Upcoming MMOs in June Posted: I guess more games will appear in this calendar later since the amazing summer vacation is approaching. Currently it seems few games here, though. At least, we've got Blade and Soul and Guild Wars 2. BnS can only be played in KR, what a shame! By contrast, GW2 is global. What's the new contents will be patched into this new beta event? It is totally thrilling to wait and experience!  |
Arctic Combat Recruiting for the First Beta Test Posted: Arctic Combat is one of Webzen's several new MMOs for western market in 2012 and the game just announced the beginning of the first user beta test sign-up.  |
Red 5 Studios To Establish European Headquarters for Firefall Localization Posted: Recruitment is currently underway by the company with roles for Community Management, Localization, and Player Support teams. For more information about job opportunities, please visit  |
Luvinia Online's New Expansion - Yutaka's Tomb Launched Today Posted: Yutaka's Tomb expansion which includes a level cap raise to Level 89, new bosses for Zendo Hunter's Camp, and Know ledge Pagoda's mysterious third floor has been updated in Luvinia Online today.  |
WoW 5.0: Mists of Pandaria Beta - 70,000 Wand Posted: There is a "super weapon" in the MoP Beta - Intricate Wand. This item is being farm like crazy right now! Ok, let me show you this "super weapon"  |
MapleStory: New Milestone - Pass 35 Million Character Posted: Maplestory has welcomed its seventh anniversary of service in North America. During the seven years, Maplestory not only reached 9.2 million registered users, but also surpassed 35 million characters created in the game by players.  |
Allods Online's Astral Storm Update Helps New Players Grow Fast Posted: Astral Storm brings a range of tweaks, adjustments and the Mentor system which helps new players grow fast while reward veteran gamers who are committed to be mentors.  |
Wargaming.net Announced E3 2012 Titles and Presence Posted: Wargaming.net has announced their participation in the 2012 E3 Expo taking place at the Los Angeles Convention Center June 5th through June 7th. Representatives from Wargaming.net will be available for interviews to share exciting new details regarding the company's growth and future plans  |
SMITE Closed Beta Begins May 31 Posted: Player Progression Will Be Preserved In Beta, No Character Wipes Planned.  |
May has Gone! Bye Bye! Posted: It looks like this month is going to end in 2 days or 1 day and a few extra hours lol!... I know that nothing amazing happend this month but at least it was a half interesting month.  |
E3 2012 - The Big MMO Game List Posted: Since E3 is such a huge game show, many MMO companies think it's not a good place to present their games to fans, therefore, you won't see some anticipated MMOs like The Secret World and Guild Wars 2 at this year's E3.  |
A Portal Movie so Good Valve Should Make it Official Posted: Synthetic Picturehaus' amazing Portal film Lab Ratt is now complete and ready for viewing. So you should watch it. It tells the story of Doug Rattman. Doug, aka the guy who did all the paintings you find tucked behind the walls in the game.  |
Diablo 3 Ridiculously Censored in Mainland China? Posted: Recently, a suspected Diablo 3 (CN) screenshot is uploaded to NGA (the biggest WoW forum in China) and caught a lot of attention.  |
This Dirty PC Might Gross You Out Posted: I sometimes worry about the insides of my PC. I don't clean it as often as I probably should. Is there too much dust in there? Is that dust going to break something dear to me? It might, but then, I see videos like this and think, shit, my PC is spotless compared to some people's.  |
Unreal Engine 4 Demo To Be Showcased During E3 2012 Posted: It is exciting that E3 2012 is around the corner. One hardware unveil is beginning to turn a large majority of heads: Unreal Engine 4. Indeed, Epic Games' spectacular run with the Unreal franchise is expected to continue, as Epic plans to run a live-action demo during the expo.  |
WoW 5.0: Tier 14 Preview - Druid and Hunter Posted: Druid and Hunter Tier 14 Preview from MoP Beta. The new picture preview should be fairly representative of the set you will see in the final version of the game!  |
Guild Wars 2 - Community? Posted: Even if your game isn't very good, if someone's friend plays it, most likely they will join and this keeps communities, groups, guilds playing your game even if their might be something better available.  |