MMO Updates |
- Choose My Adventure: Patrolling the park
- Gravity Interactive announces free-to-play Maestia fantasy title
- Enter at Your Own Rift: Rift evolution
- TERA's senior producer looks at the game's past, present, and future
- The Daily Grind: Are virtual worlds still important?
- Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Miraluka
- Guild Wars 2 wants you to play with your friends no matter what
- Raptr rewards gamers for playing with discounts, beta keys, and more
- Star Wars: The Old Republic releases Episode I of the official podcast
- Pathfinder Online puts together a Kickstarter project
- Diablo III shows off the wrath of angels
- The Secret World announces first beta weekend
- The Soapbox: There is no gamer community
- CCP launching EVE Online drop pod into the stratosphere tomorrow
- Fallen Earth's May State of the Game letter showcases new Foothills PvP zone
- Analyst: SWTOR caused Dragon Age III delay
- Flameseeker Chronicles: Five things to love about Lion's Arch
- The Joker returns to DC Universe Online in upcoming DLC, The Last Laugh
- The Repopulation's end-of-April update includes genetic engineering, bug fixes, and lore updates
- Massively Speaking Episode 200: Bicentennial!
Choose My Adventure: Patrolling the park Posted: 09 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Polls, City of Heroes, Opinion, Free-to-play, Choose My Adventure Yes, Virginia, there is a game after character creation.With such extensive customization available, it is quite likely that I would have spent the duration of Choose My Adventure without ever actually logging in to play City of Heroes. For all of the hours I spent in character creation with all the options (enough to completely blow a fuse in your mind), it was easy to lose sight of the fact that there was actually a game to go play once I finally made my character. Now I see the real appeal of the VIP pass with all of those character slots; it has even me thinking wistfully of all the alts that could be. Luckily I have you folks directing me, forcing me past the costume creator and into my role as defender of truth and justice. If it hadn't been for you, I would have never embarked on my journey of flight and fricasseed evil doers in Atlas Park. Or participated in an impromptu street band performance. Yup, it is all your fault! And I'm looking forward to what we do next as we continue our City of Heroes adventures together. But first, let's take a look at what mayhem I caused... er, put an end to this past week. Continue reading Choose My Adventure: Patrolling the park
Gravity Interactive announces free-to-play Maestia fantasy title Posted: 09 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play Gravity Interactive has announced the latest addition to its WarpPortal online service. The new game is called Maestia: Rise of Keledus, and it's scheduled to debut later this summer. Gravity says that the game, which is being developed by ROC Works, is "an eternal struggle for power and righteousness in a world where friends and enemies are not easily discernible."Maestia features instanced dungeons, guild and faction PvP, and traditional questing and crafting systems. Huge world bosses and epic class-based mounts round out the feature set, all of which is available via a free-to-play business model. You can view a ton of screenshots and a comprehensive features list at the official Maestia website. [Source: Gravity Interactive press release]
Enter at Your Own Rift: Rift evolution Posted: 09 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events, in-game, Game mechanics, PvE, Opinion, Enter at Your Own Rift RIFT has seen a great deal of new content and features over the past year, and each update tends to generate a lot of buzz about things like new raid zones, new warzones, world events, and yes, even fishing. But there have been quite a few subtle (and not so subtle) changes to the core of the game -- that is, the rifts themselves. Last summer, Justin wrote a great piece wondering whether rifts were in "danger of collapsing," and his point was that they were a good idea on paper but needed tweaks in order to stay relevant to the game.It's worth looking back at the evolution of rifts over the past year to see what's changed since launch day. Read on for a look at what's new with rifts! Continue reading Enter at Your Own Rift: Rift evolution
TERA's senior producer looks at the game's past, present, and future Posted: 09 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, Launches, TERA Saying that it "feels as though a giant weight has been lifted off our shoulders" now that TERA has launched, En Masse Senior Producer Brian Knox has turned his attention to the immediate and far future of the game. He says that the team is hard at work ironing out "pain points" for players, but his big passion is working to make the PvP experience even better and roll out the battlegrounds this summer."I want to continue to slowly iterate our PvP-server rules," Knox said in an interview. "I think TERA's skill-based system is a natural fit for PvP players, and I want to develop a system that encourages and rewards PvP participants." Knox addressed the pace of the leveling experience (he says it should be a "smooth and even ride" if players follow the story and do all the quests), the price of teleportation scrolls (expensive for lowbies, affordable for veterans), and what to do at the endgame (answer: a lot). As more players reach the high levels, En Masse is preparing to juice up its nexuses and political system, both of which require a decent amount of participants to work.
