MMO Updates |
- Requiem: Momento Mori now streaming to your browser
- DUST 514 dev blog outlines dynamic battlefield mechanics
- Aeria Games announces its new MMORTS, Dragon Crusade
- Grimlands closed beta features new dungeons, crafting revamp, and more
- 'No regrets': Sega defends Phantasy Star Online 2's F2P model
- World of Tanks launches in southeast Asia this week
- SWTOR launching in Middle East and select European countries today
- Champions Online gives you the chance to design an in-game villain
- The Daily Grind: Would you petition the makers of your favorite game?
- Torchlight 2 available for pre-purchase on Steam
- Free for All: New browser-based converts shine light on issues
- A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Eight years of city life
- Cryptic Studios issues security warning in response to database breach
- Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 1.22
- Diablo III cooks up a reveal for the Witch Doctor
- Get lost in TERA's Labyrinth of Terror
- Trion Worlds explains how Defiance will 'co-evolve' in two mediums
- Take a tour of Guild Wars 2's Asuran starting experience... for science!
- Why I Play: Lord of the Rings Online
- Super Hero Squad Online introduces Ant-Man, new Avengers costumes
Requiem: Momento Mori now streaming to your browser Posted: 26 Apr 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Browser Earlier this week we told you about Runes of Magic and its new client-free play option. Gravity Interactive's Requiem: Momento Mori title is following suit, as it's coming to a web browser near you. Like RoM, Requiem is making use of Kalydo's streaming service, which gives users full access to the same servers used by the traditional client application.Requiem originally launched in 2008 and is best known for its mature setting and a monster-spawning mechanic that varies the challenge level based on the in-game time of day. The game also makes use of the Havok Physics Engine to power its "action-packed" 3-D combat. More info on the streaming service and the game proper can be found on the Requiem website. [Source: Gravity Interactive press release]
DUST 514 dev blog outlines dynamic battlefield mechanics Posted: 26 Apr 2012 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, DUST 514, Dev Diaries, Sandbox Most FPS titles feature static mission areas, says CCP's CmdrWang. Over time, players memorize layouts, spawn locations, and objectives because nothing ever changes. Not so in DUST 514, the upcoming EVE Online-based MMOFPS.CCP is bringing its sci-fi sandbox design chops to the shooter space, and the company has broken down its dynamic battlefield concept in a new DUST dev blog. Each DUST planet will be divided into separate districts (which are basically large territories that contain resources and infrastructure needed to control the world). While planetary landscapes remain static, these districts can vary quite a bit from one deployment to the next, based on what has happened in previous engagements and based on player placement decisions in regard to battlefield equipment. Memorizing the maps won't give you a huge advantage, CmdrWang says, because you may find a new choke point or structure clogging up your previous short-cut. Read more about DUST's emergent battlefield play at the official PlayStation blog.
Aeria Games announces its new MMORTS, Dragon Crusade Posted: 26 Apr 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Browser While years have gone by without many entries into the MMORTS genre, the list of contenders is slowly but steadily expanding. Add Dragon Crusade to the list; it's an upcoming free-to-play browser title just announced by Aeria Games. The game will feature six different races, each with its own strengths and weaknesses as well as a unique racial capital. The core of the game, however, isn't meant to simply be your choice of race; it's building an actual kingdom over multiple cities.Kingdoms are meant to add an important strategic resource to the game. Players are responsible for the defense of their cities, forcing a balance between gaining new ground and protecting what's already there. Players will also be granted a variety of different heroes, mounts, and pets, all of which have special development paths to give player forces a unique flair. There's no word yet on when the game will go into general release, but potential players can register for the upcoming closed beta on the official site. [Source: Aeria Games press release]
Grimlands closed beta features new dungeons, crafting revamp, and more Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Classes, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Post-Apocalyptic, Crafting What's better than a post-apocalyptic online shooter? How about a post-apocalyptic online shooter that you don't have to pay for? Free-to-play publisher gamigo is hoping you'll feel that way about Grimlands, which heads to closed beta this week to focus test "technical details such as server stability, optimization of the network code, and new features."The game's first beta build boasts a dozen new dungeons, dynamic weather effects, and vehicles that consume gasoline and feature both weapon and armor mounting capabilities. Oh yeah, there's crafting too, and a player-run economy that includes weaponsmith, armorer, and engineer professions as well as various specializations. Sound interesting? If so, you can register for beta at the official site. [Source: gamigo press release]
'No regrets': Sega defends Phantasy Star Online 2's F2P model Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:15 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Business models, Interviews, Free-to-play Sega has "no regrets" about pursuing an aggressive free-to-play strategy for its upcoming Phantasy Star Online 2, according to series producer Satoshi Sakai. Sakai said that the developers were increasingly disturbed by the trend of F2P models promoting a pay-to-win environment, and decided to make PSO2 more fair to all players."By allowing a well made game like PSO to be accessible [to] more people, we felt that we had a chance to teach people that 'This is what online RPGs are supposed to be like,'" Sakai said. "There is nothing that requires payment that will take away from the intrinsic game experience if they are not purchased." The devs have limited Phantasy Star Online 2's microtransactions to areas that are less likely to see abuse from players willing to trade cash for an in-game advantage over others. These areas include player room upgrades, more storage space, and trading features. Sakai sees Sega as a pioneer in this regard: "I honestly think that Sega is the only maker that is willing to go this far. Even if we fail, if we can get people to say 'They were five years ahead of their time' then I'll have no regrets. I believe that there's meaning in the challenge itself."
