WoW: Patch 4.3.4 Notes Posted: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.3.4 is now available on all realms. Below you'll find the official patch notes.  |
WoW: Patch 4.3 Hotfixes - April 17 Posted: Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight.  |
Korea DN Test Server - Dawn of T4 Era: Cleric Skill Changes Posted: The full data will probably be release tomorrow night. Just a quick preview on important skills. The following data is extracted from KDN test server client v1.0 by Duowan.  |
EverQuest Boasts F2P Success with a New Recap Video Posted: In celebration of its 13th anniversary, Sony Online Entertainment had turned the game into a free-to-play model last month. Today, SOE has released a brand new video alled "EverQuest: A Living Legend" which takes a look back at how EverQuest has evloved during the past 13 years.  |
Korean Supreme Court Confirms Guilty Verdict in TERA Criminal Trial Posted: The high court case between NCsoft and Bluehole Studio is coming up soon. The civil case for damages leaded by NCSoft. NCSoft claim damages of USD 5.7 million against Bluehole Studios, the developer of TERA.  |
Diablo 3 Closed Beta to End on May 1st Posted: Diablo 3's beta will end on May 1, 2012, announced by Blizzard. The developer just added about 275,000 testers into the game last week and there aren't too much time left if you are still waiting for an invitation.  |
Dungeon Empires Review Posted: Dungeon Empires is a turn based dungeon crawler with dungeon building elements. In this game you are prompted to create a hero from one of three classes, the typical trinity of fantasy classes are availible. The heavy hitting, heavily armored fighting class.  |
Last Chaos Developer Warns Against Pirate Servers! Posted: Barunson Games, the developer behind Last Chaos, warns against using pirated software on unlicensed servers. The developers advise that a long-term game experience can only be ensured on official servers. International licensing partners are selected very carefully.  |
RIFT 1.8 Infernal Dawn Livestream is about Beginning! Posted: Infernal Dawn will soon be upon us and to stoke the fires further we're inviting you to come watch a special first-ever Livestream of Infernal Dawn!  |
MMOSite Interview for the Post-apocalyptic MMO Grimlands Posted: The Fallout MMO may never see the light of day but fortunately, we have Grimlands, the latest post-apocalyptic MMORPG shooter from Gamigo. Today we are very glad to have an exclusive interview with Gamigo, talking about some unique features Grimlands has.  |
ChangYou to Ressusciter the World of Classic Fantasy MMORPG Shadowbane Posted: A the end of ChangYou media event, ChangYou vice president revealed that the company had acquired the intellectual property rights and source code to Shadowbane with the intent of developing a new version of the game, which would be titled World of Shadowbane. This game has been developed over one year.  |
Tribes Ascend First Impressions Posted: Whats up gamers im your host Zach Sharpes here with my First Impressions (Realistically a review) of Tribes Ascend, a F2P TPS/FPS Shooter developed by Hi Rez Studios. Tribes Ascend is a very fast paced and unique shooter that features Skiing, Rocket Boosters, and very cool scenery.  |
Highest F2P Playerbase MMORPGs ATM! Posted: Ok here are the Top playerbase games ( they not sorted by Population ) (no Asia Versions). Forgot a game? if yes, Let me know to Update the List.  |