WoW Blue Posts: Demonology Direction Posted: Either in the next beta build or the one after that, you will be able to speak to your appropriate class trainer and they can unspec, unglyph or untalent you for a small fee.  |
WoW 5.0 PTR: World Boss Raid - Galleon Posted: Galleon is one of the new World Bosses in Mists of Pandaria, located in the Valley of the Four Winds. He currently spawns a few times a day on the beta servers, and our wonderful livestreamers made an attempt (2:07:48) to defeat him with 80 players that was unsuccessful (down to ~65%)  |
More Perfect Games Make More Foolish Players? Posted: Current games are made more and more perfect than the past ones. Their considerate newbie tutorials help newcomers get familiar to various game controls quickly, improved quest prompts enable players to find obvious marks on the map during the whole process from accepting. Due to all the improvement, do we become more foolish players?  |
Infernum to Bring Brick Force to Life with The Vocal Energy Posted: Infernum will provide a feast for Brick Force players' ears in the next week by inviting an international all-star lineup of voice acting actors to voice Brick Force's different language version.The English version will feature Kerry Shale, a veteran stage and screen actor who has voiced several video game characters.  |
My Hopes and Fears for World vs. World in Guild Wars 2 Posted: I'm a bit of a PvP nut. It's why I got into the MMORPG genre because there's nothing quite satisfying than putting the character you worked hard to develop vs. Someone else's character they have put time and effort in developing. So obviously if you put my favourite activity in MMO's and my most anticipated MMORPG of the century, you have me thinking up plans and crazy idea's before the game is even released!  |