Snail Games USA: Full MMO Lineup and Age of Wushu Demo at E3 2012 Posted: Based in Los Angeles, Snail Games USA, participating for the first time at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) on June 5-7, 2012, will preview five MMOs slated for distribution in North America.  |
WoW 5.0: Pandaren Mount Revealed - Dragon Turtle Posted: You've met the pandaren and learned of their rich and enigmatic history, but the time has come to reveal their mount of choice, the Dragon Turtle.  |
Update 7.4 for World of Tanks Posted: announced that update 7.4 for World of Tanks which has introduced two new game modes - Encounter Battle and Assault. The Encounter Battle mode invites two sides to fight for one base. The Assault sets the players in the roles of attackers and defenders where the former have superior combat capabilities.  |
Diablo III Breaks Fastest-Selling PC Game Record Posted: Once an opinion spread through the Internet that PC gaming is dead, while Diablo III, the latest chapter in Blizzard's critically acclaimed action RPG series with real-money auction house, no offline play and skill system revamps, has still managed to become the fastest-selling game on PC ever.  |
ARGO Online: Massive Content Update Released Posted: ARGO Online made its biggest update since the commercial launch in just a few weeks. The extensive content patch includes the new continent Naviruo with many exciting challenges for experienced adventurers.  |
Perfect World Entertainment to Take Neverwinter and RaiderZ to E3 2012 Posted: Annual E3 starting from June 5th to June 7th, 2012 at the LA Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA, is around the corner. Perfect World Entertainment will head to E3 2012 with upcoming title s Neverwinter and RaiderZ.  |
Invoker - Dota 2 Hero One Minute Guide Posted: It used to be and will still be the mainstream of Invoker build, which emphasizes on AOE damaging. Exort serves as the core element during early game(before level 7) to rise invoker's damage and farming efficiency. Sun Strike are available at Lv2, damage is not that great at this level, though.  |
Elsword Invades Anime Expo with Cosplay Competition and PvP Battles Posted: Kill3rCombo will bring its manga-inspired MMORPG Elsword to the Anime Expo 2012. Elsword cosplay team will meet fans at the booth at the Los Angeles Convention Center during the weekend of Friday, June 29 through Monday, July 2. Fans also can participated in a range of events and battle fellow convention-goers in a PvP competition. The details will be listed in the following press release.  |
New MMOFPS World of Mercenaries Closed Beta Is Live Posted: Developed by, for and with gamers – join us in this closed beta phase and have your say in building World of Mercenaries!  |
New CEO of Kingsoft Makes the Half-year Summary: Enhancing the Online Game Business Posted: In the online game sector, Zhang Hongjiang has revealed that Kingsoft will launch six new MMO games this year in addition to the four online games operated by agencies.  |
Marvel Heroes First Trailer Released Posted: Marvel has teamed up with Gazillion and Secret Identity Studios to take the MMO category to a completely new level of excitement and engagement, as Marvel Heroes combines action role-playing games with the MMO genre. This first trailer shows gameplay, new heroes and new enemies.Marvel Heroes will be available on PC. Release date TBA.  |
NCsoft: Blade & Soul to Enter Open Beta on June 21st Posted: According to Korea-based NCsoft's announcement on May 23rd, its anticipated next generation action MMOG Blade & Soul will enter open beta on June 21st. The energy system that became the target of argument in the 3rd CBT will be deleted eternally.  |
Blade & Soul 3rd CBT: The Excellent Scenery Pictures Posted: As we know, the world of Blade & Soul is amazing. New let me show you some pictures about the excellent scenery from Blade & Soul 3rd CBT. Which one do you like best?  |