MMO Updates |
- Captain's Log: Star Trek Online rolls with the changes
- City of Steam offers personalized alpha tour via contest
- E3 2012: Dragon Eternity's cross-platform warfare and weddings
- Dungeons and Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark goes live
- MV Guide: June 25 - July 1, 2012
- Blade & Soul takes over the top spot in Korea, dethroning Diablo III
- Final Fantasy XI the most profitable in the franchise
- RIFT's Update 1.9: An interview with Scott Hartsman and Hal Hanlin
- The Daily Grind: Has a cash shop ever killed a game for you?
- The Secret World begins early access this Friday
- MMO Week in Review: Conquest
- Hiromichi Tanaka is retiring from Square-Enix
- EVE Evolved: The great ship overhaul
- Navigating Phantasy Star Online 2's Japanese open beta
- One Shots: This old house
Captain's Log: Star Trek Online rolls with the changes Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Patches, Opinion, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play, Captain's Log Changes are an inevitable part of life and business, and Cryptic Studios has seen its fair share of them in the past few years. This week is no different, and Star Trek Online has been the focal point. Several moves, both positive and negative, have been made by the developer as it continues its merger with Perfect World and prepares Star Trek Online for the initial testing of the new fleet advancement system on the Tribble test server. Pushing past the departure of a beloved developer, Cryptic is releasing a new duty officer promotion, shuttling parts of Season Six to the test server, and making a few alterations to the current game as well as becoming more integrated into its parent company's growing brood. Not everything has gone smoothly. Continue reading Captain's Log: Star Trek Online rolls with the changes
City of Steam offers personalized alpha tour via contest Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Contests, MMO industry, New titles, News items, City of Steam Have you ever wanted to stroll through a game before anyone else, taking the first steps in an untouched world and exploring areas unknown to other gamers? The devs at City of Steam are offering just that chance with an exclusive personalized tour of the fantasy steampunk game during these early stages of development.Unlike many contests where you just submit your name for a random drawing, tour hopefuls need post why they believe the tour should be given to them as their entry. Preference will be given to active community members, so be sure to jump in and start taking part in discussions on the forums to increase your chances! The lucky winner will then get to invite two friends along to peek into new aspects of the game all while chatting with the tour guide developers. So brush up on those writing skills and dazzle the judges or just check out the other entries. In the meantime, tell us: If you were the winner, would you prefer to tour the game as a Goblin or a Draug?
E3 2012: Dragon Eternity's cross-platform warfare and weddings Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Game mechanics, Previews, PvP, PvE, Free-to-play, Browser, Mobile, Casual, Roleplaying, First Impressions, Massively Event Coverage Harken back, o reader, to ye olden days of E3 2012, if thou canst recall, as a great and powerful force of dragons has arrived among us. OK, so E3 wasn't that long ago (although it often feels like it), but something dragon-like has certainly surfaced: During the expo, I saw an impressive demo of Dragon Eternity, a cross-platform fantasy MMO from Game Insight, and as of this morning, the embargo on all the details of that demo has finally lifted. Hit the break and I'll tell you all about it!Continue reading E3 2012: Dragon Eternity's cross-platform warfare and weddings
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark goes live Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:15 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Expansions, Launches, Free-to-play, Dev Diaries Hope your dice are polished and your character sheets fresh from the copier: Dungeons and Dragons Online's first expansion has gone live on Turbine's servers. Menace of the Underdark is now available for all players who have purchased the digital expansion pack from the studio.Menace of the Underdark represents a sizable addition to the game. With it, DDO is expanding into the Forgotten Realms campaign setting and offers a new class, the Druid. Players will also be able to level up to 25 and expand their characters with the epic destinies system. "Menace of the Underdark delivers a wealth of content for our players and introduces significant engine upgrades that allow us to bring to life in a striking, visually impressive manner two of the most requested features, the new Druid class and access to the Forgotten Realms setting," said Executive Producer Fernando Paiz. While you patch up the game, you can check out the last of Menace of the Underdark's developer interviews after the jump! [Source: Turbine press release] Continue reading Dungeons and Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark goes live
