World of Tanks Rolls Out Update 7.4 Posted: 23 May 2012 02:47 PM PDT has announced the launch of Update 7.4 for World of Tanks. The update introduces two new game modes: Encounter Battle (two sides fight over one base) and Assault (attackers with better combat abilities facing off against the defenders). Two new maps also make their debut: Wide Park and Airfield. In addition, the French tech three has expanded with two armory lines: seven long range SPGs (Renault BS, Lorraine 39 L AM, AMX 105 AM, AMX-13 F3 AM, Lorraine 155 (50), Lorraine 155 (51), Bat. Chatillon 155) and eight new tank destroyers (Renault FT AC, Renault UE 57, Somua Sau 40, S 35 CA, ARL V 39, AMX AC de 100, AMX AC de 120, AMX 50 Foch.) Also introduced are two new premium combat vehicles, the IS 6 (tier VIII) and the German Jagdtiger (tier VIII). Wargaming also publishes World of Warplanes. World of Tanks “AMX 50 Foch” Gameplay Screenshot Source: Update 7.4 for World of Tanks Presents New Game Modes, Maps and Combat Vehicles 23rd May 2012 —, the award-winning global videogame publisher and developer, announced today Update 7.4 for their distinguished free-to-play MMO World of Tanks introducing a wide range of new gameplay features. The key innovation of the update is the introduction of two new game modes – Encounter Battle and Assault. The Encounter Battle mode invites two sides to fight for one base. The Assault sets the players in the roles of attackers and defenders where the former have superior combat capabilities. "With the current version we are proud to introduce two unique game modes, which could be really exciting and challenging for those who prefer complicated combat assignments", noted Mike Zhivets, producer of World of Tanks project. "The fans of French armored vehicles will also be pleasantly surprised with a rich collection of long range SPGs and tank destroyers, which definitely will make the game more tactically oriented and strategically planned." The game's French tech tree armory is significantly strengthened with two new armory lines. Seven French long range SPGs including Renault BS, Lorraine 39 L AM, AMX 105 AM, AMX-13 F3 AM, Lorraine 155 (50), Lorraine 155 (51), Bat. Chatillon 155 will please amateurs of thoughtful combat decisions and slow-pace military ground action. Update 7.4 is also intended to challenge the tankers by introducing eight new French tank destroyers: Renault FT AC, Renault UE 57, Somua Sau 40, S 35 CA, ARL V 39, AMX AC de 100, AMX AC de 120, AMX 50 Foch, capable to induce serious damage and cause problems to the existing vehicles in the game. Along with the French tech tree expansion, the update presents gamers with serious reinforcements in terms of long anticipated new premium combat vehicles – Soviet made heavy tank IS 6 (tier VIII) and German Jagdtiger, also called JagdTiger mit 8.8cm KwK 43 L/71 (tier VIII). Two more new maps are awaiting the gamers in the update. The first one called Wide Park invites to fight among the half ruined buildings and park location of a badly burned German town. Bums of heavies will have lots of joy by planning deadly ambushes in the dense labyrinth made of the ruins and numerous trees using them as excellent cover opportunities for assault. The second map Airfield takes the players away to the airfield somewhere in the North Africa. The location is decorated with antique ruined antique temples, palm trees and beautiful Mediterranean Sea sights. Rocky hills provide excellent shooting points for those who prefer "high ground" strategy. World of Tanks is the first and the only team-based, massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, the Soviet Union, and France, carefully detailed with historical accuracy. A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrades and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game. Whether you prefer to exhaust your foes with fast and maneuverable light tanks, make deep breaches in enemy lines with all-purpose medium tanks, use the force of giant tanks to eliminate opposing armored forces, or become a heavy sniper with long-range howitzers, each unit type has its own advantages and can be extremely effective when operated by a true tank ace. But being a great tank commander alone isn't enough to win! In World of Tanks, it's all about teamwork. Victory is achieved by combining your combat skills with those of the other members of your team, each playing their own role on the battlefield. Just add your favorite strategy to build your own steel empire and manifest the indisputable authority of the tank power! |
