MMO Updates |
- The Perfect Ten: The truth about lockboxes
- Aeria launches new Ignite F2P platform
- Fallen Earth 2.4 patch to feature territory control, automated harvesting, and more
- The Anvil of Crom: Age of Conan turns four, taps SWG for crafting inspiration
- Hands-on with The Secret World's mission system
- New Embers of Caerus website boasts extensive sandbox feature list
- DUST 514 handing out first beta keys tomorrow
- The Daily Grind: Do you judge all MMOs by the same standard?
- Amazon to offer special limited-time deals on TERA, RIFT, others
- The Elder Scrolls Online factions profiled
- Free for All: Planet Cyrene adds to the high-stakes worlds of Entropia
- MMO Family: The state of the game (at school)
- Choose My Adventure: Cruisin' with the gang in City of Heroes
- Player's real-life journey honored in Guild Wars 2
- Ragnarok Online update introduces the town of Port Malaya
- TERA outlines political systems, launches an emblem contest and premium services
- No relief in sight for 38 Studios after emergency meeting [Updated]
- EVE talks smack about Diablo III's login woes
- Runes of Magic shows off the new Champion and Warlock
- DCUO's Last Laugh features Hamill as the Joker, lots of new content
- AdventureQuest Worlds releases its first two action figures
- Guild Wars 2 writers talk (at length) about MMO story
- A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Why there are no more Epic Archetypes in City of Heroes
The Perfect Ten: The truth about lockboxes Posted: 17 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Business models, Opinion, Free-to-play, Legal, Humor, Perfect Ten, Miscellaneous Call them lockboxes, lootboxes, super packs, gift packs, treasure boxes, mystic chests, or Chupacabra's lunchpails, but these virtual boxes of mystery, fame, and fortune are all the rage in MMOs these days. Few studios have resisted the siren's call of such easy money, much to the dismay of many-a-gamer.The idea is that a game will dish out to players free locked treasure boxes that require purchased keys to open. The allure of the box's mystery prize is often too strong to resist, especially when there's the possibility of a huge reward inside. The result too often is strong buyer's remorse and studio glee. There's been a lot of conversation around lockboxes here on Massively, so I wanted to dedicate this week's Perfect Ten to dissecting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of these items for you. Continue reading The Perfect Ten: The truth about lockboxes
Aeria launches new Ignite F2P platform Posted: 17 May 2012 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play Aeria Games, publisher of Eden Eternal and Lime Odyssey, has a new digital distribution platform. The service, known as Ignite, is officially in beta as of today, according to a company press release. The application gives gamers access to Aeria's free-to-play portfolio, social features, and friend lists all at once, while also granting developers an effective platform for communicating marketing messages to Aeria's global audience.The company plans to bundle Ignite with all of its games going forward. Plans are also in the works to bring the app to various tablet and mobile devices. [Source: Aeria Games press release]
Fallen Earth 2.4 patch to feature territory control, automated harvesting, and more Posted: 17 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Fallen Earth, Economy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Post-Apocalyptic, Crafting GamersFirst has formally announced its next update for Fallen Earth. The Global Territory Control patch, or 2.4 if you're counting at home, will bring quite a bit of new functionality to denizens of the game's Grand Canyon wasteland.As you might expect given the update name, territory control plays a big role. The devs are adding new outposts and settlements throughout the game world which can be conquered by each of Fallen Earth's six player factions. Capturing a settlement grants sole property rights to the controlling faction, which in turn provides valuable mineral extraction capabilities. The 2.4 patch also features a new 50-plus PvP zone called the The Foothills, new player-crafted prospecting and harvesting technology, and various quality of life tweaks like bulk purchasing, merchant buyback, and faster mounting. Check in with Massively later this week for more exclusive info on the new patch as well as an interview with the devs. [Source: GamersFirst press release]
The Anvil of Crom: Age of Conan turns four, taps SWG for crafting inspiration Posted: 17 May 2012 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Age of Conan, Game mechanics, Interviews, MMO industry, News items, Opinion, Free-to-play, The Anvil of Crom, Crafting The last time I did an anniversary retrospective for Age of Conan, we had a recent expansion, some new dungeon content, and several class revamps fresh on our minds. The year before that, we had the earth-shaking combat and itemization changes. This past year, the major development was, of course, the switch to a freemium business model, followed closely by the game's first adventure pack.Join me after the break for a quick rundown on the last 12 months as they happened in Hyboria, as well as an anniversary interview with game director Craig "Silirrion" Morrison that sheds a bit of light on the crafting revamp. Continue reading The Anvil of Crom: Age of Conan turns four, taps SWG for crafting inspiration
