What a long and strange Trip it's been.  |
MMO Life: Finding Innovation Posted: 2012 is a big year for MMOs. World of Warcraft is getting what will likely be the expansion that makes or breaks it as an industry leader. Guild Wars 2 finally hits shelves, bringing with it the howls of a million fanboys. An army of free-to-play MMOs of varying themes will storm the interwebs, splitting attention from major releases.  |
50,000 Character Pre-Creations Ready for C9 Early Access [Key Giveaway] Posted: WEBZEN Inc. (WWW.WEBZEN.COM), the Next Generation of Free-to-Play Online Games, begins early access for C9 (Continent of the Ninth Seal) allowing players to experience the game prior to OBT.  |
Tribes: Ascend Now Available On Steam Posted: Hi-Rez Studios, independent developer of AAA free-to-play online games, today announced that Tribes: Ascend has launched on Valve's Steam service.  |
The Last of Us Turns Out To Be The Biggest Winner of E3 Posted: The annual E3 Game Critics Awards winners finally have been announced.Voting is done by 35 North American media outlets that cover the video games, which includes Game Informer. As a new PS3 survival action game from the talented team at Naughty Dog, The Last of Us was a shoe-in for Best of Show, Best Original Game, Best Console Game and Best Action/Adventure and turns out to be the biggest winner of E3.  |
SWTOR 1.3??? - Quesh Bug!!!!! Posted: Hey peeps, it looks like I manage to discover a friggin bug... A game breaking one!!!! I am trying to get into quesh and push my Vanguard story forward but I cant because the NPC that is suppose to give me some sort of inoculation is bugged!!!!!  |
EVE Online: Breaking the Myth Posted: EVE Online is one of the most unique properties in the world of MMOs. Its dynamic player community, rough-and-tumble atmosphere and intricate economy make it very much the only game of its kind. EVE is, in many ways, the coolest MMO on the market. In what other game can you hold another player hostage, steal all of his stuff and then use your ill-gotten gains to pay your subscription fee?  |