The Daily Grind: Are virtual worlds still important? Posted: 09 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, Second Life, The Daily Grind, Virtual worlds, Miscellaneous As part of the recent Massively Speaking bicentennial, we were reminiscing about the fact that Massively used to have a much heavier focus on virtual worlds. While we still touch on those from time to time, these types of "games" don't seem to be as hot as they once were. Or maybe they are and we're just not seeing it!From Habitat to The Sims Online to Second Life, there have been many attempts at constructing vibrant, community-driven virtual worlds that would draw in players looking to create dual lives that were flashier and more fantastic than their real lives. These games once were heralded as the wave of the future, but it seems as if that wave has since moved on to bashing things with their +4 Clubs of Exquisite Suffering. So what say you: Are virtual worlds still important? Are we trying to return to the concept by embracing sandbox principles? Are they best left to wither and die in the annals of history?
Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Miraluka Posted: 08 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Classes, Culture, Lore, Opinion, Star Wars Galaxies, Races, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon As I mentioned in my Why I Play Star Wars: The Old Republic piece, Dark Forces and Jedi Knight were two of the Star Wars video games I enjoyed most. Obviously, this was before Knights of the Old Republic. In Jedi Knight, the main antagonist was Jerec. Although it's never mentioned where Jerec comes from or even what species he was, his most distinguishing feature is the cover over his eyes. At the time, players thought it was a type of cybernetic implant similar to that worn by Geordi LaForge in Star Trek: The Next Generation. It wasn't until the Tales of the Jedi comic book series that we learned that Jerec and others are a part of the Force-seeing humanoid species known as the Miraluka.If you choose to play a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Consular (or if you have 1.5 million credits to unlock it through the Legacy system), you can play as a Miraluka. I have been fascinated by this species since Jerec of Jedi Knight and Shoaneb Culu in the Tales of the Jedi after that. So this week, let's talk about this captivating species, its culture, its connection to the Force, and what its role is during the time of The Old Republic. Continue reading Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Miraluka
Guild Wars 2 wants you to play with your friends no matter what Posted: 08 May 2012 06:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Game mechanics, Guilds, PvP, Guild Wars 2 "Whenever we design a new feature we always ask ourselves how it impacts our players' ability to play with their friends," ArenaNet's Eric Flannum stated about Guild Wars 2. In an interview focused on connecting players together, Flannum made it clear that the team was looking for every possible opportunity to pave the way for social hookups.Flannum addressed the specifics of how Guild Wars 2's servers work in relation to transfers. While there is a traditional paid transfer service (which can be used only every seven days), all players will have the ability to hop over to friends' servers as a guest. Player team-ups are further made possible by the dynamic level-adjusting system that scales players down to the zone they're occupying. This process is made easier by ArenaNet's decision to make friend lists and guilds account-wide instead of specific to a server. So while each guild has a home server, other chapters can exist elsewhere. Flannum also said that the team is carefully structuring its PvP system so that it will be free from potential abuse by server guesting.
Raptr rewards gamers for playing with discounts, beta keys, and more Posted: 08 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: MMO industry, News items, Promotions, Miscellaneous Do you wanna earn fabulous prizes just for playing your favorite games? Of course you do. Well, you're in luck because Raptr has just announced its new Raptr Rewards program, which is "a program to reward active gamers with real rewards just for playing their favorite games." The program is "on track to offer over 350,000 rewards totaling $1.3 million [US] in value just in the first month of launch." The prizes that are available for dedicated players are myriad, ranging from discounts on Gunnar brand gaming eyewear to beta access for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and much more. The full details of the available rewards and how to earn them can be found on the official Raptr site, so go check it out, then start playing for your prizes. [Source: Raptr press release]
Star Wars: The Old Republic releases Episode I of the official podcast Posted: 08 May 2012 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Culture, Interviews, Patches, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic Amidst all the other news from Star Wars: The Old Republic, it's easy to overlook the fact that the game's staff has been at work on an official podcast for fans. The first episode of that podcast is now available. Hosts Brooks Guthrie and Eric Musco have made the podcast available for listeners on YouTube, and the inaugural episode features plenty for fans to enjoy, starting with an interview about the recently released patch 1.2 as well as future content for patch 1.3.The interview covers a number of topics regarding both the present and future patch, including elements such as the refinements to the guild bank system and some of the unexpected additions to the Legacy system (including rocket boots and the brawling system). Community coordinator David Bass also talks about the team's presence at PAX East 2012 as well as the team's convention plans for the rest of the year. So if you're a fan, be sure to give the podcast a listen just after the break. Continue reading Star Wars: The Old Republic releases Episode I of the official podcast
Pathfinder Online puts together a Kickstarter project Posted: 08 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events, real-world, MMO industry, News items, Sandbox Kickstarter has been getting a lot of attention from the gaming industry of late after a number of high-profile successes. It's even gained the attention of the team behind Pathfinder Online, the upcoming sandbox MMORPG based on the eponymous tabletop system. So instead of trying to secure venture capitalist funding for the project, the development team is reaching out directly to the fans via a new Kickstarter project to assemble a tech demo for the game.It's important to note that the project is only for funding a demo of the game, enough to show bigger investors that the interest in the game does exist. However, the development team has still assembled a number of bonuses for prospective players, including special forum membership, specialized tabletop game products, and promotional posters. If you're interested in seeing the game continue in development, it's well worth dropping by the Kickstarter page and dropping in some money when it goes live soon.
