Unreal 3 Shooter DaVinci Online isn't just Another MMOFPS Posted: Chinese MMO developer and publisher ChangYou released more details for their Unreal Engine 3 MMO shooter DaVinci Online, which is planned to launch in Korea, North America and Europe later this year.  |
A New Dragon Blade Gameplay Trailer Was Revealed Posted: China's number 2 MMO company, NetEase, is not shying away from naming Tencent's upcoming Blade & Soul China as its main competitor. First revealed late in March, Dragon Blade so far has garnered mixed reviews, some claiming it to be a Blade & Soul clone while others managed to picked out small details which differentiate it from the NCsoft-developed title. Nevertheless, I personally feel it is always good the have strong competition. A new Dragon Blade gameplay trailer was revealed just around an hour ago, so do take a look.  |
ArenaNet Highlights Rytlock Figurine in Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition Posted: Just a few hours ago, ArenaNet blog has been update with a post featuring the 'biggest' part of the CE version (aside from the game itself, XD), that is the 10" Rytlock Brimstone figurine.  |
En Masse will Update Instance Dungeon Matcher to TERA Posted: The launch of TERA in the North America will start on May 1st. Recently, En Masse Entertainment announced it would add a instance dungeon matcher to TERA in latest updates so as to provide batter dungeon gameplay for players.  |
Tribes: Ascend New Dev Diary Features New Map and Custom Servers Posted: Hi-Rez Studios' frantic FPS Tribes: Ascend to be released on April 12 and before the coming of tomorrow, Hi-Rez released a Dev Diary video. The video give you a sneak peek at two new features coming within the Release Build.  |
WildStar Introduces New Environment Algoroc Posted: Algoroc is an attractive but dangerous area where abound in blue crystal. Like many places on Nexus, Algoroc is the location of ancient Eldan ruins.  |
WoW 5.0: Monk Challenge Mode Set Preview Posted: Today we have a higher quality preview of the new Monk Challenge Mode set with more angles and the missing belt. The video is available now!  |
SWTOR: Ranked PvP Warzones Failed to Emerge in Patch 1.2 Posted: BioWare announced yesterday that the patch 1.2: Legacy update for Star Wars: The Old Republic will go live tomorrow April 12th but it seems one of the key features, Ranked PvP Warzones is unable to present in this patch.  |
High Res Images of the New War Hero PvP Armor Posted: Hey everyone, I know you guys have being asking for high resolution images of the new War Hero PvP gear ever since you saw those previews I posted. Thankfully, in addition to purchasing them via ranked Warzone Commendations, you can also craft these as empty orange shells! This took me a couple days as I had to level a synthweaver on the PTS. Luckily my alt, who also got transferred (by mistake hehe) is an armormech so I didn't had to level an armormech as well.  |
New MMOs in March 2012 Round up! Posted: As a tipping point of gaming market in Spring, GDC 2012 greeted players in the early March. Did it bring a heap of surprises to you? Countless game companies that enjoyed a good reputation took their latest titles to GDC 2012.  |
Wakfu: The Monk Island Arrives Posted: WAKFU just updated a new conquerable island, the Monk Island. Check out the video to have a sneak peek at what's on earth going on there.  |
FireFall: Shooting Star or Flaming Fail Posted: Finally the time has come for the developers of Red 5 Studios to release the Beta of FireFall from the NDA. During the madness that was PAX East thousands of fans were able to join in and play this amazing game. It should be noted, however, that FireFall is still very much in beta as testing out partial content and specific elements is still under way.  |