Divina Announced Challenge 72 Beta Event Posted: Starting Friday, April 20, 10:00AM PDT, Divina will kick off the Challenge 72 beta event and those who participate in will receive exclusive items for the next PVP beta.  |
TERA to Celebrate Success in PAX East with a Recap Video Posted: Tera achieved a great success in PAX East this year. Today, En Mass Entertainment releases a recap video of the action-paced demo showed at PAX East and some new contents for players who are not able to attend the show in-person. From the video, we could see the world-class voiceover talent that is present in the world of TERA and the details about never-before-seen Twilight Valley area.  |
Sneak Peak at the The Making of the Collector Edition's GW2 Book Posted: After yesterday's ArenaNet blog post featuring the impressive Rytlock Brimstone figurine, today ArenaNet continues to bring us a look at another important component of Guild Wars 2's Collector's Edition - the 112- page Making of Guild Wars 2 book.  |
WEBZEN Announced The Commence of '2012 C9 Championship Tournament' Posted: Today WEBZEN announced the commence of C9's 'Tournament Registration Test' starting from April 14th to May 4th. During the test, players can manage to take a seat in 'online PvP tournament' that will begin on April 25th by accomplishing an in-game mission first.  |
Father Killed His Three-week-old Son for Crying and Disturbing His Gaming Posted: 20-year-old Jacob David Hartley just confessed to killed his three-week-old baby son last week, simply because the crying child was disturbing him when he playing Xbox 360 games.  |
Spirit Tales Guild Island - A Fun Twist to Conventional Guild Gameplay Posted: Spirit Tales has taken the whole guild tradition in an exciting new direction. Players will have the ability to construct a private zone specifically for their guild to access special buffs and content during open beta.  |
WoW 5.0: Warlock's "Nightmare" Glyph -- Ride on Stream of Fire Posted: This glyph lets you cross water without the services of a stinking death knight. Even cooler, you leave huge streams of fire behind you.  |
Eden Eternal Rolls out a New Server Named Diamond Posted: Aeria Games has launched an all-new server called Diamond for Eden Eternal. The new server will allow even more players to join its already monstrous user base.  |
RIFT 1.8 Guild Finder Step-by-Step Guide Posted: We also know that between new players joining or returning all the time and free character transfers it can be a game in itself to find others to adventure with. Fortunately in RIFT 1.8: Infernal Dawn we've made it easier than ever to find a guild and get back to the action! Whether you're looking for a guild or your guild is looking for more you can connect with other kindred players instantly via the new Guild Finder.  |
Dragon Blade First Storyline Video Released, CBT Coming Soon! Posted: The 3D next-gen MMORPG Dragon Blade of NetEase, which attracted much attention from gamers earlier, released its in-game storyline video today. From the video, we can see Dragon Blade has a grand worldview background and gamers need to play different roles in different civilizations and wage an epic battle by mutual cooperation and bloody fighting.  |
Dragon Nest Lv60 10 Instance Names Leaked Posted: Dragon Nest lv60 instance names were leaked from the Chinese client. It is sure that there will be 10 new instances and a new nest [Professor K Nest] for coming Lv. 60.  |
AION 3.0 Launched, Along with Atreian Atlas Posted: For new players who just join in the world of Atreia and want to know how to level up fast and fly to the new zones as soon as possible, the publisher has prepared for them a huge guide which tells every detail of every quest.  |
Dota 2 Hero One Minute Guide - Silencer Posted: Curse got better damage then his 2nd skill during early game. With low intelligence stat at this period, you couldn't hurt others with it. However, the Curse of the Silent would be significantly annoying not only in solo but group fights as well, and cooperated with your Last Word, Silencer would be pretty dominant. The Glaives of Wisdom would be lethal during late game when you get better stat and items.  |