Snail Games Demoing Age of Wushu at E3 2012 Posted: Players who live in Los Angeles and those will attend the expo can check out the demo at Snail Games' booth in West Hall Booth 4712.  |
Vindictus: New Update Mainly with Sexy, Beautiful Deadly Succubus Posted: A brand new update for Vindictus is activated now. With this new update, 2 new deadly raid bosses - Succubus and Glas Ghaibheleann will be added into game. The following press release attaching video and screenshots will unveil the details for you.  |
Global Territory Control - Massive Update for Fallen Earth Posted: A major update of online sandbox game Fallen Earth that introduces entirely new game content, updated landscapes and new player-crafted technology was released few days ago. The 2.4 Global Territory Control update includes easy-to-use combat trainers, merchant buyback, faster mounting, bulk purchasing, easily accessible skill trees and more.  |
Vindictus: New EU Update Introduces Monsters that Suck Posted: It seems that there are few in the world who don't know at least a little about Game of Thrones. Now that it's being turned into an MMO, even more folks will learn of the duplicity of the Lannisters and more. We caught up with Max Pfaff to talk about Game of Thrones Online. See what we discovered!  |
Changyou Launches Next-gen Games, Hundreds of Millions Investment on the Next-gen Trend Posted: Currently, internationally recognized next generation engine CryENGINE has evolved to the third version, and the Unreal Engine 3 has been updated once a month. The Unreal Engine 4 is expected to be commercialized in the near future.  |
Is Eudemons Online Really Going to Become 3D? Posted: Looking back at the MMO industry, games are often switching from 2D to 3D, in order to achieve a better gaming experience and more lively effects. However, we cannot say that 3D games are sure to be the mainstream, because there are still tons of gamers sticking to 2D and 2.5D games.  |
TERA Warrior Tanking Guide Posted: Though there are two somewhat-equal healing classes in Tera, this doesn't not necessarily mean that both tanking options too are on equal footing. Yes, warriors are classified as a DPS/Tank hybrid, but there are only certain cases where warriors, when similarly geared, can compete in effectiveness with a Lancer.  |
Guild Wars 2 - Beta Weekend 2... Patch Notes! Posted: I'm glad to see Arena Net is taking this beta weekends so seriously. So many changes in such a short amount of time and a lot of these changes felt like they needed to be in the game so it's really great to see that Arena Net is both taking care of their game AND listening to the players.  |
DOTA 2 Theme Music - Piano Cover Posted: Hey guys! Very VERY excited to bring you guys this cover of the amazing DOTA 2 Theme music. I fell in love with the song the first time I've heard the song, not to mention I love the game as well. Hope you guys enjoy!  |
The Stylized Action MMO GUNZ 2 to Launch VIP Test Posted: The stylized action MMO GUNZ2 developed by Mient and operated by CJ E&M is to launch a VIP test before its upcoming first CBT.  |
League of Legends: Darius Patch Preview Posted: In the Patch Preview, we'll be looking into our visual update to Summoner's Rift, a re-built head's-up display, a sneak peek at the new Ashe model, new feedback from turrets, changes to Normal Draft and Solo/Duo Ranked, as well as a brand new item!  |
Kingdoms of Amalur MMO Version - Project Copernicus Set to Release in June 2013 Posted: Recently, 38 Studios, the developer behind Kingdoms of Amalur, stuck in the mud of huge loan it received from the state of Rhode Island. They announced the official release of Project Copernicus, the online version of Kingdoms of Amalur, after they submitted a $1.25 million check for the late payment of the loan.  |