
MMO News

MMO News


Posted: 05 Jun 2012 02:25 PM PDT

In LaYa, join with one of four races on a mission to control the cosmos. Each race brings their own lore, units, and technology to the field. Join up with other players to strike at your opponents jointly, and make your mark on the universe.

52012  320x240 laya voidspawn

Publisher: Playdox
Playerbase: ??
Graphics: Medium
EXP Rate: ??
PvP: Enabled
Filesize: N/A

Pros: +Unique Races. +Colorful graphics using the Unity 3D engine. +Races have unique units.

Cons: -Very reliant on other players. -Limited information available.

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LaYa Overview

LaYa allows you to choose to be a commander of one of four different races: the Voidspawn, the Vortzu, the Frey, and the Yin. Each race possesses different strengths, weakness, and unit types. The game focuses on cooperative combat against other players, using tactical strikes to overcome. Battles are not determined by AI; you must participate in each one. This will allow you to change the tide in your favor, or fail miserably, depending on your tactics.

LaYa Screenshots


Full Review

LaYa Review

Coming Soon…


LaYa Screenshots

Coming Soon…


LaYa Videos

Coming Soon . . .


LaYa Links

Official Game Page

System Requirements

LaYa System Requirements

Coming Soon. . .


Runes of Magic Releases New Trailer For Chapter V Expansion

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 01:47 PM PDT

Frogster has released a new cinematic trailer for Fires of Shadowforge, the Runes of Magic: Chapter V expansion.

The expansion is set to release next week on June 12. With it come a new race, the Shadowforge Dwares, plus two new classes: Champion and Warlock. Also introduces are a new starter zone and dungeon, three new high level dungeons and zones, and a new equipment swap for the third class.

Players can catch a live stream on June 7, starting at 11am Pacific (own3d.tv) to see some of the new content, including the high-level instance the Aeternal Circle.

Runes of Magic: Chapter V – Fires of Shadowforge Official Trailer



New Trailer Recounts Shadowforge Dwarves Storyline

BERLIN, Germany – June 5, 2012 – Leading into the launch of the newest content update for Runes of Magic: Chapter V, Frogster today announced a new cinematic trailer for  Chapter V, Frogster today an a new cinematic trailer for “Fires of Shadowforge, which is slated for a June 12 release.

In a sequence of breathtaking shots, the Shadowforge Dwarves story unfolds with the new playable race lending its name to the chapter. For generations, the Shadowforge Dwarves laid undiscovered in suspended animation; now they are set to unleash their magical powers and advanced smithery on the demons of Taborea.

The Shadowforge Dwarves, who once belonged to the clan of the Fireboot Dwarves, experimented with dark magic and the elements from time immemorial. When a dark magic experiment went terribly wrong, all inhabitants of their underground kingdom were turned to stone. Not until centuries later did the royal reconnaissance patrols discover their dormant bodies and lift the curse plaguing their race. Soon Runes of Magic players will be able to create their own Dwarven characters and will have the option of assigning them to two new exclusive classes: the Champion and the Warlock. The Shadowforge Dwarves have slept for long enough; now they must rise to action!

Frogster is also hosting a special event in the form of a live stream on Thursday, June 7. Anyone interested can tune in via the hosting service own3d.tv from 11AM PST / 8PM CEST to watch players take their first steps into the new region. In addition to the new race and its exclusive classes, the new high-level instance, the Aeternal Circle, will also be presented.

Visit the official website for up-to-date information on the game: www.runesofmagic.com

Wargaming.net Announces New Integrated Service

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 12:41 PM PDT

Wargaming.net, publisher and developer of World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Battleships, has announced that it will unite all three games on a new portal later this year.

The portal, which will be located at wargaming.net, will service all three games with single IDs, giving players a single destination for the games. This also supports the games’ single battle realm and economy system, in which all three games will interact with each other and share a single, working economy with account-wide gold and free experience.

The corporate website for Wargaming.net, meanwhile, will move to Wargaming.com, and showcase news, game updates, careers, and more.

