Here's a Fantastic Imagination of how Google Glasses Will Change Gaming Posted: restless fans have already begun to imagine how Google glasses will change their life. For gaming, the one below is a little bit daydreamy but quite awesome.  |
WoW 5.0 Dungeon: Mogu'shan Palace Update Posted: Mogu'shan Palace is one of the new dungeons introduced in Mists of Pandaria, you might remember it from our first wave of dungeon previews. As you can see, Blizzard made a lot of progress and the dungeon is starting to look really good.  |
TERA: Showtime of High Elves Posted: TERA offers us their fourth race spotlight video, this time showing off the twisted world of High Elves.  |
En Masse: Recap of Players' Achievements in 5 TERA CBTs Posted: TERA's official launch is scheduled to start on May 1st. To get the official launch well prepared, En Masse Entertainment has held five closed beta tests in five weekends between February 10th and April 8th, exposing tens of thousands of players to TERA's rich and vivid world.  |
How Many Dungeon-based Games have You Played? Posted: There are many announcements of new dungeon-based games recently, just wanna know how many this type of games that most of us have played, and what are they? Is there any difference between the type of games for you?  |
WoW Art Gallery: Vindicator Borovon Posted: Blizzard have updated the Trading Card Game art gallery to feature ten new pieces. Each image is taken directly from the official World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. Be sure to give a shout-out to your favorite pieces in the comments.  |
SWTOR - Free 30 Days and Some People is Mad! Posted: Hey peeps, it has come to my attention that Bioware is giving away 30 free days around the place if you actually have a level 50 character or a level 6 legacy in your account. That is kinda cool when it comes from a game developer but right now I am kinda puzzled because some people is getting mad! Why?  |
MMOsite Exclusive Interview About Upcoming MMORPG RaiderZ Posted: The only major difference between the two versions is the language. However, there may be some very minor differences (such as new item additions) which only appear in RaiderZ North America. With the oncoming beta testing we'll figure out more on what we can do to fine tune everything for our North American audience.  |
WoW 5.0 Battleground Preview: Temple of Kotmogu Posted: Temple of Kotmogu is an upcoming battleground located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The main objective is to hold a ball to earn points for your team. You earn more points the closer you stand to the center, and gain increased levels of the buff.  |
Recommended MMOs in April 2012 Posted: I'm sure that April won't be a boring month for MMO players. First there's April Fool's Day, and next we have PAX East, on top of that, there are some games you will be interested in.  |