MV Guide: June 25 - July 1, 2012 Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Livestream, Miscellaneous, MV Guide MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV.Every week, the Massively Stream Team logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises each week, so you'll find a variety of titles to watch. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, or simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's on this week's schedule, and let us know if there's a specific game you'd like to see streamed next week! Continue reading MV Guide: June 25 - July 1, 2012
Blade & Soul takes over the top spot in Korea, dethroning Diablo III Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:45 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, MMO industry, New titles, PvP, News items, Blade & Soul Just two days ago, Blades & Soul opened its doors to players for the Korean open beta test, clocking an impressive wave of users and a third place finish in popularity behind Diablo III and League of Legends. Now the new fantasy MMO has leapfrogged over both games to claim the number one spot. One feature that helped cinch Blade & Soul's rise in popularity was the lack of any server maintenance over the weekend, something the deposed leader couldn't claim when it launched. Want to see what all the fuss is about? Check out the two new studio-released PvP videos after the break.NCSoft also laid ongoing rumors of the game going free-to-play to rest by announced the game's pricing: a monthly fee of 23,000 Korean Won (about $19.81 in the U.S.) will begin on June 30th. Continue reading Blade & Soul takes over the top spot in Korea, dethroning Diablo III
Final Fantasy XI the most profitable in the franchise Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI, Business models, Expansions, Anniversary Behold the power of MMOs to generate a Fort Knox of income. Square-Enix announced that out of all of the Final Fantasy games, from 1987 through today, Final Fantasy XI has been the most profitable.This comes from Square-Enix President Yoichi Wada, who was hyping the title over the weekend amid the news of its upcoming expansion. Wada also said that if you tallied the accumulated play time of all current FFXI players, you'd end up with a mind-boggling 200,000 years /played. Final Fantasy XI recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and announced its first new expansion in six years, Seekers of Adouli.
RIFT's Update 1.9: An interview with Scott Hartsman and Hal Hanlin Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Previews, News items, RIFT "It's about more players being able to do more things with each other." That's how Trion CCO and RIFT Executive Producer Scott Hartsman described the core goal behind Update 1.9. And based on the upcoming changes, it looks like there will be plenty of opportunities for both. From Conquest, to mentoring, to low level instant adventures, to the new 10-man sliver, and even the arrival of global chat across all servers, the world of Telara has several exciting new changes on the way.Massively sat down with Scott Hartsman and Design Director Hal Hanlin for a roundtable discussion about what's in store for 1.9. Read on for highlights, and a look at what's coming from this rather beefy Game Update. Continue reading RIFT's Update 1.9: An interview with Scott Hartsman and Hal Hanlin
The Daily Grind: Has a cash shop ever killed a game for you? Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Business models, MMO industry, Opinion, Free-to-play, The Daily Grind, Allods Online Oh, Allods Online. You could cure cancer, end poverty, and kick off another green revolution, but some people would still hate you. It's not fair, really. You're beautiful. You have neat Russian steampunk elements and elves and gibberlings and bards and really great hair. You have freakin' dirigibles as player housing. But none of that matters because of your cash shop -- specifically, the extremely high prices in your cash shop when you launched compared to the prices charged by the rest of the industry.Players found that cash shop (and the subsequent holy charms bait-and-switch) greedy and unforgivable. We're reminded of this every time we post something innocent about the game and inadvertently cause our commenters to spasm with angry mourning, even when the original complaints have long been addressed. Gamers just don't forget these things. They won't give Allods another chance because of the initial sting of the microtransactions. So when has a cash shop killed a game for you? Is there anything that game could do to win you back, or is your grudge eternal?
The Secret World begins early access this Friday Posted: 25 Jun 2012 05:45 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, Real life, Launches, News items, The Secret World If you haven't settled on a faction yet for Funcom's intrigued-laced MMO The Secret World, you might want to consider shifting your decision-making into a higher gear or investing in a three-sided coin -- the time of the Templars, Illuminati, and Dragons is at hand. The three-way faction PvP will commence this Friday, June 29th for those who have pre-ordered the game. Players who have opted not to pre-order will find the game in stores starting June 3rd and can join the world on that date.If you'd like to take advantage of the early access (and possibly kiss your weekend goodbye), there is still time to pre-order via the official site.