Digimon Masters Unleashes First Summer Update Posted: 23 May 2012 12:33 PM PDT Joymax has launched the first summer update for Digimon Masters Online. The update introduces several new Digimon, including Ropemon, Starmon, Wormmon, TyrantKabuterimon, and AncientTroiamon. A series of events give players gift packs for catching new Digimon; introduce daily quests; and let players have a chance to earn Mercenary Eggs for several Digimon. Players can also boosts to experience: 100% EXP during weekdays and 200% EXP boost during the weekends until June 19. Joymax also publishes Silkroad Online and Karma Online. Digimon Masters Gameplay Screenshot Source: UNLEASH A NEW LEVEL OF POWER IN DIGIMON MASTERS Two New Burst Mode Digimons And Three Mercenaries Arrive Seoul, Korea–May 23, 2012— Joymax, leading online game developer and publisher, announced today the launch of their first summer update for the wildly popular online massive multiplayer title, Digimon Masters. A fantastic universe where our world and the Digital World are closer than anyone would have imagined is about to change in ways never expected! Digimon Masters continues the story and heightened sense of urgency found in the Digimon anime. With a massive five new Digimon, and a slew of events for current and returning players, all tamers should immediately dash over the Joymax portal at A slew of new Digimon have arrived to strengthen the DATS team! New Mercenaries will also be joining the ranks, including Ropemon, Starmon, and Wormmon. Two new burst mode digimons have also emerged: TyrantKabuterimon, and AncientTroiamon are now available to the lucky tamers who own Tentomon, and Palmon. With the recent addition of Dracomon Blue and Dracomon Green as rare drops, there’s never been a better time to create a killer team. Train your new team with 100% EXP during weekdays and a massive 200% EXP boost during the weekends from now until June 19th. Also arriving are a variety of events for active characters. Current users have the opportunity to catch a new Digimon and be rewarded with a gift pack including Star Fragments and Evoluters. Daily quests are also now available, where players can perform favors for the DATS NPCs to gain a variety of rewards. Collect pieces of rope, star fragments, and leaves to exchange for lucrative rewards, including Mercenary Eggs for Tentomon, Gabumon, Salamon, and more! Digimon are well known all over the globe as part of the famous Japanese TV animation series. Digimon Masters is the first ever 3D online game based on the Digimon universe with more than 1,000 characters featured from seasons 1 through 5 of the series. Not only is it faithful to the art design, Digimon Masters closely follows the original story that will satisfy both loyal fans of the series as well as the average gamer. The game seamlessly combines pet training simulation with role-playing elements to deliver a one of a kind gaming experience. Featuring real-time combat, Gamers will be thrilled with the challenges brought forth by real-time combat which requires quick thinking and good reflexes. Players can also become one of 8 Royal Knights. Royal Knights are Digimon who are in charge of each area in the Digital World. Leaders of a guild that conquers one of these areas can become a Royal Knight who has the right to impose taxes along with other perks and obligations. To get the latest information and regular contests for amazing prizes, players are encouraged to follow the official Facebook page at Players can also check out more details at |
Star Supremacy Now On Aeria Games Posted: 23 May 2012 11:59 AM PDT Star Supremacy, originally published by Barbily (and now LeKool), has now launched on Aeria Games. Star Supremacy features strategic 2D space combat. Balancing internal strategy with warfare, players can choose from one of three factions (Seekers, Altrairians, and UEO) to conquer the galaxies. Players are promised with constant choices and challenges throughout the game to feel their impact in the world. You can find out more about the game on our Star Supremacy page. Aeria Games also publishes Crystal Saga and Golden Age. Star Supremacy Gameplay Screenshot Source: Aeria Games Launches Stunning Browser-Based MMORTS, Star Supremacy Popular Free-to-Play Game Brings New Space Combat and Colony Building Experience to Browsers SANTA CLARA, Calif. – May 23, 2012 – The excitement and challenge of exploring the uncharted frontiers of space while blasting opponents in heated battles comes to web browsers with the sci-fi themed Star Supremacy. Aeria Games, a leading global publisher of free-to-play online games, announced today the launch of the new browser-based massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. Star Supremacy offers immersive real-time strategy (RTS) gameplay, challenging players to both build and protect their fledgling colonies from hostile forces. Featuring vibrant 2D graphics in both planetary and space environments, Star Supremacy balances the tasks of building structures, amassing a huge and powerful fleet of warships, and strategically using that fleet to decimate opposing forces. Players can choose from three unique factions, each with their own distinct strengths. The Seekers are an easily accessible faction and excel at fast construction