Hands-on with The Secret World's mission system Posted: 17 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Horror, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, Previews, PvE, Opinion, The Secret World, Massively Hands-on, First Impressions, Guides So The Secret World's mission system treads well off the beaten MMO path. It's pretty cool, actually, though portions of it may irritate quest-grinders who just want to blow through zones on their way to the game's equivalent of a max-level toon.For the rest of us, there's a nifty interface, some challenging puzzles, and plenty of well-written quest text and dialogue to keep us entertained for weeks at a time. Continue reading Hands-on with The Secret World's mission system
New Embers of Caerus website boasts extensive sandbox feature list Posted: 17 May 2012 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Sandbox Forsaken Studios has taken the wraps off a new website for its Embers of Caerus MMORPG. The fantasy sandbox has quite an extensive feature list which includes level- and class-free advancement, a seamless game world that measures 44,000 square kilometers, and player-controlled markets and political/legal systems.Backstory is a big deal to the devs as well, if the new site's lore section is anything to go by. There's plenty of reading material about the world, its factions, and a bit of story to pass the time while you're waiting for the game. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]
DUST 514 handing out first beta keys tomorrow Posted: 17 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Events, in-game, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, DUST 514 Did you drop your name into CCP Games' hat as a potential tester for DUST 514? Then tomorrow might be a lovely day for you, as the studio is emailing out the first round of closed beta keys for registered participants after a short delay from its original key-handing-out schedule.It is unknown how many keys will be sent out and to whom. Last month, CCP told Fanfest attendees that they would be among the first to test the anticipated MMOFPS. The DUST 514 website states that the studio is sending out Fanfest keys first and those to standard registered players "soon after." To celebrate the release of the closed beta keys, CCP is holding a "special event" over the weekend. The details of this event are forthcoming.
The Daily Grind: Do you judge all MMOs by the same standard? Posted: 17 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Xsyon, Sandbox One of the challenges facing sandbox developers is the fact that recent themepark MMORPGs have raised the bar in terms of smooth launches and relatively bug-free experiences. Aside from EVE Online, most of the current sandboxes on offer are small indie affairs known as much for their rough-around-the-edges implementation as for their feature innovations.And yet, many so-called sandbox fans seem to expect games like Xsyon, Darkfall, and others to be as polished as World of Warcraft, RIFT, and other themeparks with fewer features and several times the budget. For today's Daily Grind, we'd like to know how much (if any) slack you cut developers of sandbox and/or indie MMOs. Do you hold these games to the same standard that you hold a triple-A themepark?
Amazon to offer special limited-time deals on TERA, RIFT, others Posted: 17 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Real life, Final Fantasy XI, News items, Free-to-play, RIFT, Final Fantasy XIV, TERA, Need for Speed World, Miscellaneous Have you been watching TERA via livestreams and wistfully wishing you could jump in and join but didn't want to plunk down the cash at launch? Well as long as you don't mind not having a box to display on your shelf, your waiting has actually paid off! Amazon is kicking off a 12-day digital "MAYhem" sale today and offering select MMO titles at a significant discount on specific days. Those deals are as follows:
[Source: Amazon press release]
The Elder Scrolls Online factions profiled Posted: 16 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lore, News items, Races, The Elder Scrolls Online Three alliances control the political scene in The Elder Scrolls Online's Tamriel, and Game Informer is taking a closer look at all of them, starting with the Daggerfall Covenant and the Aldmeri Dominion. The Daggerfell Covenant is made up of the Orcs (also called Orsimer), Bretons, and Redguards -- although the latter two are coming out of something of a love-hate relationship, with a history of as much internal conflict as external. Apparently time does heal all wounds, though, because the three races have worked out a democratic system of mutual love and respect. The Orcs and Bretons call the beautiful land of High Rock home, while the Redguard are based in Hammerfell. The Aldemeri Dominion is a more hostile power composed of the Altmer, the Bosmer, and Khajiit and intent on total domination. Also known as Wood Elves, the Bosmer call Valenwood home (surprise: It's a heavily wooded area) and enjoy tramping through forests, living in harmony with nature, and building cities in migratory trees. The Altmer, or High Elves, can be found in the little-known Summerset Isles. The Khajiit, who missed out on the alternative name lottery, live in Elsweyr, whose climate is ideal for the cultivation of Moon Sugar. Got all that? Study up, there'll be a test. Feel free to read the full profiles, and keep an eye out for Ebonheart Pact information on Friday.