World of Tanks launches in southeast Asia this week Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Historical, Real life, Business models, MMO industry, News items, War, Free-to-play, World of Tanks World of Tanks has some gaudy user numbers. Even though MMO companies and PR firms are known for their Hollywood accounting when it comes to player statistics, 24 million users is a lot any way you slice it.It's not enough for, though, so the company is shipping its brand of lobby-based World War II tank action to southeast Asia this week. The game is coming to Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, and it's bringing its arsenal of more than 150 armored vehicles with it. Local support, distribution, marketing, and operational concerns are in the hands of SEA Gaming. World of Tanks originally launched in March of 2011 as the first game in a planned trilogy of World War II-based action titles. [Source: press release]
SWTOR launching in Middle East and select European countries today Posted: 26 Apr 2012 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Launches, MMO industry, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic Star Wars: The Old Republic is finally coming to the Middle East and Europe today. Wait a minute, hasn't the title been on sale in Europe for some time now? Well, yes, but not in countries like Iceland, Bulgaria, Croatia, and a dozen others.BioWare is making a standard and deluxe version of its story-based MMO available both online and via select retailers (the former must be purchased through EA's Origin platform). Subscriptions are available in one-, three-, and six-month varieties. Hit up the official SWTOR website for a full list of countries where you can buy the game. [Thanks to Sgt Barone for the tip!]
Champions Online gives you the chance to design an in-game villain Posted: 26 Apr 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Contests, Free-to-play, Champions Online Let's face it: Super-villains are almost always more interesting than heroes. Give us The Joker, Lex Luthor, or Deadpool any day of the week, and we're happy geeks. So to design a super-villain in Champions Online that will actually go into the game seems like a dream come true.Cryptic is hosting a Design-a-Villain contest wherein players can whip up a fearsome foe of their very own. The top five submissions will make it into the game in the form of Alerts villains that everyone will fight. The top villain will be used in a 10-man Alert while the others will be relegated to other roles in the future. Any players, including free ones, may participate. To do so, you'll need to make an outfit for the villain in the Champions' costume creator, then come up with a name, back story, power set, and minion type. Bring your best game, for you may only enter twice. [Thanks to The Grand Nagus for the tip!]
The Daily Grind: Would you petition the makers of your favorite game? Posted: 26 Apr 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, Opinion, TERA Earlier this week we told you about some nerd rage over the censoring of TERA EU's blood effects. The cuts have angered a sizable portion of the fantasy title's fans (if our tip line and the Frogster forums are an accurate barometer).Some TERA players even went so far as to draft an online petition in an attempt to get Frogster to reverse its decision. My first reaction to this news was the old "first-world problems" meme, but if you've been waiting for a game as long as some fans have been waiting for TERA, last-minute changes can be aggravating. What say you, readers? Have you ever signed (or drafted) a petition to protest a change in your favorite game, and if not, would you?
Torchlight 2 available for pre-purchase on Steam Posted: 25 Apr 2012 08:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Launches, News items With all the buzz around a certain well-known third installment of a franchise, you could be forgiven for momentarily forgetting about Torchlight 2. However, the game is now available for pre-purchase on Steam, which should serve as something of a reminder. The game doesn't yet have a firm release date other than this summer, but you can still drop your $20 and have the game ready to play on launch day.The original Torchlight was hailed by many as the spiritual sequel to Diablo II (and some assumed it would also be the closest we'd ever get to an actual sequel). Torchlight 2 boasts more character customization, more pet customization, improved fishing and pet management, a new set of classes, and of course all of the same hack-and-slash gameplay that the first game featured. If you're a fan of the genre, that third installment likely has your eye for the moment, but you might want to see how the other half lives as well.