Wargaming.net Service Presentation


Wargaming.net Announces Global Wargaming.net Service to Unite Gamers in the Company's MMO War Series

Portal for World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Battleships to Give Gamers Instant Access to All Titles

5th June 2012 — Wargaming.net, the award-winning online game developer and publisher, today announced that the company's MMO war series, which includes World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Battleships, will unite under an integrated, worldwide Wargaming.net Service scheduled for release later this year.

Wargaming.net Service will be the epicenter of a battle-centric gaming universe that will gather the series under a single portal ­— www.wargaming.net. With the introduction of Wargaming.net Service and its renovated website, players will receive unified Wargaming.net IDs that will provide instant access to all their games and services; as well as any partner or fan websites.

The new service will inherit the Wargaming.net URL, while the corporate website will transition to Wargaming.com. The corporate site will share the company's latest news, game updates, job opportunities and more.

Key features of the globally integrated Wargaming.net Service, will include:

  • · One Destination: The portal will give gamers one-stop access to all three titles and showcase a world at war – whether they are playing with Tanks, Warplanes or Battleships.
  • · Common Economics: The introduction of common economics for the three titles allows players to transfer Gold and Free Experience between them.
  • · Single MMO Battle Realm: Tank, Warplane, and Battleship clans will be assisting each other in their ground, air and sea attacks for world domination.

"Wargaming always strives for excellence in generating intense and action-filled global online battles for gamers," said Wargaming CEO Victor Kislyi. "With the introduction of Wargaming.net Service, we will deliver an advanced gaming experience that gives gamers a world stage for their preferred war scenario."

LOTRO: Riders of Rohan Gets Official Release Date

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 12:17 PM PDT

Turbine has announced that The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan will launch on September 5.

Riders of Rohan is the next official expansion to The Lord of the Rings Online. The update introduces mounted combat with new War-steeds, introduces an area of land almost three times as large as Moria, advances the epic story, and raises the level cap to 85. As of today, the expansion is available for pre-purchase, with special bonuses including unique story lines and a special mount with matching cosmetic armor.

Turbine also publishes Dungeons and Dragons Online.

The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan Trailer



Players may Pre-Purchase the Fourth Major Expansion to the Award-Winning MMO Starting Today!


NEEDHAM, MA – June 5, 2012 — Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Turbine announced today The Lord of the Rings Online™: Riders of Rohan™, the next expansion to the award-winning free-to-play massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG), will launch on September 5, 2012. Players can pre-purchase Riders of Rohan and gain special benefits starting today by visiting http://rohan.lotro.com.

"Riders of Rohan is our biggest expansion yet, and raises the bar technically and artistically much like Mines of Moria did in 2008. We're introducing the largest area we've ever built and a combat system unlike anything that has been built before in MMOs," said Kate Paiz, Executive Producer of The Lord of the Rings Online, Turbine. "We're excited for players to be able to continue the epic story as players immerse themselves in Rohirrim culture and support King Théoden himself as they strive to keep the eyes of Mordor distracted from the Ringbearer's task."




Introducing Mounted Combat — Ride into Combat atop your loyal War-steed as you defend the people of Rohan from the forces of Isengard and Mordor. Customize your War-steed's armor and level its skills over time to aid you in mounted defense of King Théoden's lands. Mount your steed and gather your fellows to fight against Warbands, contingents of roving wargs and orcs that have been scouted all over the Plains of Rohan! It falls to you to head off and defeat this new threat before they over take the land.


Explore Largest Landscape Yet! — Nearly three times as large as Moria! Join with the Rohirrim and ride across the sprawling Eastern Plains of Rohan. Raise high your sword to fight for honor and glory in the name of Théoden King! Experience hundreds of new quests, earn new favor, gear, deeds and more!


The Epic Story Continues — The Fellowship is on the move once again and must achieve their task at all cost. It falls to you to clear the path and turn the Eye of the Enemy away from their progress as you aid the Rohirrim in their own struggle close by. Witness the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen; forge alliances with the Ents of Fangorn; and aid Éomer, nephew of Théoden, as he seeks to protect his homeland from the growing Shadow.