Free for All: Planet Cyrene adds to the high-stakes worlds of Entropia Posted: 16 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Launches, New titles, Previews, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, Humor, Free for All I'm not much of a shooter fan and probably never will be. Sure, I have as much fun blasting my way through monsters as the next gamer, but I rarely have the patience or physical stamina to overcome the pains and frustrations of shooter PvP. After all, my first rule of PvP applies especially well to shooters: There is always someone better than you. Planet Cyrene, the new world being added to the impressive portfolio of Entropia Universe, tasks players tasks similar to those found in Planet Calypso and mixes in PvP arenas that promise to frustrate (or delight) players, depending on their skill level. I sat down with Ed Robles III, lead developer for Planet Cyrene, to see just how nasty and expensive things might get.Remember, this is the Entropia Universe we are talking about, and that means players will spend real money on bullets, armor, and practically everything else. Fortunately, players can earn items that are worth real money as well. Call it gambling or whatever you want, but it still seems to be a pretty successful formula. Continue reading Free for All: Planet Cyrene adds to the high-stakes worlds of Entropia
MMO Family: The state of the game (at school) Posted: 16 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Opinion, Kids, MMO Family, Family, Miscellaneous When you think of kids and video games, the question that always comes up is this: What are they getting out of playing them? Usually, MMOs, even MMOs aimed at kids, are big on fun but light on learning. So it was refreshing to see teacher Ben Bertoli launch a Kickstarter project to promote development of his personal project ClassRealm into what could be a potentially valuable tool in the classroom.So why haven't we seen more educational MMOs, and why has there been a gap when it comes to technology at home vs. at school? In this week's MMO Family, we'll look a few issues with gaming and learning. Continue reading MMO Family: The state of the game (at school)
Choose My Adventure: Cruisin' with the gang in City of Heroes Posted: 16 May 2012 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Galleries, Polls, City of Heroes, Opinion, Free-to-play, Hands-on, Choose My Adventure You've experienced it, right? That magic moment on any trip of significant length when you've been living and breathing the locale long enough that the place starts to feel more familiar and you settle in, that time when you feel less like a tourist and more like a local. After the last few weeks traveling with you all, I have hit that moment in City of Heroes. While I still may not be able to tell one inspiration from another by sight, I can find my way around the 'hood and know the skyline when zipping about -- well, at least in Atlas Park. Oh, and I found a Mexican restaurant! It's almost like a second home now.It was upon reaching this comfort zone that City of Heroes got better for me; this past week has been more fun than the previous ones during this Choose My Adventure road trip. (And yes, I'd even call the torture of the expansive character creation fun. Exhausting, but fun!) What transpired this week? Buckle up and step on the gas to see. Continue reading Choose My Adventure: Cruisin' with the gang in City of Heroes
Player's real-life journey honored in Guild Wars 2 Posted: 16 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Events, real-world, Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars player Kelly Wells became inspired to go on a real-life adventure due to her explorations of Tyria and an encouraging TED talk -- and so she did it. Starting from Maine, Wells and her faithful dog crossed America to California by foot, ending the trip with a visit to ArenaNet in Seattle. The developers were so impressed by Wells' journey that they decided to make her part of Guild Wars 2.In a new ArenaNet blog post, Lead Content Designer Colin Johanson shares how bowled over the devs were when they met Wells and why her epic journey had to become part of Guild Wars 2. "If we all took that perspective on life, deciding to make positive changes and refusing to let anything get in our way, it'd be amazing to see how much we'd all be able to accomplish," Johanson said. The team then collaborated to come up with a similar figure for its upcoming title. Thus was born Ameranth, a Sylvari explorer who traverses the width of Tyria with her trusty dog, Anna. When players encounter her, Ameranth is known to say, "Ever since emerging from the Pale Tree, I've had the itch to see what the world has to offer. And what better way than with my own two feet?"