Free for All: New browser-based converts shine light on issues Posted: 25 Apr 2012 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Bugs, Game mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-play, Browser, Casual, MMORTS, Free for All, Miscellaneous I recently threw out a prediction that within five years, most of our MMO content will be coming through our browsers. To be more specific, I think that most players in the United States will be enjoying their favorite MMOs within a browser. That can mean several things but does not refer to games like Free Realms, a client-based game that is only signed-into at the browser level. As with any discussion about genres, mechanics or styles in the MMO world, I have to be very specific.It's pretty likely that a very large percentage of the US playerbase is already playing browser-based games. Look at the American market for games like RuneScape, Battlestar Galactica Online, Club Penguin, Drakensang Online, Evony, and Ministry of War and you might just find millions of players. Next we need to consider that there are more games coming into the browser market. This new batch is essentially a group of standard, client-based MMOs that are porting themselves to the browser. I tend to be a little skeptical about some of these in the short-term, for several reasons. Continue reading Free for All: New browser-based converts shine light on issues
A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Eight years of city life Posted: 25 Apr 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, Business models, Culture, Opinion, Free-to-play, A Mild-Mannered Reporter There are some things that were broken this year in City of Heroes beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then there were things that weren't necessarily broken depending on whom you asked. But one thing has been broken absolutely and completely: my format for these retrospectives.See, from one point of view, this was a content-light year. I mean, we had two new issues and that's it. On the other hand, one of those was the launch of City of Heroes Freedom, and the result has been a steady stream of partial updates, minor improvements, new installments in the signature story arc, and so on. In previous years, going issue-by-issue worked as a way to look back over the course of the year, but it just doesn't work any longer. But then, it's not supremely necessary. There are three big things that have defined the game for the past year: Freedom, the Incarnate system, and new toys. So we're going to break the format that doesn't really work and just talk about those in order. Continue reading A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Eight years of city life
Cryptic Studios issues security warning in response to database breach Posted: 25 Apr 2012 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Super-hero, Events, real-world, MMO industry, News items, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play, Champions Online, Miscellaneous Cryptic Studios, purveyor of Champions Online, Star Trek Online, and the upcoming Neverwinter, has just posted an ominous security warning on its official site. Its new security procedures have recently detected that hackers gained unauthorized access to a user database back in December of 2010. According to the studio,The unauthorized access included user account names, handles, and encrypted passwords for those accounts. Even though the passwords were encrypted, it is apparent that the intruder has been able to crack some portion of the passwords in this database. All accounts that we believe were present in the database have had the passwords reset, and customers registered to these accounts have been notified via e-mail of this incident.While Cryptic does not believe additional information (like player names and credit card numbers) was taken, it advises vigilance all the same and warns against phishing scams. We'll keep you posted as we learn more. (Thanks to Geoff for the tip!)
Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 1.22 Posted: 25 Apr 2012 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, News items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV Feel as if the last major Final Fantasy XIV patch just had too much to absorb at once? Well, you're going to be a bit stuck today if that's the case because patch 1.22 has just gone live and brought with it another host of improvements, updates, and changes. The good news is that this patch doesn't contain the same number of system changes as the previous patch, but that's because of the sheer amount of new content included.The patch adds another four ranks to the Grand Companies, another set of quests, the new Garuda battle, the first of the hamlet defense points, and more besides. Players will also be able to obtain new items from crafting, gathering, and victory in the Garuda fight, and they'll be able to see the first hints of what will happen to the world as the era draws to a close. Servers are expected to be back online later tonight, and players will no doubt have plenty to explore once they can log in again. [Thanks to Alex for the tip!]