· Advance to Level 85 — Learn what it means to be Rohirrim as you face new challenges throughout the Riddermark on your journey to level 85. Continue your legend as you grow in power with new skills and deeds and earn new armor and gear to aid you in the battles to come.

Starting today, players can take can take advantage of three special pre-purchase offers to celebrate the release of the next major expansion to LOTRO:


Ø Legendary Edition — Includes the full Riders of Rohan Expansion plus:

o The Steed of the Eastemnet – An exclusive Rohirrim Mount available immediately with matching War-steed appearance available when Riders of Rohan launches

o Armor of the Eastemnet — An exclusive full set of Rohirrim cosmetic armour

o Friend of the Mark — An exclusive in-game Rohirrim title

o 6th Inventory Bag – An inventory bag that grants 15 additional storage slots

o Crystal of Remembrance – Adds one additional legacy to your legendary weapon

o Exclusive Rohan Content — Discover the lineage of the great War-steeds and earn a mounted combat deed that grants an exclusive skill for your War-steed

o Pre-Purchase Bonuses:

§ Rohan Elite Guard Statted Cloak — A box of four level 75 statted cloaks that allows you to choose a power bonus for your hero type

§ The Outriders Token — A 25% XP Boost for all characters on your account that will last up to level 75

§ Rohirrim Soldier on Landscape Appearance — Upon reaching level 20, you can customize your Soldier on Landscape with a Rohirrim Appearance


Ø Heroic Edition – Includes the full Riders of Rohan Expansion plus:

o The Steed of the Eastemnet – An exclusive Rohirrim Mount

o Hauberk of the Eastemnet — An exclusive Rohirrim cosmetic chest piece

o Friend of the Mark — An exclusive in-game Rohirrim title

o Evendim, Moria, and Lothlórien Quest Packs — Over 650 quests, 10 fellowship instances, and two raids

o Pre-Purchase Bonuses:

§ Rohan Elite Guard Statted Cloak — A box of four level 20 statted cloaks that allows you to choose a power bonus for your hero type

§ The Outriders Token — A 25% XP Boost for all characters on your account that will last up to level 75

§ Rohirrim Soldier on Landscape Appearance — Upon reaching level 20, you can customize your Soldier on Landscape with a Rohirrim Appearance

Ø Base Edition — Includes the full Riders of Rohan Expansion plus:

o The Steed of the Eastemnet – An exclusive Rohirrim Mount

o Friend of the Mark — An exclusive in-game Rohirrim title

o Pre-Purchase Bonuses:

Rohan Elite Guard Statted Cloak — A box of four level 20 statted cloaks that allows you to choose a power bonus for your hero type

Rohirrim Soldier on Landscape Appearance — Upon reaching level 20, you can customize your Soldier on Landscape with a Rohirrim Appearance

Players will have access to all of the bonus items including the Steed of the Eastemnet, the Armour and Hauberk of the Eastemnet, the Friend of the Mark in-game title, the 6th inventory bag, the Crystal of Remembrance, the Exclusive Rohan Content, the Evendim, Moria, and Lothlórien Quest Packs, the Elite Guard Statted Cloaks, the Outrider's Token, and, upon hitting level 20, the Rohirrim Soldier on Landscape Appearance after purchase. The Riders of Rohan expansion itself and the Steed of the Eastemnet War-steed appearance will be available to play on September 5, 2012. These special offers will only be available for a limited time. For more information, please visit www.lotro.com.


InnoGames Debuts Kartuga

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 11:28 AM PDT

InnoGames has announced its newest title, Kartuga, at E3 in Los Angeles.

Kartuga will be a 3D browser-based MMO, using Unity 3D, and promising to offer “cooperative PvP gameplay with several role-playing elements.” The game is developed by Ticking Bomb Games and is set to launch later this year.