Ragnarok Online update introduces the town of Port Malaya Posted: 16 May 2012 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, News items, Free-to-play It's been over a year since we heard anything from Gravity Interactive's long-running title Ragnarok Online, but today, the silence has been broken. The studio has announced the game's newest content update, which will allow players to visit the paradisiacal Port Malaya, where "the water's always warm and the monsters are always dangerous." Players level 100 and up will find plenty to do in the new port town, such as "dozens of new quests, including an entire suite of daily tasks to perform." New dungeons also await in Port Malaya, and with new dungeons comes new gear and a new tattoo system that will grant players permanent buffs. Players will need all the power they can get to square off against the myriad new MVP Monsters that inhabit the wilds of Port Malaya. More details on the update can be found on Ragnarok Online's official site, so head on over there and set sail for Port Malaya. [Source: Gravity Interactive press release]
TERA outlines political systems, launches an emblem contest and premium services Posted: 16 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Contests, Game mechanics, News items, TERA TERA isn't just about killing enormous beasts in active combat. That's certainly a big part of it, yes, but it's also about political maneuvering and gathering support. And once you get in office, you've got policies to enact, economies to stimulate, and re-election to consider in three weeks. If the whole thing seems a bit overwhelming, you'll be happy to know that the new official guide to the political system outlines the whole system from start to finish, giving a clear picture of how players can make lasting change in a province for better or worse.Of course, if your guild is going to boost a candidate running for office, it helps if you've got brand-name recognition. How can you manage that? Perhaps by winning the newly announced Guild Emblem Creation Contest, which gives players a chance to get their guild logos in the game. Or you can just take advantage of the premium in-game services that have just been made available to ensure that your character has just the right winning smile for the next election.
No relief in sight for 38 Studios after emergency meeting [Updated] Posted: 16 May 2012 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: MMO industry, News items, Legal, Miscellaneous Generally, when your company defaults on a major loan, you might expect an emergency meeting about the loan and the company's future would produce some results. But apparently today's meeting between 38 Studios owner Curt Schilling and Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee resulted in... absolutely nothing. Specifically, Rhode Island's Economic Development Corporation will take no immediate action to prevent the studio from going under, with Chafee on record as asking, "How do we avoid throwing good money after bad?"It's a loaded question if you consider that the failure of 38 Studios would put the state's taxpayers on the hook for more than $112 million. Schilling has declined to elaborate on the company's state in interviews, and he has not made public how much more funding the company is seeking. It's bad news for the studio, bad news for the state, and bad news for any fans still looking forward to the possibility of Project Copernicus in the future. [Update: Joystiq reports that "it appears 38 Studios put up all present and future IP by the company as collateral," meaning that if the studio defaults, the state of Rhode Island will own all of its game assets. We've tucked some of the ensuing news coverage in the video behind the break.] Continue reading No relief in sight for 38 Studios after emergency meeting [Updated]
EVE talks smack about Diablo III's login woes Posted: 16 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Culture, News items, Humor, Miscellaneous Oh naw you didn't, girl! EVE Online is letting the trash-talk fly at the newly launched Diablo III by displaying the message "37...3007...315300: It's code for "Play EVE. Servers are up, login is fine" on the game's login screen. This, of course, is making reference to the myriad error codes that Diablo III players experienced over the course of the game's trainwreck of a launch. We don't know whether the folks at Blizzard will bother to respond to them there fightin' words because they could be too busy rolling around in all the money they made from Diablo III to notice. But if they do deign to issue a retort, we'll be sure to let you know.