and expansion with bonus building speed. The Altairians are a strong defensive race that also harvests resources very efficiently. The third faction, the UEO, offers boosts to weaponry and has access to the strongest ship in the game—the Battleship—for a strong military presence. Combat in Star Supremacy is not only strategic, but also interactive, allowing the player to control which fleets engage the enemy and when they use their special abilities. Players can also choose whether to raid resource nodes for a one-time haul or capture them and create a trade route. Likewise, attacking enemy colonies involves either stealing resources through a small assault or obliterating the colony with an all-out attack. The many choices that players make will directly affect the outcome of combat and ensure that warfare in Star Supremacy is a dynamic and highly strategic affair. Star Supremacy is entirely browser-based and does not require a download, and like all Aeria Games titles, it is free-to-play. Players can register and begin their domination of the galaxy today at
Aeria Games Launches Stunning Browser-Based MMORTS, Star Supremacy Popular Free-to-Play Game Brings New Space Combat and Colony Building Experience to Browsers SANTA CLARA, Calif.– May 23, 2012 – The excitement and challenge of exploring the uncharted frontiers of space while blasting opponents in heated battles comes to web browsers with the sci-fi themed Star Supremacy. Aeria Games, a leading global publisher of free-to-play online games, announced today the launch of the new browser-based massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. Star Supremacy offers immersive real-time strategy (RTS) gameplay, challenging players to both build and protect their fledgling colonies from hostile forces. Featuring vibrant 2D graphics in both planetary and space environments, Star Supremacy balances the tasks of building structures, amassing a huge and powerful fleet of warships, and strategically using that fleet to decimate opposing forces. Players can choose from three unique factions, each with their own distinct strengths.The Seekers are an easily accessible faction and excel at fast construction and expansion with bonus building speed. The Altairians are a strong defensive race that also harvests resources very efficiently. The third faction, the UEO, offers boosts to weaponry and has access to the strongest ship in the game—the Battleship—for a strong military presence. Combat in Star Supremacy is not only strategic, but also interactive, allowing the player to control which fleets engage the enemy and when they use their special abilities. Players can also choose whether to raid resource nodes for a one-time haul or capture them and create a trade route. Likewise, attacking enemy colonies involves either stealing resources through a small assault or obliterating the colony with an all-out attack.The many choices that players make will directly affect the outcome of combat and ensure that warfare in Star Supremacy is a dynamic and highly strategic affair. Star Supremacy is entirely browser-based and does not require a download, and like all Aeria Games titles, it is free-to-play. Players can register and begin their domination of the galaxy today at |
Insightsoft Announces Vampire Lord Online Posted: 23 May 2012 11:28 AM PDT Taiwanese developer Insightsoft Entertainment has announced Vampire Lord Online. Vampire Lord Online features a vampire-themed setting, where players take on the immortal bloodlines in search for missing human memories. The game promises to combine role-playing with strategy, eliminating traditional classes, and explore a series of stories examining the secrets of life and death. Vampire Lord Online Trailer Source: Insightsoft Overturns Traditional Games with Vampire Lord Online Insightsoft Entertainment, developer of online games in Taiwan, announced a brand new animated MMORPG: Vampire Lord Online. This game will lead players into a whole new world of vampires. Players will become part of the immortal bloodlines whose mission is to overturn the ancient fate and look for missing human memories. Vampire Lord is free to play and combines the role-playing with the strategy management. It integrates the popular vampire story of the movie, the fiction and the animation into the western fantasy background. In this game, players get rid of the traditional classes but will become handsome, beautiful and elegant vampires who have inherent abilities and eternal missions across the centuries. Even if it's filled with cruel and bloodthirsty atmosphere in the night, the characters insist on the goodness of human nature and believe there is still a narrow hope in the darkness. Vampire Lord satisfies the players' dreams through creative vampire stories. During this long journey, players will meet all kinds of people including the human, the wolf, the dog slave, the serpent, the lizard, other evil bloodlines and so on. Players have to explore the secrets of life and death from the mystery stories. If players want to become the special vampire in the dark world and are interested in Vampire Lord, please pay attention to the official website. |