Posted: 24 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Massively Meta, Week in Review, Miscellaneous At the end of every week, we round up the best and most popular news stories, exclusive features, and insightful columns published on Massively and then present them all in one convenient place. If you missed a big MMO or WoW Insider story last week, you've come to the right post.Even if RIFT isn't your cup of tea, you're probably still impressed at how speedily Trion has brewed it. The studio will launch the Conquest patch next week, complete with a mentoring system and three-faction PvP, to be followed this fall by the Storm Legion expansion, which as we learned this week will come bundled with the original game for newcomers and a tidy discount for loyalists. Those of you thinking of taking another sip of Telara ought to check out our RIFT guide for new and returning players. Our other top MMO stories of the week are steeping beyond the cut. Continue reading MMO Week in Review: Conquest
Hiromichi Tanaka is retiring from Square-Enix Posted: 24 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI, Events, real-world, MMO industry, News items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV If you know the history of Square-Enix, you know the name Hiromichi Tanaka. More recently, if you've had anything to do with either Final Fantasy XI or Final Fantasy XIV, the name will also strike a chord, as Tanaka was the driving force behind both games. At the end of last week's VanaFest convention in Japan, Tanaka announced that he will be stepping down from his current position as producer of Final Fantasy XI and leaving Square-Enix, citing health issues that he declined to elaborate upon.Tanaka's role on the FFXI staff will be filled by Akihiko Matsui, who previously briefly served as the game's director before moving on to work as Final Fantasy XIV's battle designer following the game's troubled launch. This announcement comes in the wake of several major announcements regarding FFXI during VanaFest, including the promise of a new boxed expansion next year and a new UI for the game with the new expansion.
EVE Evolved: The great ship overhaul Posted: 24 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Video, EVE Online, Game mechanics, PvP, PvE, Opinion, EVE Evolved, DUST 514, Sandbox One of EVE Online's most important features is that the game is constantly updated to avoid falling behind the development curve and being overtaken by new titles. The EVE we have today bears little resemblance to the primitive sandbox released in 2003 thanks to major graphical overhauls every few years and iteration on gameplay systems. I think that's a big part of why people start playing EVE; they know that the game will still be alive and kicking years from now and will look as good as anything else on the market.EVE remained largely unchanged from March 2009's Apocrypha expansion until Crucible at the end of 2011, but since then, CCP has made huge leaps in iterating on ship graphics and gameplay. This week we saw an impressive new video of the revamped Drake model, and CCP announced details of a complete mining barge and frigate revamp due to hit the servers before this year's winter expansion. These changes seem set to put a sizeable dent in EVE's notoriously steep learning curve. In this week's EVE Evolved, I look at the recent graphical updates to EVE's ships and explore the upcoming ship overhauls in more detail. Continue reading EVE Evolved: The great ship overhaul
Navigating Phantasy Star Online 2's Japanese open beta Posted: 24 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Free-to-play, Mobile, Consoles, Guides The good news is that Phantasy Star Online 2 is now in open beta, and it's free so everyone can come and check out how this sequel to the hit console series is developing. The bad news is that the beta currently only comes in the Japanese version, so while you can download the client, unless you can read Kanji, you might be a little lost.Fortunately, the Phantasy Star Fan Blog is here to help with a guide that walks you through every stage of the beta process -- even if you're not a native Japanese reader. From registering and setting up the beta to fighting and grouping, this guide has it all covered. So if you're willing to do a little cross-referencing, you too could be enjoying PSO2 in no time at all! Over 41,000 players simultaneously logged on to the beta a week ago, and the developers have pushed the level cap up to 30 as those numbers keep on climbing. Sega plans to release PSO2 later this summer on the PC, PlayStation Vita, and smartphones. There is currently no word as to when an English client will be released.
Posted: 24 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Galleries, Screenshots, Massively Meta, One Shots, Miscellaneous, Housing It'd be easy for me to sit back and say that games without housing are just lazy, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Well, that and feature a few awesome reader screenshots of games with housing in today's One Shots! Contributor Mayrin earns the top slot this week with this image of her home in Wurm Online, a much-beloved sandbox around these parts. She writes:This is a screenshot of my house, originally taken last September. It's a stone house built back before Wurm Online had inner walls, so it's U-shaped to suggest different rooms inside. The left side is our kitchen area (the wisp of smoke over the house is from our oven), and the right side has our beds, while the center area is used mostly for storage. The gold shape near the oak tree on the left is an altar to Vynora (one of Wurm's deities); the silver one peeking out from behind the right tree is a Fo altar. Right off the path is a "spirit castle," which is used to send mail to other players. It's located where the village of Allure once stood on the Independence server.Mayrin's entry is tucked behind the break alongside a few other residential beauties! Continue reading One Shots: This old house
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