Runes of Magic shows off the new Champion and Warlock Posted: 16 May 2012 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Game mechanics, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play, Runes of Magic New classes are always exciting. In a game with an established set of abilities and character options, the chance to take a different option helps keep the game engaging and surprising. That's no doubt part of the rationale behind Runes of Magic's two new classes, the Champion and the Warlock. But they're also meant to show off the ingenuity and cleverness of the Dwarves, and in a new preview of these two classes, it becomes clear just how much both will bring to the table.The Warlock is an arcane caster who has delved into the knowledge of the Shadowforge Dwarves, allowing him to act as either a damage dealer or a support character as the situation warrants. Champions are masters of pseudo-mystical forge techniques, with the Champion ultimately being capable of transforming into a special Runic Robot form for increased damage and durability. There are only a few more weeks until the game's next major update, and then players will get to try out the new hybrid classes for themselves.
DCUO's Last Laugh features Hamill as the Joker, lots of new content Posted: 16 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, DC Universe Online, Dungeons Sony Online Entertainment is bringing out the big guns for its next DC Universe Online content patch. As we reported last week, the Joker is set to return for The Last Laugh, and fortunately for everyone, his voiceover duties will be handled by none other than Mark Hamill.Hamill is joined by DC stalwart Arleen Sorkin (that's Harley Quinn to you, mistah), and Adam Baldwin returns to the role of Superman for the first time since DCUO's launch. The Last Laugh also features a new shield weapon, four new safe house battles, and 8v8 throw-downs in both the Watchtower and the Hall of Doom. The Last Laugh will be freely available to legendary DCUO members, while free and premium players can purchase it via the in-game marketplace, the official website, or the PlayStation Network. [Source: SOE press release]
AdventureQuest Worlds releases its first two action figures Posted: 16 May 2012 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Events, real-world, News items, Free-to-play, Browser Action figures are a great accessory for any video game. Sure, most of us have passed the point when we would use them to stage elaborate battles in the backyard, but it's nice to have something on hand to play with during load times. That's part of the reason that AdventureQuest Worlds is getting into the market with its first two figures, representing Artix and Sepulchure, available in Toys'R'Us stores nationwide starting on May 23rd.Even if you're not normally the sort to buy action figures, Artix Entertainment has sweetened the deal by making sure that each figure comes with a special in-game house, special armor and weapons, and five playing cards for the game's tie-in card game. If you don't want to wait for them in stores, you can also purchase them directly from the company's online store starting May 18th. The team put together a small stop-motion animation piece as well to celebrate the upcoming figures because honestly, if you've spent this much time thinking about buying an action figure, don't you deserve a toy commercial to cap it off? [Source: Artix Entertainment press release] Continue reading AdventureQuest Worlds releases its first two action figures
Guild Wars 2 writers talk (at length) about MMO story Posted: 16 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Game mechanics, Interviews, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Guild Wars 2 What's it like to pen the narrative for one of the most anticipated MMORPGs, well, ever? It's quite different from writing a novel or a screenplay, according to ArenaNet's Angel McCoy. She joins Guild Wars 2 lead writer Bobby Stein and Peter "The Explorer" Fries for an MMO story-flavored sit-down with fan site Under the Pale Tree.The interview is a lengthy one (who knew that writers could be so wordy?), and it covers a bunch of ground including the megalithic sprawl of GW2's narrative, the challenges inherent in writing particular races, and the differences between in-game dialogue and cutscene exposition. There's more to it, of course, but honestly the thing is so huge that we're going to go finish reading it after we've jotted down this here news post.
A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Why there are no more Epic Archetypes in City of Heroes Posted: 16 May 2012 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, Classes, Game mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-play, A Mild-Mannered Reporter My weekend plans went cross-eyed, as they often do, but as a result I found myself looking through some old notes for future columns on City of Heroes. There were a lot of notes I took early on when I was first writing columns, some of which I wound up using and some of which wound up being discarded, but one particular idea jumped out at me: a column about potential future Epic Archetypes.Specifically, I was looking back over and noting how a lot of the archetypes I listed wouldn't actually work at all. I've gone on record as having been a big fan of EATs right from the beginning, as they're meant to be classes that break up the regular structure of the game's classes. That strikes me as laudable. But even disregarding the technical aspects of the epics that makes them more complex to develop and balance, I think there are some noteworthy basic problems with them on a conceptual level. We may very well never get another one just because the game has been structured to make them almost a design mistake that's never been corrected. Continue reading A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Why there are no more Epic Archetypes in City of Heroes
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