League of Legends Previews Darius Patch Posted: 23 May 2012 10:52 AM PDT Riot Games has released details for its Darius patch in League of Legends. Summoner’s Rift will get a facelift, updating the map’s look and making it perform better for low settings. The HUD has been rebuilt with frame rate improvement on all settings, plus new visual improvements and the addition of minion kills. Ashe gets a visual upgrade to meet new quality standards. Players will now be more aware of turret damage, as a sound and icon will display when players are targetted by them. Ranked Solo/Duo Queue will only allow unlocked champions (and not the free to play rotation), while solo queue players will get some better chances in Normal Draft when meeting up with premades. Other improvements are also included in the patch, along with the debut of Darius, the Hand of Noxus. This champion (featured in the spotlight below) is an axe-wielding melee fighter with bleeds and devastating attacks. League of Legends Champion Spotlight: Darius, the Hand of Noxus |
Firefall Development Update For May Announces Progression Changes Posted: 22 May 2012 05:48 PM PDT Firefall’s development team at Red 5 Studios has released a new monthly developer update, revealing new plans and changes for the shooter. In a concern about focusing on progression and returning to skill-based combat, the development team has decided to get rid of levels entirely. Instead, players can spend experience on the abilities, weapons, and mechanics of their choice to specialize and progress their characters. This change will also make resource gathering more meaningful as players develop and build out their tech. The system will be built on tiers which will have weight restrictions, that offer meaningful choices about the tech that players put into their frames. These tiers will come in differing weight restrictions, and will also allow for future tiers such as tournament tiers and experimental tiers for specialized combat. Hear all of what the team had to say in the video below! Firefall Development Update: May 2012 |
World of Battles: Morningstar Merges Servers Posted: 22 May 2012 05:22 PM PDT Frogwares has announced a server merge for World of Battles: Morningstar, which recently launched on Steam. The server merge will unite all players into a single battlezone, making it easier to find players and level up clans. Clans from US and European Server 2 will be resettled in the new Beast Folk, Amazon, Barbarian, and Dark Elf Regions without losing their current provinces. As a special bonus, Frogwares is offering a two-for-one bonus for players who purchase Gems at any rate. World of Battles: Morningstar Gameplay Overview Source: World of Battles: Morningstar Celebrates Massive Server Merge with Double Gems Promotion Multiplayer Real-Time Strategy with a War-Gaming Twist, Now on Steam PARIS – May 22, 2012 – Renowned PC developer Frogwares today announced a massive server merge for World of Battles: Morningstar — the free-to-play online real-time strategy game (RTS). Recently launched on Steam, this merge will unite every server into one giant battle zone, making it easier to find opponents and level up your clan. To celebrate, Frogwares are offering a two-for-one promotion to any player who purchases Gems, instantly doubling your investment! The game blends tabletop war gaming with fast RTS action. To see for yourself, check out World of Battles: Morningstar on Steam today! As of today, the Global Map is truly global! Eight of the nine total regions are now open, and clans from every server will be transferred into this one epic battleground. Clans from the US and European Server 2 will be resettled in the new Beast Folk, Amazon, Barbarian and Dark Elf regions, without losing any of their existing provinces. However, the most mysterious and rich region in the center of the Global map will still be hidden by the fog of war. Don't forget to pick up some extra Gems, now available at half price! |
Airmech Posted: 22 May 2012 01:12 PM PDT Airmech allows players to take control of a transforming mech, and pilot it in action filled games. The game offers competitive, cooperative, and solo game modes. Each robot has their own unique abilities available, and can select a number of support units to aid them. Playable directly using Google Chrome, Airmech promises players a game that will leave them wanting more! Publisher: Carbon Games Playerbase: ?? Graphics: Medium Type: MMO EXP Rate: ?? PvP: Team-Based Filesize: N/A Pros: +Action and RTS blending. +Unique units and robots. +Fast-paced gameplay Cons: -Requires Chrome or a download. -Offline play restrictions. -Limited information.