Diablo III shows off the wrath of angels Posted: 08 May 2012 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Lore, News items, Diablo III Diablo III is fast approaching release in a week, but even now it's important to remember the roots of the series. The game's lore has always been based on the conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, and rather than simply create a trailer narrating that fact, Blizzard chose a more unique route. The new video available is simply titled Wrath, but it contains some important information about the lore at a pivotal moment in the war between angels and demons.Animated by Titmouse and directed by Peter Chung (best known for Æon Flux), the six-minute video is brief, but it should leave a last impression regarding the nature of the game's conflict and the stakes involved. Even if you're not planning on grabbing the game on launch in a week, it's well worth watching just for the animation alone, and if you are grabbing the game, it jumps right up to being a must-see. Continue reading Diablo III shows off the wrath of angels
The Secret World announces first beta weekend Posted: 08 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Horror, Events, in-game, News items, The Secret World Beta weekends are all the rage these days, and now Funcom is getting in on the action. The studio has announced that its upcoming fantasy-horror MMO, The Secret World, will be the subject of a series of weekend beta tests, the first of which is beginning this weekend. From Friday until Sunday, players who were lucky enough to get their hands on beta keys via preorders or giveaways will be able to jump into the boots of a Templar initiate. After undergoing the proper procedures for joining the less-than-secretive secret organization, players will be whisked away to Solomon Island, New England, where they will be tasked with finding the source of the ancient evil threatening Kingsmouth. The full details of the beta weekend, including a handy-dandy FAQ, can be found over at The Secret World's official site.
The Soapbox: There is no gamer community Posted: 08 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Soapbox, Miscellaneous Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column.Some of our younger readers may not remember this, but a time existed when video games were not ubiquitous. Having a game console in your house was somewhat unusual, having a computer that could run games was also not a given, and being someone who played games meant you were part of a group. Sure, there were people who just played an occasional video game, but by and large, we were a single community. We were gamers. That was then, however, a world that existed in the wake of the '83 crash, one that thrived on limited technology and divided groups. I think in the years since then, we've witnessed the very idea dissolve, to the point that we don't currently have a gamer community. And I'd even go so far as to say that part of the bitterness between various groups of gamers is due to the fact that the community no longer exists. Continue reading The Soapbox: There is no gamer community
CCP launching EVE Online drop pod into the stratosphere tomorrow Posted: 08 May 2012 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, EVE Online, Culture, Events, real-world, News items, Sandbox EVE Online players are well-accustomed to flitting about the depths of space in internet spaceships, but tomorrow, CCP Games will be taking its first jaunt into real-life space with the launch of a high-altitude balloon from just north of CCP headquarters. The balloon will carry a replica EVE pod (pictured above) containing the names of EVE Online players high into Earth's stratosphere before landing (hopefully) in the middle of Kleifarvatn, a lake on the Rekhjanes peninsula in Iceland. Iceland Telecom will be providing a live video feed and GPS tracking of the balloon, and three HD cameras aboard the balloon will allow fans to view the entirety of the balloon's journey after the pod is recovered (by the Icelandic Coast Guard, no less). For the full details and links to the live video stream and GPS tracking, just head on over to the official announcement at EVE Insider.
Fallen Earth's May State of the Game letter showcases new Foothills PvP zone Posted: 08 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Fallen Earth, Patches, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Post-Apocalyptic, Sandbox Roamers of Fallen Earth's post-apocalyptic Grand Canyon province have long been awaiting the final release of the game's Global Territory Control update. Thankfully, the wait is almost over. But meanwhile, today's GamersFirst dev blog post aims to shed some light on some of the latest additions to the system. The spotlight of the post is set on the new PvP conflict area known as The Foothills. The zone is an abandoned settlement situated between Los Alamos and Citadel that "never quite made it." As a result, the various factions of Fallen Earth have taken to fighting for control of the area in order to further solidify their foothold in the region. The Global Territory Control patch is set to go live next Wednesday, so keep an eye on the official dev blog for more details as the update gets closer to launch.