The game will feature three customizable classes of ships (Destroyer, Protector, and Engineer) in a world with three distinct regions and populated with factions. The game will offer PvE quests and missions, a unique battle system, and team-based PvP.

InnoGames also publishes Forge of Empires and Tribal Wars.

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Kartuga Gameplay Screenshot


Kartuga: 3D Pirate Action Game to be Debuted at E3

InnoGames presents browser game to launch this year


Hamburg, June 5, 2012. Today, InnoGames presents a first look at its upcoming 3D browser title, Kartuga, at E3 in Los Angeles. The action-packed MMOG is based on Unity 3D and focuses strongly on cooperative PvP gameplay with several role-playing elements. Hamburg-based Ticking Bomb Games is responsible for the development of the title, which is set to launch in 2012. www.kartuga.com gives players a peek into its stylized fantasy world with screenshots and a feature list.

InnoGames co-founder Eike Klindworth is convinced of the game’s potential and is looking forward to the success of the company’s first joint venture with Ticking Bomb Games: “We are bringing out a high quality product with Kartuga. The game offers multiple PvP modes, intuitive controls, plus detailed and vibrant 3D graphics. This action MMOG is an extremely useful addition to InnoGames’ portfolio.”

The developer also has high expectations for the title: ” We have been working hard on this project for some years now, and the results are fantastic. The player completely loses the feeling of playing in a browser with Kartuga – it really stands up to client games, ” says Ticking Bomb Games Development Director Tobias Severin.

Kartuga players choose one of three customizable classes of ships to sail through a series of quests and missions. The ingenious battle system, along with a strong focus on cooperative PvP, guarantees long lasting fun.

Firefall Launches Official Weekly Manga

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 11:03 AM PDT

Red 5 Studios has officially launched Firefall’s official manga series, Firefall Affinity.

Firefall Affinity is written by Orson Scott Card and Emily Janice Card, and is illustrated by UDON Comics. The story features a rebellious 17-year-old girl named Pilgrim, and begins just before the Arclight Incident that unleashes the Melding.

The manga begins today with a two page release, and each week will release two more pages. The story will be built up to an 80-page manga by the end, carrying its weekly releases into 2013.

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Firefall Affinity



Weekly Issues to Rollout Through 2013

Laguna Hills, CA – June 5, 2012 – Red 5 Studios™ today announced the release of a new manga series based on its highly anticipated open world sci-fi action shooter, Firefall. Penned by Orson Scott Card and Emily Janice Card with artwork provided by UDON Comics, Firefall Affinity begins today at: www.firefallthegame.com/manga


Firefall Affinity is a sci-fi journey through a bleak, apocalyptic vision of future Earth. As a prequel to Firefall the game, the manga begins just before the catastrophic "Arclight incident" unleashed the Melding upon the planet. Readers will follow a rebellious, seventeen-year-old "gifted" girl named Pilgrim, who's struggling to come to terms with her growing power as she attempts to survive the most devastating event to ever hit humanity.


Orson Scott Card, Emily Janice Card, Mark Kern, and Adam McMahon discuss the manga's creation in the official announcement trailer here: http://youtu.be/zZjdJKVtxG0


"We have a very deep and intriguing story to tell with Firefall and fans are finally going to be able to dive in this year," said Mark Kern, CEO of Red 5. "The manga is a way for us to flesh out Firefall's universe and key characters, to set the stage for what players will be doing, and why, in the game. It's going to be a thrilling ride, with twists, turns, and all-around great storytelling that sci-fi fans have come to expect."


The first two pages of Firefall Affinity are now live and ready to read. Red 5 Studios will be adding an additional two pages per week, building up to more than 80 pages before the entire story has been told. Fans can continue to follow the manga at www.firefallthegame.com/manga as it's unveiled this year.


Firefall is currently in the first stage of its exclusive, invite-only beta – planned to rollout during 2012. Players can sign-up for the chance to be invited into the beta and meet Firefall's enthusiastic community at the official homepage: http://www.firefallthegame.com/home

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