Diablo III cooks up a reveal for the Witch Doctor Posted: 25 Apr 2012 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Classes, Launches, Previews, News items, Diablo III As the release grows closer, Diablo III continues to serve up new reveals for the game's classes. But the latest revelation is still bringing a lot of secrets along with it. After all, would you really expect the Witch Doctor not to have a few more tricks up his sleeve? Like previous classes, the good doctor gets a video showing off the class style as well as a short story and a more specific class overview.While he's fully capable of dealing straight damage, the Witch Doctor's true talents lie in subtlety and misdirection via curses, confusion, and fear. He also possesses the ability to summon creatures to act as ersatz allies, with giant toads and swarms of flaming bats compensating for his own lack of physical might. If all of this sounds like just your style, you might want to take a look at the video... but even if that's not the case, all Diablo III fans will want to take note of the first announced launch event for the game, with more to follow. Continue reading Diablo III cooks up a reveal for the Witch Doctor
Get lost in TERA's Labyrinth of Terror Posted: 25 Apr 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Previews, News items, TERA, Dungeons TERA is now less than a week away from launch, and fans of the action-flavored MMO are anxiously waiting to set foot in Arborea. Today, En Masse Entertainment has decided to give us a sneak-peek at one of the high-level dungeons those players can expect in their distant futures: the incredibly foreboding Labyrinth of Terror. Insert your own mad-scientist cackling here. The Labyrinth of Terror is the dominion of one of the game's big-bads, Killian, and he apparently has a bit of a thing for homicidal entertainers. Twisted jesters and maniacal musicians are just a preview of the fare you'll sample on your way to the main course of Killian's clown-in-command, who also happens to be responsible for the murder of a prominent Amani commander. Go check out the full features to get a leg-up on Killian's circus of crazy.
Trion Worlds explains how Defiance will 'co-evolve' in two mediums Posted: 25 Apr 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Video, Interviews, Free-to-play, Post-Apocalyptic, Defiance Wondering whether -- or if -- the joint venture of Syfy and Trion Worlds will work in tandem with Defiance? Then you may want to put aside a few minutes to watch the following video that attempts to explain how a TV show and an MMO will work together to create a blended experience for fans."In the past it's always been very difficult to connect television shows, which are always evolving, with video games, which are static," Trion Worlds CEO Lars Buttler states, going on to say that Trion has cracked that code. "In our unique setup, we can do things other people have never dared to try before." Defiance the TV show and Defiance the MMO will, according to Buttler, "literally depend on each other and co-evolve." It may not be heavy on specifics, but it's a fascinating watch nonetheless. Check it out after the jump! Continue reading Trion Worlds explains how Defiance will 'co-evolve' in two mediums
Take a tour of Guild Wars 2's Asuran starting experience... for science! Posted: 25 Apr 2012 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Previews, News items, Guild Wars 2 Hopeful denizens of Tyria are almost certainly gearing up for this weekend's Guild Wars 2 public beta test, but fans of all things mad-science are probably a bit disappointed that the insa-- err, innovative Asura won't be playable this time around. Not to worry, though; the folks over at PC Gamer got an inside look at the first 10 levels of the Asura starting experience for your pleasure. Of course, if there's one thing that fans of the minuscule mad scientists know to expect from the race's crazed experiments, it's that they operate entirely within the realm of Murphy's Law. That of course holds true for the Asura starting experience, which sees players battling against the rebel Asuran Inquest while also dealing with the myriad failed science projects of their compatriots. For some of the highlights of the Asuran introductory story, go check out the full article at PC Gamer.
Why I Play: Lord of the Rings Online Posted: 25 Apr 2012 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, Free-to-play, Why I Play It's confession time, folks. I change MMOs like most people change socks, so while many of my colleagues write about their long-term MMO love and possibly a backup game or two in this column, I'm more inclined to write about four different titles in as many weeks. In fact, by the time you finish reading this, I may well have moved on to something else.That's OK, though, and that's one of the great things about the modern MMO space: There are just so damn many games that there's really no excuse for ever getting bored. And this week's infatuation is Lord of the Rings Online. Continue reading Why I Play: Lord of the Rings Online
Super Hero Squad Online introduces Ant-Man, new Avengers costumes Posted: 25 Apr 2012 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, Family, Super Hero Squad Online Avengers, assemble! In Super Hero Squad Online, that is. The fine folks at Gazillion Entertainment announced today that in order to celebrate the upcoming release of the much-anticipated Avengers film, the latest update to the free-to-play title will allow players to assemble the original Avengers team thanks to the introduction of Ant-Man and a new World-War-II-era costume for Captain America. As comic aficionados know, the original Avengers team (unlike the team featured in the upcoming film) consisted of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Ant-Man, and Wasp. Now that Ant-Man has joined the fray, the entire roster of original Avengers characters is now available in SHSO, and not a second too soon. The mischievous trickster-god Loki is back in business, and it's up to players to protect Baxter Plaza and the fallen remains of Asgard from his destructive antics. So what are you waiting for? Assemble your team and get to work; humanity is depending on you, heroes. [Source: Gazillion Entertainment press release]
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