Analyst: SWTOR caused Dragon Age III delay Posted: 08 May 2012 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, Star Wars: The Old Republic There's been a lot of discussion following the recent EA earnings report in which the company announced that Star Wars: The Old Republic has 1.3 million subscribers, down from its previous 1.7 million mark. We've heard from the fans, the critics, and the studio itself -- now it's time for the analysts to contribute their side of the conversation. According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, EA's investment in SWTOR has caused a delay in other projects at BioWare, particularly in Dragon Age III's case.The analyst noted that Dragon Age III's expected release window was delayed, and he says this is due to the enormous undertaking of SWTOR. "We believe that a significant portion of the BioWare team responsible for the game was reassigned to Star Wars in order to create content and fix bugs to keep the game's audience engaged," Pachter said. Delay or no, Pachter is upbeat about EA's future, especially in light of the earnings report's news that the company turned a profit. He says that the company will continue to grow, make money, and be a good bet for investors.
Flameseeker Chronicles: Five things to love about Lion's Arch Posted: 08 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Video, Previews, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles, Family, Guides, Livestream Lion's Arch, the quintessential Tyrian player hub, has undergone quite the extensive renovation for Guild Wars 2. As a special treat for the last beta weekend, the city was made explorable to players for the first time -- and what a treat it was! After the Rise of Orr and the accompanying land shift, Lion's Arch as we knew and loved it in the original Guild Wars was flooded. It has been raised anew, very near the first city, and stands as a monument to piracy, desperation, and inter-species cooperation (not, perhaps, in that order).So what makes Lion's Arch awesome? It's one of six huge cities that are the thriving populatiion centers of Tyria as we find it in Guild Wars 2, and since it doesn't have one single race to lend it culture and purpose, you can bet it had better be pretty special. Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: Five things to love about Lion's Arch
The Joker returns to DC Universe Online in upcoming DLC, The Last Laugh Posted: 08 May 2012 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Previews, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, DC Universe Online DC Universe Online players, prepare yourselves: The Joker's back, and he wants to put a smile on your face. The Clown Prince of Crime is making his grand return to DCUO in the game's upcoming DLC pack, The Last Laugh. Not to be confused with the renowned crossover comic story arc, DCUO's The Last Laugh "will pit players against each other in high-intensity multiplayer brawls, feature an all-new weapon, and introduce new Light-Powered Legends PvP characters." The new weapon in question isn't much of a weapon at all, but if Captain America has taught us anything, it's that even a shield can be lethal in the right hands. Now players will be able to slam, bash, and wank to their hearts' content with the new shield weapon type. And players will need every trick they can get to succeed in the new Safe House Battles, which are 4v4 PvP brawls that involve players invading one anothers' safe houses in order to complete a number of objectives. So much for safe houses being... well, safe. Players thirsting for larger-scale combat will be at home in the new Headquarter Battles, which see eight heroes squaring off against eight villains as they try to take control of the Hall of Doom and the Watchtower, respectively. And finally, the game's first light-powered Legend characters will be making an appearance in The Last Laugh, allowing players to take control of the Green Lanterns' Kilowog and Sinestro Corps' Amon Sur. The Last Laugh will be available in June for free to Legendary members and for purchase on the market for Free and Premium players. For the full details, check out the official announcement at the DCUO site.
The Repopulation's end-of-April update includes genetic engineering, bug fixes, and lore updates Posted: 08 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, News items, Sandbox Last month, we got our first look at the gameplay of Above and Beyond Technologies' upcoming sandbox title, The Repopulation. Today, the studio released its end-of-April 2012 update notes for the game, giving players a look at the ongoing tweaks and changes being made as Above and Beyond slowly ramps up to the beta stage. For the most part, the notes are your standard patch note fare: bug fixes, quality-of-life improvements, some UI tweaks, and so forth. But there are a couple of gems that stand out among the rest. For instance, players with the Genetic Engineering skill can do some gene-splicing to create their own unique pets. Currently there are 40 different hybrid and pure-species pets that can be genetically engineered, so the mad scientists in the crowd should have many options when it comes to playing God. The site's lore and bestiary sections have also been updated for the lore junkies out there. The full, rather expansive April update notes can be found on The Repopulation's official site, so if you're interested in all of the minutiae, just head on over there and check it out. [Thanks to Halldorr for the tip!]
Massively Speaking Episode 200: Bicentennial! Posted: 08 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Podcasts, News items, Opinion, Massively Meta, Massively Speaking, Miscellaneous, The Elder Scrolls Online Massively Speaking Episode 200 is a nice round number, and people are supposed to celebrate those, right? Join us for a Very Special Episode, during which Shawn joins Justin and Bree to reminisce about the past, talk about the behind-the-scenes activities on the site, and drop a Tabula Rasa reference or two.Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to We may just read your email on the air! Get the podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to Massively Speaking directly in iTunes. [RSS] Add Massively Speaking to your RSS aggregator. [MP3] Download the MP3 directly. Listen here on the page: Read below the cut for the full show notes. Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 200: Bicentennial!
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