


Rift: Infernal Dawn

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 12:33 PM PDT

Infernal Dawn

Caedryn the Dwarf is still plugging away in Rift but with a whole new set of objectives with the arrival of the v1.8 "Infernal Dawn" update. See what he's discovered and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

City of Heroes: Saturday Marks 8 Years of Super Hero Glory

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 11:06 AM PDT

Saturday Marks 8 Years of Super Hero Glory

Paragon Studios is proudly announcing that City of Heroes will officially turn eight years old on Saturday, April 28th. To illustrate how far the game has come, the team has posted a pair of videos. Check them out!

TERA: Head Start Weekend Begins Saturday

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 10:52 AM PDT

Head Start Weekend Begins Saturday

While TERA doesn't officially launch until May 1st, players who preordered the game will see their journey begin starting Saturday, April 28th. Beginning at 8:00 a.m. PDT, players can log into TERA servers and begin playing.

General: RTSGuru.com | Novus Aeterno - An Ambitious MMORTS Rising

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 10:06 AM PDT

RTSGuru.com | Novus Aeterno - An Ambitious MMORTS Rising

Novus Aeterno, an independently developed MMORTS is aiming high with its impressive list of features. Find out about the game and just why it might be a significant step in the genre. Find out more at RTSGuru.com.

Guild Wars 2: NA Digital Editions Sell Out

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 09:10 AM PDT

NA Digital Editions Sell Out

The Guild Wars 2 Facebook page has been updated with the news that all keys for the digital edition of the game in North America have been sold. According to the post, the number of keys available was limited to ensure that participants would have a smooth, lag-free experience.

Iris Online: Lost Temple of Atlantis Update Live

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 08:54 AM PDT

Lost Temple of Atlantis Update Live

Iris Online players will want to head into the game to check out the latest Lost Temple of Atlantis update. The patch includes new zones, new items, new quests, a level cap increase to 75, and the Lost Temple of Atlantis dungeon.

Brick-Force: Open Beta Event Arrives

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 08:49 AM PDT

Open Beta Event Arrives

Brick-Force players have all been gifted a special code to share with unlimited numbers of friends who want to get into the sandbox shooter to check it out for themselves. This is the first open beta type event for the game currently in development by Infernum Games.

Divina: Closed Beta Preview

Posted: 26 Apr 2012 11:53 PM PDT

Closed Beta Preview

We recently had a chance to check out Gamania's upcoming free-to-play MMO, Divina, and today we're delivering our full report.

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