OverviewAirmech OverviewAirmech is an action RTS when you control a transforming mech. The game offers a variety of modes: cooperative, competitive, and solo play are available. Players may also play solo offline, though they will only receive benefit from their first 90 minutes each day. The game can be played directly in Google Chrome, or can be downloaded. The game is constantly added new pilots and units, so players may always find a different experience waiting for them in every game. Airmech ScreenshotsAirmech Featured VideoClick here to view the embedded video. Full ReviewAirmech ReviewComing Soon… ScreenshotsAirmech ScreenshotsComing Soon… VideosAirmech VideosAirMech Teaser Trailer Click here to view the embedded video. LinksAirmech LinksOfficial Game Page System RequirementsAirmech System RequirementsComing soon. . . |
Gamania Announces Core Blaze: The VIP Experience Posted: 22 May 2012 12:41 PM PDT Gamania Digital Entertainment (publishers of Bright Shadow, Lucent Heart, and Divina) have revealed a new private event to showcase Core Blaze. A special gameplay demo was created for the invitation-only VIP Experience, which will take place on June 7th at loftSEVEN in Los Angeles. The preview will let the press see new content, instances, and missions in the changing weather and situational gameplay of Core Blaze. The demo is a result of the positive feedback from the US and European press after seeing Core Blaze in Taiwan at the Gamania Game Show, which encouraged Gamania to push for an English-language version. To get a glimpse of what we saw in Taiwan, check out our Core Blaze Preview from GGS 2011. Core Blaze: The VIP Experience Source: Gamania Announces Core Blaze: The VIP Experience, Thursday, June 7th New action MMO gets first ever hands-on experience in North America at exclusive press eventTAIPEI, Taiwan – May 22, 2012 – Gamania Digital Entertainment Co. Ltd. today announced Core Blaze: The VIP Experience – a private press demo day taking place on Thursday, June 7th, to showcase their open-world, Unreal Engine 3 powered, action MMO game for the first time ever on US soil. In Core Blaze, players define their roles and skillset by equipping weapons, and interacting with and adapting to a dynamic in-game environment. This invitation-only VIP event will bring some of the greatest elements out of Core Blaze and into the real world at loftSEVEN in downtown Los Angeles. A special teaser trailer for the event was released today: A new gameplay demo was created exclusively for the VIP Experience and will give lucky previewers hands-on access to never-before-seen content, like intense multiplayer co-op and battle modes, as well as new instances with new missions and bosses across every corner of the game's vast, vivid world. Following its world premiere at the 2011 Gamania Game Show in Taiwan, Core Blaze received an unexpected amount of positive feedback from US and European press. Taking heed, Gamania promptly expanded their original gameplan and began localization for an English-language version of Core Blaze. Core Blaze: The VIP Experience will give reporters a break from the busy show floor, as they relax in plush demo pods and become fully immersed in their ever-changing surroundings. Appointments may be limited, but Gamania is coming in full force –- the venue will be transformed beyond belief, designed to reflect in-game aesthetics like changing weather patterns and situational gameplay. The event will also feature a Core Blaze concept art gallery, cosplay, cocktails, finger foods, gigantic weaponry and other undisclosed forms of awesome, with transportation provided from the Los Angeles Convention Center (or downtown hotels) to loftSEVEN for all registered attendees. |
Little Space Heroes Posted: 22 May 2012 12:25 PM PDT Little Space Heroes is an MMO designed for children under 12. When an evil robot steals all the glows in the galaxy, Ace and his pals Kira, Sparky, Krill, and Zed invite you to become a cadet and master the use of your Bubble Blaster, Jetpack, and Starjet in order to find the robot and bring back all the Glows to the galaxy! Parents will appreciate the safe, fun, and educational nature of the game as well. Publisher: Bubble Gum Interactive Playerbase: ?? Graphics: Medium Type: MMORPG EXP Rate: ?? PvP: No Filesize: N/A Pros: +Family friendly. +Interactive games and events. +Lots of things for children to do. Cons: -May not appeal to older gamers. -Premium account required for certain things. -Limited information.
OverviewLittle Space Heroes OverviewLittle Space Heroes allows children 6-12 to explore a galaxy full of surprise. Players will need to learn how to use their bubble blaster, their jetpack, and their starjet, and travel across worlds, making new friends and searching for the Glows. The game offers quest based progression, along with badges to show off to your friends. Challenge your friends as well in races and minigames, to encourage healthy, friendly competition. All of these activities can be done for free. Little Space Heroes ScreenshotsLittle Space Heroes Featured VideoClick here to view the embedded video. Full ReviewLittle Space Heroes ReviewComing Soon… ScreenshotsLittle Space Heroes ScreenshotsComing Soon… VideosLittle Space Heroes VideosLittle Space Heroes Official Trailer Click here to view the embedded video. LinksLittle Space Heroes LinksOfficial Game Page System RequirementsLittle Space Heroes System RequirementsComing soon. . . |